The Lost Costume泳衣不见了

2020-07-27 16:47馨文
阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2020年5期



Amy and Daniel were going swimming.

They walked to the swimming pool with Mrs. Green.

“I can put on my swimming costume faster than you,” said Amy to Daniel.

“Oh no, you cant,” said Daniel.

But Amy could not find her costume.

Then Mrs. Green looked for Amys costume but she could not find it. It was not in Amys bag.

“Oh Amy,” said Mrs. Green.

“You cant swim today. If you havent got your costume, you cant go into the swimming pool.”

Amy was very sad. She wanted to go swimming.

Amy saw Daniel jumping up and down in the pool.

“Look at me,” he called to Amy.

Amy wished that she could go into the pool too.

Then Mrs. Green gave the children some floats.

Daniel swam with his float.

“Look at me,” he called to Amy.

Amy wished that she could swim too.

Just then Mrs. Green went over to Amy.

“Amy? What is that I can see?” she asked.

Amy looked down.

She had her costume on.

“Oh, Amy,” said Mrs. Green.

“You must have put on your costume at home. It was under your jumper. Now you can go in the pool.”

Amy was very happy.

“Look at me, Daniel,” she laughed.

“Now I can swim too.”

Amy and Daniel jumped up and down in the pool.

Then they swam with the floats.

Mrs. Green blew her whistle.

“You must all get out now,” she said.


put on 穿上(表示動作)

costume戏服(文中swimming costume指泳衣)

look for寻找(强调动作)


jump up and down 上下跳



have sth on 穿着(表示状态),同义词是wear



whistle 口哨

You have put on your trousers over your costume.你把裤子穿在泳裤外面了。

“I can put on my clothes faster than you,” said Daniel to Amy.

“Oh no, you cant,” said Amy.

Amy put on her clothes as fast as she could.

Daniel put on his clothes as fast as he could.

Daniel said to Amy, “I was faster than you.”

Mrs. Green looked at Daniel.

“You were very fast,” she said, “but what is that I can see?”

Daniel looked down. There was his costume.

“Oh Daniel,” said Mrs. Green.

“You have put on your trousers over your costume.”

文中“look for(找,强调动作),find(找到,强调结果)”以及“put on(穿,强调动作),have ... on(穿着,强调状态)”这两组词组已经标出来了,同学们,请你再读一读它们所在的句子,体会其用法的区别,并完成下面的练习。

1. 我在找我的包,但是我找不到。

I am my bag, but I cant it.

2. 他今天穿了耐克。

He his Nike today.

3. 赶快穿上衣服。

your clothes quickly.


1. looking for, find

2. has on/wears

3. Put on

粤传统 粤传承 粤剧戏服手艺传承
戏服制作 因为年轻,才有更多的心力 认真做好一件事