
2020-04-29 08:51:21刘韡付紫硕田陈

刘韡 付紫硕 田陈





The exact solutions to coupled KdV equations with

variable coefficients by auxiliary equation method

LIU Wei,  FU Zishuo, TIAN Chen

(School of Science, Xi′an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi′an 710055, China)

Abstract: Solving nonlinear evolution equations with variable coefficients is an important field in mathematics, physics, mechanics and many other fields in natural sciences. An auxiliary equation method is proposed, which can be used to solve many kinds of nonlinear evolution equations with constant and variable coefficients. Taking the coupled KdV equations with variable coefficients as an example, a series of new exact solutions are obtained under the condition that only variable coefficients are required to be integrals.

Key words: auxiliary equation method; KdV equations with variable coefficients; exact solution


4 结论

本文创建辅助方程,借助二项微分式的有关性质,应用到含变系数非线性偏微分方程组的求解中。以变系数非线性KdV方程组为例,在对变系数f (t)、g(t)仅要求可积又各自独立的情形下,而未如文献[15]或文献[16]所要求g (t)=c f (t),c为常数,或类似条件,获得一系列新的精确解。本文所创建的方法方便简洁,适用性强,对多种常系数与变系数非线性方程适用,如KP 方程、薛定谔方程等。


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(编 辑 张 欢)