Global anti-pandemic

2020-06-09 12:03:20
China Textile 2020年4期

ITMF recently conducted a second survey (from March 28 to April 6) of its members and its affiliates and associations to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global textile chain. About 700 companies participated in the survey.

The second survey revealed that companies around the world cancelled and postponed orders in large numbers. Globally, the current orders have declined by an average of 31%, ranging from 20% in East Asia to 41% in South America. Companies around the world expect turnover in 2020 to be significantly lower than in 2019. Globally, the turnover in 2020 is expected to be 28% lower than in 2019. Among them, the expected turnover in South Asia will decrease by 15%, while the companies in Africa are expected to decline by 45%.

Earlier, the first ITMF survey (March 13 to 25, 34 companies and 2 national textile associations) showed that companies in all regions of the world suffered a large number of cancellations or delays, and orders fell by an average of 8%. Orders fell from 4% in South America to 13.3% in Africa. The average decline in North America is expected to be 7.5%, and companies in Europe are expected to decline by 17.5%.

It should be noted that a few weeks ago, some areas were not completely affected by the pandemic. The new figures for orders and turnover show the huge impact of this demand shock on the textile industry around the world. The uncertainty of the duration of the crisis has put heavy pressure on the industry.

What should we do ?