Instructions for Authors

2020-03-07 22:54:00
Global Energy Interconnection 2020年1期


The provision of low carbon energy to our society is a key issue at the heart of sustainable development of global energy supply.The Global Energy Interconnection (GEI) publishes original research on theories and developments as well practical applications on principles of large scale low carbon energy generation, transmission, distribution & storage technologies, global energy interconnection & system developments, global energy policy and energy market operations, global climate changes & environmental impacts, global energy transition strategies and global energy governance.


The scope of Global Energy Interconnection includes the following but not necessarily restricted to:

I.Operation and Planning of Global Energy Interconnection

1) Theoretical analysis and economic incentives to facilitate the implementation of Global Energy Interconnection

2) Conceptual and system development strategies, realization paths and comprehensive values of Global Energy Interconnection

3) System planning, design techniques and tools and economic analysis of Global Energy Interconnection

II.Global Energy Transformation, Climate Change and Global Energy Governance

1) Strategies for Carbon Emissions Reduction and Global Experiences

2) Impacts of Renewable Energy Developments on Climate Changes and Economic Evaluation

3) Global Energy Governance and Energy Cooperation to address Climate Change

4) Low Carbon Technology of Power Grid

III.Smart Grids

1) Wide area/ultra wide area monitoring, estimation, protection and control (WAMPAC)

● Basic WAMPAC building blocks including PMUs, communication infrastructure, Data Concentrator solutions, management and processing of big data, knowledge extraction from big data, cyber security

● Innovative operation and control of power grids using Wide area/ultra wide area information

● Adaptive identification and corrective techniques/technologies for power grids using Wide area/ultra wide area information

2) System Integrity Protection Schemes (SIPS) - Special Protection Schemes; Remedial Action Schemes

3) Design of modern Energy Management Systems (EMS) and Distribution Management Systems (DMS), their applications to support energy connectivity and global energy interconnection

4) Techniques/Technologies for real-time dynamic security assessment, situational awareness, prevention of power system blackouts and approaches for power system restoration

5) New concepts of robust, secure, reliable, self-healing and resilient power systems

6) Technologies and new solutions for ancillary services to support smart grids and global energy interconnection

IV.Advanced Power Transmission Technologies/Techniques

1) Advanced transmission technologies including High-Voltage/Ultra High Voltage AC transmission, High-Voltage/Ultra High Voltage DC

transmission, flexible AC/DC transmission system

2) Wide area/Ultra wide area co-optimized planning of generation and transmission resources

3) Realworld experiences of AC/DC transmission expansion applications tailored to higher penetration levels of fluctuating/ remittent renewable energyies

4) Innovative control and protection principles as well as practical control and protection experiences for interconnected power grids and global energy interconnection

V.Low Carbon and Clean Energy Technologies and System Integration

1) Renewable Energy Technologies (e.g., wind, wave, biomass, solar, hydro, etc), clean fossil fuel technologies (e.g., carbon capture) and their integration into modern energy systems

2) Energy storage technologies: Design, operation, control and system planning as well as market operations and innovative business models

3) Interactions and integration between electricity and other energy vectors and sectors (including heating, cooling, gas, hydrogen, transport and energy storage)

4) Technologies to enhance flexibility in future energy systems and energy interconnection as well as global energy interconnection

5) Operation, control and protection of low carbon clean energy generation systems

3.Submission Requirements

● Submissions should be completed by authors without any academic misconduct.

● Multi-submission of one paper is prohibited.Authors should promise that main contributions of submissions are original, have not been published before and are not being considered for publications in other conferences or journals.

● The length of the paper is normally with no more than 5000 words.Preparation of manuscripts: manuscript should be prepared using the journal template, and all submissions should include title, abstract, key words, introduction, and references.The Word template can be found in the manuscript submission link below.