王佳杰 王伟 杜星炜 杨武丙 许建平
摘要: 针对目前市场上电烙铁存在送丝不连续、效率低下、质量不稳定、对操作技术要求门槛高等诸多弊端,在通用内热式电烙铁基础上分别设计了具有侧向送丝的电烙铁与后置送丝的电烙铁。侧向自动送丝电烙铁为一体化设计,具有所占空间小、结构紧凑与拆装方便等优点。后置自动送丝电烙铁为两体化设计,该设计实现了焊枪与送丝机构分离,具有结构简单、重量轻、操作便捷等优点。实际焊接效果表明,利用研究设计制作的自动送丝电烙铁对万用板、悬空线路与电路板进行了实际焊接操作,与传统电烙铁焊接相比较,具有送丝稳定、均匀,焊接效率与焊接质量大为提高。研究设计的具有自动送丝功能的电烙铁为实现电烙铁自动化高效焊接提供了一种新型思路。
关键词: 电烙铁; 侧向自动送丝; 后置自动送丝; 调速器控制; 焊接效果
中图分类号:TG 431
Design of electric soldering iron with automatic wire feeding function
Wang Jiajie1 , Wang Wei2, Du Xingwei2, Yang Wubing3, Xu Jianping1
(1. Heilongjiang Institute of Technology, Harbin 150050,Heilongjiang,China;
2. Harbin Fibre Reinforced Plastics Institute Company Limited, Harbin 150036,Heilongjiang,China;
3. Guangdong Huaxing Glass Co., Ltd., Foshan 528000,Guangdong,China)
Abstract: In this paper, to solve the problems of disadvantages, such as discontinuous wire feeding, lower efficiency, unstable quality and higher technical requirements of the traditional electric soldering iron on the market at present, an automatic wire feeding device with side wire feeding mode and postwire feeding mode is designed and developed. The automatic side wire feeding device is integrated and has the advantages of small space, compact structure and convenient disassembly. The automatic postwire feeding device is twobody design, which realizes the separation of welding gun and wire feeding mechanism, and has the advantages of simple structure, light weight and convenient operation. The automatic wire feeding electric soldering iron designed and produced in this study is used for the actual welding of universal board, suspended circuit and circuit board. Compared with the traditional electric soldering iron, it has the advantages of stable and uniform wire feeding, welding efficiency and welding quality are greatly improved. The design of automatic wire feeding device for electric soldering iron provides a new idea for automatic and efficient welding of electric soldering iron in the future.
Key words: electric soldering iron; automatic side wire feeding; automatic postwire feeding; speed governor control; welding effect
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