马兴 郭贵勇
摘 要:介绍了土工布透水性测定仪的工作原理和用途,建立了土工布透水性测定仪校准结果的测量模型,分析了各不确定度分量主要来源,结合测量实例具体数据,对其合成不确定度进行分析评定,对各不确定度分量进行计算并得出合成不确定度和扩展不确定度,最终可得出该项目的校准测量能力,为纺织行业提供的技术支撑。
关键词:土工布透水性测定仪 校准方法 测量 性能影响 不确定度评定
中图分类号:TH871 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2020)03(b)-0242-02
Abstract: This paper introduces the working principle and application of geotextile permeable meter, establishes the measurement model of the calibration results of geotextile permeable meter, analyzes the main sources of each uncertainty component, analyzes and evaluates the synthetic uncertainty combined with the concrete data of the measurement example, calculates each uncertainty component, obtains the synthetic uncertainty and extended uncertainty. Finally, the calibration and measurement ability of the project can be obtained. Overall, this paper can provide strong technical support for textile industry.
Key Words: Geotextile Permeable Meter; Calibration Method; Measurement; Performance Impact; Evaluation of Uncertainty
土工布透水性測定仪,是一款用来检测土工合成材料及相关复合材料在垂直方向水流透过率的测试设备。土工布透水性测定仪是依据GB/T 15789-2016《土工布及其有关产品 无负荷时垂直渗透特性的测定方法》制定的。
1 土工布透水性测定仪的校准
2 土工布透水性测定仪的收集时间测量结果不确定评定
2.4 扩展不确定度的评定
2.5 扩展不确定度的报告与表示
3 结语
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