【譯题】 人工智能与教育:北京共识(三)
Recommend Actions for International Organizations and Partners
We RECOMMEND that international organizations and partners active in the field consider implementing the following actions:
Financing, partnership and international cooperation
Monitor and assess the impact of the AI divide and disparities in AI development across countries based on data voluntarily submitted by countries, and be mindful of the risks of polarization between those who have access to AI and those who do not. Reiterate the importance of addressing these concerns, giving special priority to Africa, least developed countries (LDCs), small island developing states (SIDS) and countries affected by conflict and disaster.
Coordinate collective actions to promote the equitable use of AI in education in the context of the global and regional Education 2030 architecture, including through sharing AI technology, programmes and resources for capacity-building, with due respect for human rights and gender equality.
Support forward-looking reviews of frontier issues related to the implications of emerging AI development, and facilitate the exploration of effective strategies and practices for using AI to innovate in education, with an aim towards building an international community with common views on AI and education.
Align international cooperation with national needs for the development and use of AI in education and for cross-sectoral cooperation, in order to enhance ownership of the development of AI technology among AI professionals. Strengthen information sharing and the sharing of promising practices, as well as coordination and complementary actions among countries.
Provide adequate platforms for international exchange of regulatory frameworks, instruments and approaches to AI in education, including through UNESCOs Mobile Learning Week and through other United Nations agencies, and thereby support and benefit from South–South and North–South–South cooperation on leveraging AI for SDG 4.
Create multistakeholder partnerships and mobilize resources to reduce the AI divide and increase investment in the application of AI in education.
Recommend Actions for
the Director-General of UNESCO
We INVITE the Director-General of UNESCO to seek to implement the following actions:
Establish an ‘AI for Education platform to act as a clearinghouse for open-source AI courses, AI tools, examples of AI in education policies, regulatory frameworks and best practices on AI in education, with a view towards promoting the use of AI for SDG 4, supporting debate on the future of education and learning, and making open-source AI resources and courses accessible to all.