
2020-06-09 12:02余晓莹
广东教学报·教育综合 2020年18期





细节理解题的解题技巧首先要忠实于阅读材料,扣紧材料来解答。在题干中找出关键词,特别注意名词,动词,形容词等实词或者关键句,再回到原文定位。例如以下第1 、2题均可采用关键词定位法解答。在主旨大意题方面必须要找准主题句。在很多情况下,议论文、说明文都可以通过主题句来归纳出文章的主题。主题句往往比较明显,经常出现在首段、末段或者首句、末句。在第一段中but, however等表示转折的词后往往就是主题句。





本次练习内容:给出一篇阅读理解(摘自《步步高 高考总复习·新课标·英语》61-62页),给学生7- 8分钟时间左右时间做题。

Having effective time management skills means that you are able to employ your time and get a list of things done in an established time frame. When you are able to accomplish all tasks on a list in the given time, you know you have good time management skills. You can see the problems it would cause if the time management skills are lacking or missing all together. There are effects emotionally when we have the feeling of failure, and that we have wasted away a day when we could have been doing something else.

Planning your day to activities can become a lot easier if you keep a planner. You shouldn't plan over 168 hours of your week. Also, remember to take sleeping and eating into account, or other necessary activities. Another good rule is to be realistic about your goals. And if you know a project is going to take you 20 minutes, don't write 15 minutes down.

Employers like to see people who have good time management skills. If an employee doesn't use good time management skills then profits may be lost, and the boss is not likely to be happy with that result. People who do not have good time management skills are usually deemed(相信,認为)lazy and unproductive. If you would like your life to be more productive and more rewarding then you should consider adopting good time management skills. To successfully acquire these skills you need to follow the plans and goals you set for yourself each day. It is not hard to develop good time management skills, but it does take some time. You will need to have discipline to convert old bad habits into positive new ones.

When you use your time effectively then you will find yourself feeling less stress, and having more time in the long run to enjoy your life, and also your work.

1. Having effective time management skills means that        .

A. everything of the day will be done well

B. you can make good use of your time

C. you can have the most wonderful emotional effects

D. you will have no failure in dealing with affairs

2. How can we plan our day easier according to the author?

A. By planning every hour of every day.

B. By planning a longer time for an easy task.

C. Not to consider sleeping and eating.

D. By keeping a planner and being realistic about our goals.

3.The underlined word in the third paragraph means“       ”.

A. rid   B. change   C. throw   D. keep

4. We can learn from the passage that        .

A. people who do not have good time management skills must be lazy

B. a man who has the feeling of failure also has emotional effects

C. it is not easy for people who do not have good time management skills to find a job

D. if you want to have good time management skills you should ignore old habits

5. This passage is most likely to be found in         .

A. a story book B. a geography textbook

C. a research report    D. a travel magazine



第1题: 细节理解题。优先采用关键句定位法。根据题干可以找出首句“Having effective time management skills means that you are able to employ your time and get a list of things done in an established time frame.”即“充分利用时间”。故选B。

第2 题:推理判断题。优先采用关键词定位法。根据题干中的关键词“plan our day”在第二段找到“Planning your day …if you keep a planner.”及“Another good rule is to be realistic about your goals.”可选D。

第3题:词义猜测题。将信息点定位在第三段,找出含有生词的句子。在句子有介词into的提示,以及old bad habits和positive new ones这组反义词,我们不难猜出convert的意思为change.故选B。

第4题:推理判断题。由第一段中“There are effects emotionally when we have the feeling of failure…”可以得出答案B项。

第5 題:主旨归纳题。本文涉及的是“如何合理利用时间”等内容,没有涉及到故事、地理或旅游等内容,排除A、B、D三个选项,选择C项。


