
2020-02-25 11:12
疯狂英语·新策略 2020年10期


体裁:记叙文 篇幅:329词 建议用时:7分钟

文本来源:改编 新颖度:★★★★ 素养视角:旅游偶遇

The bus screamed to a stop in Nazareth,Israel.Five Australian backpackers boarded and struck up a conversation with me.They asked typical travelers'questions—where I was going and why I was traveling alone.My plan was to travel with a friend of a friend,I explained,but when I called her that morning,she didn't pick up and I had no other way to reach her.My stomach was in knots,but I decided to head out anyway,thinking I might run into her if I traveled to Tiberius,where we had planned to go together.

“Why don't you travel with us?” one of the backpackers offered.They were experienced adventurers who would work for a few months,save,and then travel for as long as they could.Their current plan was to explore the Middle East and Europe in three months.

It seemed risky to travel with perfect strangers,but my instinct said yes.For the next two weeks,I explored Israel with the backpackers and learned to trust my instincts in all types of new and interesting situations.When they hooked a ride,I took the bus,but when they wanted to steal into the King David Hotel's swimming pool,I led the way.The world opened up to me because I chose to travel alone.I joined complete strangers,who became close friends.Years later,one couple from the backpacking group even flew from Sydney to Phoenix to be in my wedding.The trip was such a special experience that it gave me confidence in all areas of my life.Since then,I've backpacked alone across South Africa,sky-dived from 12,000 feet in New Zealand and even moved across the US with no job lined up.

On my third day wandering in Israel with my new friends,I ran into the woman I was supposed to meet.Though I was happy she was all right,I was grateful she hadn't picked up the phone.

1.According to the first paragraph,the author was _______.

A.nervous of meeting strangers B.anxious about the speedy bus

C.upset about the sudden change D.worried about her stomach ache

2.Which of the following best describes the backpackers the author met?

A.Homeless but light-hearted. B.Warm-hearted and trustworthy.

C.Jobless and poorly educated. D.Courageous but disrespectful.

3.The author's sixth sense told her that_______.

A.she would get along with the backpackers

B.it was risky to travel with perfect strangers

C.she ought to stay away from the backpackers

D.it could add an exciting experience to her travel


体裁:记叙文 篇幅:300词 建议用时:17分钟

文本来源:改编 新颖度:★★★★ 素养视角:登山有感

On the way back down,my uncle asked me a question,which left mefor a second:“What's your?”

“I have no idea,” I answered after thinking it for a while.Then heand told me about his story.He didn'twell at school when he was a student.nobody thought he could succeed,he knew clearly what his dream was—to be a(n)_.So he started selling different items to _which one was most attractive to customers.He often had aof money in his pocket,but he never gave up.

“There is no doubt that a person whoa great deal of effort to his goal will have good luck finally.The meaning of life is toyour dream,”he said gently.

That night I could hardly fall asleep.Iin bed,asking myself, “What's my?” I once wanted to be a top student,but the hard work neededdevoting everything to following my passion.If I find myself lacking in,just like my climb,what should I do?The next morning,I climbed the mountain again.It made me think:If we don'tthe climb,how can we get to see theon the top of the mountain?Eventually,I reached the top and wasby the warm breeze and sunshine.Nothing could be more pleasant than that.

1.A.Reluctant B.Eager C.Hesitant D.Brave

2.A.disappointed B.astonished C.stressed D.exhausted

3.A.further B.faster C.closer D.wider

4.A.frightened B.hopeless C.ashamed D.speechless

5.A.intention B.destination C.dream D.challenge

6.A.sighed B.smiled C.sobbed D.shook

7.A.adapt B.perform C.memorize D.feel

8.A.Although B.Because C.Once D.If

9.A.businessman B.activist C.adventurer D.inventor

10.A.carry out B.leave out C.figure out D.take out

11.A.taste B.sense C.way D.shortage

12.A.donates B.commits C.attaches D.submits

13.A.cherish B.preserve C.chase D.share

14.A.turned over B.got on C.wandered around D.broke down

15.A.achievement B.opportunity C.advantage D.motivation

16.A.meant B.suggested C.advocated D.avoided

17.A.confidence B.money C.willpower D.knowledge

18.A.encourage B.experience C.repeat D.investigate

19.A.planet B.scenery C.plant D.architecture

20.A.amused B.distracted C.shocked D.fascinated


体裁:说明文 篇幅:215词 建议用时:7分钟

文本来源:原创 新颖度:★★★★★ 素养视角:卢森堡缓解交通拥堵

With a population of 602,000,Luxembourg is one of the richest smallest 1._______(country)in Europe—yet it suffers from major traffic jams.

Taking up 2,586 square kilometers,Luxembourg is 2._______(rough)the size of Rhode Island.From the capital of Luxembourg City,Belgium,France and Germany can all 3._______(reach)by car in half an hour.

Luxembourg is a very 4._______(attract) place for jobs,5._______its “booming economy” and high concentration of jobs have led to congestion(拥塞)issues.In 2016,Luxembourg had 662 cars per 1,000 people,and driving is a“primary means of transportation” for commuters.That year,drivers in Luxembourg City spent 6._______average of 33 hours in traffic.It fared 7._________(bad) than European cities Copenhagen and Helsinki,which have comparable population sizes to all of Luxembourg—yet it only took drivers in both an average of 24 hours in traffic.

But that could be about 8.________(change).The country at this very moment is in really good shape,and thus the government wants the people to benefit 9._______the good economy.As of March 1,2020 all public transport—trains,trams and buses—in the country is free,10._______(make)it the first free public transport country in the world.The government hopes the move will improve heavy congestion and bring environmental benefits.

Britain's“Shark House”
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