陈莉莉 景永霞
摘 要: 针对原有移动学习平台的资源搜索筛选项不够具体,导致资源查找困难的问题,设计基于深度学习的移动学习平台系统。优化系统硬件结构,合理设置电源域管理芯片模式。基于深度学习,搭建移动学习平台网络框架,解析用户请求数据,细化搜索筛选项,构建移动学习模型,完成基于深度学习的移动学习平台系统设计。实验结果表明,与原有系统相比,设计的基于深度学习的移动学习平台系统,搜索资源时可供参考的筛选项更加具体,得到的资源搜索结果更加精准,优化了用户的使用体验。
关键词: 移动学习平台; 深度学习; 系统设计; 资源搜索; 构建学习模型; 对比验证
中图分类号: TN911?34; TP311.52 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2020)14?0177?03
Design of mobile learning platform based on deep learning
CHEN Lili, JING Yongxia
(Qiongtai Normal University, Haikou 571127, China)
Abstract: In allusion to the lack of specific resource search and screening items on the original mobile learning platform, which leads to the difficulties in resource search, a mobile learning platform system based on deep learning is designed. The hardware structure of the system is optimized, and the mode of power domain management chip is set reasonably. The network framework of mobile learning platform is built based on the deep learning, user request data is analyzed, the search and screening items are refined, the mobile learning model is built, and thus the system design of mobile learning platform based on deep learning is completed. The experimental results show that, in comparison with the original system, the designed mobile learning platform system based on deep learning has more specific screening items for reference when searching resources, more accurate resource search results and can optimize user usage experience.
Keywords: mobile learning platform; deep learning; system design; source search; establish learning model; comparison verification
0 引 言
1 移动学习平台系统硬件设计
1.1 系统硬件总体结构
1.2 电源域管理芯片模式控制
2 移动学习平台系统软件设计