
2020-05-25 02:47刘辉祖庆学王松峰杨双剑黄宁仙立国周建云蔡武高宪辉张烨孙福山
中国烟草科学 2020年2期

刘辉 祖庆学 王松峰 杨双剑 黄宁 仙立国 周建云 蔡武 高宪辉 张烨 孙福山

摘  要:為进一步探讨贵阳烟区不同成熟度鲜烟叶素质特点和适宜成熟度特征指标,以云烟87为试验材料,研究了下中上3个部位由低到高3个成熟度鲜烟叶的含水量、色素、主要化学成分,以及烤后烟叶等级结构、化学成分和感官质量的差异。结果表明,不同部位随着成熟度的提高,鲜烟叶片、叶脉和整叶含水量,叶绿素a、叶绿素b、叶绿素、类胡萝卜素含量均呈逐渐降低趋势,类胡萝卜素/叶绿素逐渐增高,且达到显著差异;总糖、还原糖含量逐渐增加,总氮、烟碱、蛋白质含量逐渐降低。从不同成熟度的烤后烟叶等级结构、均价、外观质量、化学成分含量和感官质量综合分析表明,下中上3个部位适宜成熟度为XM2、CM2、BM2,即下部烟适宜成熟度外观指标为叶面60%黄绿色,主脉变白1/3以上;中部烟为叶面70 %黄绿色,主脉变白1/2以上;上部烟为叶面80%黄绿色,主脉变白2/3以上。


Effect of Different Maturity on the Quality Features of Fresh and Cured Tobacco

LIU Hui1,2, ZU Qingxue3, WANG Songfeng1, YANG Shuangjian3, HUANG Ning3, XIAN Liguo1,2,

ZHOU Jianyun3, CAI Wu3, GAO Xianhui4, ZHANG Ye5, SUN Fushan1*

(1. Institute of Tobacco Research of CAAS, Key Laboratory of Tobacco Biology and Processing, Ministry of Agriculture, Qingdao 266101, China; 2. Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China; 3. Guiyang Tobacco Company of Guizhou Province, Guiyang 550001, China; 4. Yunnan Tobacco Leaf Company, Kunming 650000, China; 5. Fujian Tobacco Industry Company, Xiamen 361000, China)

Abstract: In order to explore the quality characteristics of fresh tobacco with different maturity in Guiyang and to reveal indicators for their optimal maturity, using Yunyan 87 as the experimental material, the quality features (water content, pigment and major chemical components) of lower, middle and upper fresh tobaccos with three levels of maturity were investigated. Furthermore, the effects of position and maturity on the quality of cured tobacco were studied. The results showed that with the increase of maturity, the water content of fresh tobacco leaves, veins and whole leaves, as well as the content of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, chlorophyll and carotenoid gradually reduced, while the ratio of carotenoid to chlorophyll significantly increased; the content of total sugar, reducing sugar and the total nitrogen gradually increased while the content of nicotine and protein decreased steadily. The comprehensive analysis of the leaf grade structure, average price, appearance quality, content and coordination of chemical components, as well as the sensory evaluation of the cured tobacco turned out that the appropriate maturity of the lower, middle and upper leaves are XM2, CM2 and BM2, respectively. Specifically, the appearance index for the lower leaves with optimal maturity is 60% yellowish green leaf area and 1/3 white main vein at least; the middle leaves can be harvested with 70% yellowish green leaf area and 1/2 white main vein; the upper leaves with appropriate maturity are those with 80% yellowish green leaf area and 2/3 white main vein at least.

Keywords: flue-cured tobacco; maturity; fresh tobacco quality; flue-cured tobacco quality


1  材料与方法

1.1  供试地点与材料

试验于2018年7月至9月在贵州省贵阳市开阳县龙岗镇进行,供试品种为云烟87,土壤类型为黄壤,肥力中等,行距120 cm,株距50 cm,选取大田管理规范、长势均匀的烟田,选取下部(4~6叶位),中部(9~11叶位),上部(15~17叶位)3个部位烟叶为试验材料。

1.2  试验设计


1.3   测定项目及方法

1.3.1  鲜烟叶片、主脉、整叶含水量测定  鲜烟叶片水分含量的测定采用烘箱法[16],将叶片与叶脉分离,分别称量鲜质量后放置于恒温干燥箱中,在105 ℃下杀青15 min,随后于60 ℃下干燥至恒质量,分别称量干质量,以含水量=[(鲜质量-干质量)/鲜质量]×100%公式计算。

1.3.2  鲜烟色素含量的测定  鲜烟叶色素采用分光光度法,色素含量以每克鲜样含有的毫克数表示。

1.3.3  鲜烟主要化学成分测定  鲜烟经杀青烘干后磨碎,总糖、还原糖按照YC/T 159—2002方法测定,烟碱按照YC/T 160—2002方法测定,总氮按照YC/T 161—2002方法测定,淀粉按照YC/T 216—2007方法测定,蛋白质按照YC/T 249—2008方法测定。

1.3.4  烤后烟质量评价  感官质量评价由山东中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心7位感官评吸专家按照企业感官评价方法进行鉴评。主要指标定性描述包括香韵、劲头和浓度等,定量指标包括香气质(9分)、香气量(9分)、杂气(9分)、余味(9分)、燃烧性(5分)、灰色(5分)。

1.3.5  数据分析  采用Excel 2019进行数据处理,用SAS 9.4进行方差分析。

2   结  果

2.1  不同成熟度对鲜烟素质的影响

2.1.1  不同成熟度对鲜烟含水量的影响  由表2可知,下、中、上3个部位烟叶随着成熟度的提高,其整叶总含水量、叶脉含水量、叶片含水量呈下降趋势,表现为M1>M2>M3。其中鲜烟下、中部叶的不同成熟度间叶片含水量,中、上部叶的不同成熟度间整叶水分含量均呈显著差异。说明随鲜烟成熟度的提高,鲜烟含水量显著减少,下、中、上3个部位均为M2含水量中等。

2.1.2  不同成熟度对鲜烟色素含量的影响  由表3可知,随着成熟度升高,下、中、上3个部位的叶绿素(包含叶绿素a、叶绿素b)、类胡萝卜素含量呈明显的下降趋势,且差异显著,表现为M1>M2>M3,但类胡萝卜素下降的趋势相对叶绿素下降趋势较缓和,故随着同部位成熟度升高,类胡萝卜素/叶绿素比值逐渐升高,且呈显著性差异,表现为M3>M2>M1。下、中、上3个部位均为M2色素含量中等。

2.1.3  不同成熟度对鲜烟化学成分的影响  由表4可知,随着成熟度提高,总糖、还原糖含量呈上升趋势,表现为M3>M2>M1;总氮、烟碱、蛋白质呈下降趋势,表现为M1>M2>M3,下、中、上3个部位均为M2主要化学成分含量中等;淀粉含量大致呈先上升后下降趋势。其中,下部、中部叶的总糖、还原糖、总氮、烟碱含量在不同成熟度间均呈显著性差异。上部叶的还原糖、蛋白質含量在不同成熟度间均呈显著差异。

2.2  不同成熟度对烤后烟等级结构的影响


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作者简介:刘  辉(1993-),在读硕士,研究方向为烟草调制与加工。E-mail:641897544@163.com。*通信作者,E-mail:sunfushan@caas.cn

收稿日期:2019-12-09                     修回日期:2020-02-03
