[摘要] 目的 在儿科门诊注射室当中实施走动式管理模式,分析其对护理质量的影响。方法 选择2018年1—12月在该院接受儿科门诊注射室治疗的小儿患者120例纳入研究,按照其接受的儿科门诊注射室管理模式的差异分为对照组和研究组,对照组接受的管理模式为常规性质的,研究组则在常规护理的基础上加以走动式管理,将两组在完成诊治后护理满意度进行调查,并评估两组护理质量(医院沟通、技术操作、服务态度、医院环境)。结果 调查以及评估结果表示,研究组护理满意度优于对照组,且研究组在各项护理质量项目中得分高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 针对儿科门诊注射室的小儿患者可以实施走动式管理模式,其有利于优化整体服务质量,为小儿患者提供全面的管理,加快诊疗效率,提升小儿家属对医院服务的满意度。
[关键词] 走动式管理;儿科门诊注射室;病区;护理质量;护理管理
[中图分类号] R47 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2020)01(a)-0039-03
[Abstract] Objective To implement a walking management mode in the injection room of a pediatric clinic and analyze its impact on the quality of care. Methods A total of 120 pediatric patients who were treated in our hospital's pediatric outpatient injection room during the period from January to December 2018 were selected. All of them were included in the study and managed according to the pediatric outpatient injection room they received. The differences in the models are divided into the control group and the research group. The management mode accepted by the control group was of a conventional nature. The research group was based on routine care added ambulatory management. The satisfaction of the two groups after the diagnosis and treatment was investigated, and the quality of care between the two groups (hospital communication, technical operations, service attitude, hospital environment) was assessed. Results The survey and evaluation results showed that the nursing satisfaction of the study group was better than that of the control group, and the study group scored higher than the control group in various nursing quality items(P<0.05). Conclusion The pediatric patients in the pediatric outpatient injection room can implement the ambulatory management mode, which is conducive to optimizing the overall service quality, providing comprehensive management for pediatric patients, accelerating the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment, and improving the satisfaction of pediatric families to hospital services.
[Key words] Walking management; Pediatric outpatient injection room; Ward; Nursing quality; Nursing management
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料