简单并不等于简陋,而是对于生活在更高层次上的理解和把握,是一种生活质量的升华11。 □
Consciously or unconsciously, our life may become burdensome in one way or another. And the reason for that can after all be found in desires, either material or spiritual.
Stuff, gradually accumulated for later use one day in the future, requires mindful care and energy, which may deviate one from the most important thing concerned.
It is said “Life is a long journey” and “Every little thing may become a heavy burden in a trek”. Packing light and constantly getting rid of the superfluous during a journey thus seem always to be desirable.
Stuff being stored for future use (whether it can be useful in future remains uncertain) is actually a kind of consumption in terms of space and time.
Concerning livelihood, it may be less difficult to exist than to live, which requires objective-orientated thought instead of mere physical consumption. Profound and everlasting happiness is in fact drawn not from external and material satisfaction, which can only infuse temporary elation, but from internal and spiritual contentment.
Objectives one sets out to pursue, however, may overwhelm ones life should they be too remote or multiple. In the same way as cleaning a house, we should regularly check and narrow down our personal focus, bearing in mind that it will take a lifetime to accomplish a masterpiece.
As technology advances, we daily receive quite sufficient, if not excessive, information which, we have to realize, is not the same thing as knowledge, and can be disruptive to us if it is oversupplied. One has therefore to be competent in filtering and eliminating information.
It may be a good idea to write down an inventory, listing all your objectives and necessities, meanwhile deleting everything redundant, including unnecessary commitments. You may find that your life is in a better shape: instead of being inconvenienced, you will feel more lively and dynamic.
Having eliminated all those burdens will leave room for tranquility to savor the taste of life, or else ones valuable time may just be wasted on complexity.
Simple is not equivalent to rudimentary; rather, it reflects sublimation where the quality of life has been better understood and managed.
1博士,杭州師范大学外国语学院翻译研究所特聘教授。 2没有译成many a little make a mickle、many small makes a great等,而是结合在前面的“越积越多”里,一同译为gradually accumulated。 3未译成通常的clean up、put in order、clean、disentangle、check up等,而是就“人生旅途”的具体含义,用了get rid of the superfluous。
4这里将“生”(包括“活”)和“生活”分别译为exist和live,类似的,如《21世纪大英汉词典》的例句:Shes not living, shes merely existing.(她不是在过活,只不过是在挨日子。)再如,迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)在《拯救地球》(Heal the World)里的一句歌词“We stop existing / And start living”(我们不再苟活,而开始生活);《圣经》里也有“If you havent known the purpose of life, you arent truly living; youre merely existing”(若没有生活目的,你就不是真正地生活, 而只不过是活着而已)。 5未必分别译成thought and objectives,而不妨整合为objective-orientated thought等。 6不是一般意义上的clear up objectives, 而是就个人所关注的事情(personal focus)而言的,故可check and narrow down。 7未必正译,而不妨与后面的意思合并,反译为it is oversupplied。
8这里指的是推辞那些unnecessary commitments。 9这里是以“人生如旅途”为比喻而用的俗语,不必实译,而可变通为lively and dynamic 等。 10不宜译成一般意义上的confusion、turmoil、disturbance 等,而可对应the simple life,不妨译为complexity。 11未必译成the sublimated quality of life,而可将全句意思融会贯通,综合译出。