自古以来,中国不少文人墨客(literati; poets and literary men)喜欢用谐音创作各种有蕴意的(implicative)语句作品,有的含蓄,有的幽默,包括歇后语、谜语、对联(antithetical couplet)、诗词等。
It wont rain as the moon is shining in the clear sky.
The frost will surely come in the evening as the cold wind is blowing and the dew is cold.
2)独览梅花扫腊雪(哆瑞咪发嗦啦西)/细睨山势舞流溪(一二三四五 六七)——此联巧将简谱和数字编成了形容风景的句子,可谓独具匠心。
I alone watch the plum flowers sweeping the snow in the coldest month.
Carefully watch the towering mountains dance the flowing stream.
笔者见到一种英译:Its sunny in the east and raining in the west. / I think its a raining day but actually its sunny. 意思倒是说出来了,但毫无诗意。有人在后面加上了but sunny affection is everywhere,译文大有起色,可惜谐音“晴”“情”构成的双关(pun)荡然无存。苏轼也写过以“晴”谐音“情”的诗句:“回首向来萧瑟处(desolate place),归去,也无风雨也无晴。”
笔者见到一种英译:The silkworm does not stop producing silk till its death / the candle keeps shedding its tears till it burns to ashes / My love for you is just like them / which ends only when I die. 为了表达其含义,译者加了个说明,反而显得画蛇添足(add feet to a snake),把本来婉转的情谊说白了,破坏了其含蓄的表达。下面这版译文显然要好得多:A spring silkworm keeps spinning silk till the day of its death / and a candle goes on giving off light till it turns into ashes. 还有一版译文诗意要浓烈得多,且句末还押韵(rhyme):The silkworm emits silk threads till its breath stops / To ashes burnt, the candle sheds tears to the last drop.
3)《乐府诗集》(The Collection of Poems of Yuefu)中的“西洲曲”(West Islet)是一首有名的恋歌,写一个女子对恋人的思念。诗中的“莲子”即“怜子”,也就是“爱你”之意;“清”谐“情”音,暗寓“爱你的感情如水般清纯忠贞”。下面是该诗节选:“采莲南塘秋,莲花过人头。/低头弄莲子,莲子清如水。/置莲怀袖中,莲心彻底红。”朱自清先生在《荷塘月色》(Moonlight in the Lotus Pond)中引用了其中几句,英译时用的是散文形式:In autumn she went to pick lotus seeds in the south pond, where lotus were taller than her. She bowed to arrange the lotus seeds, which were as clean as the water.不過,笔者更喜欢另一个仍采用诗体格式的译文:Red lotus in the south pond / Were head-high in the fall. / She bowed to pick lotus seeds / That were as green as the water / She tucked in her sleeve the seeds / That had plumules all red.
谐音在散文中也屡见不鲜。王勃的《滕王阁序》(Preface to the Pavilion of the King of Teng)被誉为历代骈文(rhythmical prose characterized by parallelism and ornateness)之首,其中 “落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”一句被誉为千古绝唱(be ranked as a masterpiece throughout the ages)。然而句中的“落霞”被误解了几千年。“落霞”(sunset clouds)是静物,可是“孤鹜”(lone duck)是动物,两者似乎不配对。其实,这里的“落霞”是谐音,指的是一种类似飞蛾(moth)的小昆虫。这一句说的是“零散的飞蛾与孤独的野鸭一同飞翔”。这样解释不但语义顺得多,也比较贴近生活。因为水边本来就多有飞蛾,尤其是傍晚时分,它们会躁动不安(become restless)而乱飞,这时一只野鸭突然飞起,二者映衬在夕阳的剪影下,这一美好的瞬间被王勃抓住记录下来。
《紅楼梦》(A Dream of Red Mansions,也有按《石头记》之名译为The Story of the Stone)中有大量的谐音人名。曹雪芹在这方面倾注了大量心血(devote oneself fanatically;pour much of ones heart into it),将某个人物的性格和其名或字,或几个人的名字联系起来,大有深意。有的暗示了人物的命运,有的则是对故事情节发展的某种隐喻,有的概括了人物性格的某些特点,有的是对人物行事为人的绝妙讽刺,有的是对人物故事的某种暗示(drop a hint)。可谓“谐”得非常巧妙,足见作者的苦心妙思(take pains to produce wonderful thinking)和驾驭文字(master the words)的能力。
甄士隐、贾雨村:“真事隐,假语存”(hide the truth but let falsehood exist)。
妙玉:“庙”中之玉,表明了她的身份,原是出家人(Buddhist monk or nun)。
元春、迎春、探春、惜春四姐妹:一说是“原应叹息”(should have caused people to sigh in pity)的谐音,叹息她们短暂的青春年华;也有红学家认为是“原因探析”(exploration and analysis of the cause)的谐音,探析封建社会衰败、灭亡的原因。
王熙凤:凤为雄性神鸟,喻意凤姐像个才干卓越(outstandingly capable)、犀利锋快(sharp and incisive)的男人。也谐音“枉是凤”,虽然才干出众,也免不了一领草席裹尸丢旷野、女儿差点儿被卖的下场。
贾瑞:“假瑞”,暗示了假的喜兆(false good omen),不但贾瑞死了,接着群芳一个个香消玉殒(pass away)。蔡元培认为,贾瑞就是“假文天祥”,因为贾瑞字“天祥”,而文天祥刚好字“宋瑞”,所以这个人物是用来讥讽那些投降满清的明朝人,暗指他们没骨气(be spineless/chicken-hearted)。
A patty favor should be repaid generously.
One should requite a favor with greater favor.
You dida dida me. Ill huala huala you. □