
2020-02-08 06:06
世界建筑 2020年1期




我非常荣幸受邀参加2019世界未来城市计划奖项的评审。这个奖项的特别之处在于,首先,她在不久前刚刚成立,这是首届评选。她不仅有关于建筑学或一些杰出的建筑物,而且有关于不同的项目如何适应它所处的城市环境,甚至是关于这些项目如何使它们的周边环境更加富有活力或趣味,特别是对每个人而言。这是对公众来说最重要的部分,关乎人们在城市环境与公共空间中的舒适感。在参加本次评审的45个项目中,参选项目涉及的国别众多,这也意味着尚且是第一次评审的IUPA已经声名远播,以至于如此多个国家的团队都参与其中。项目横跨博物馆、社会住宅、商业建筑等多种类别,包罗万象。再看看它们是如何与所处社区产生联系的。也许唯一不足之处在于,要实现这一目标的代价稍显昂贵,这应当得到改变。最终我们收获了许多杰出的案例,也因此,每个人都为这一次评审的结果感到满意。(徐紫仪 译)









Crossboundaries 合伙人,德国建筑师协会成员

我很高兴能够参与到世界未来城市计划的评审之中。今天我们看到了很多惊艳的作品,它们涵盖了从宏观的城市尺度到微观的空间尺度等诸多方面。评审过程中,评委们的讨论非常精彩,面对诸多优秀的作品,对于奖项的抉择也十分艰难。最终评委们一致认可将设计中对社会/社区关系的关注与影响视为最重要的考虑因素。我认为建筑与城市设计应当追求将“人”作为第一考虑要素。我非常期待这个奖项在未来的表现,也希望这个奖项能继续重视那些以人为本的项目。(崔雨柔 译)

鲍里斯·沙德 - 宾索


世界未来城市计划这一奖项给建筑师和城市设计师们提供了一个很好的机会去展示自己的工作在形式之外的其他方面。该奖项从社会与可持续发展的角度衡量建筑物可以为城市做出怎样的贡献。我们看到了很多有趣的项目,我为一等奖和特别奖的产生感到非常兴奋。(母卓尔 译)





Kristin Feireiss

Director of AEDES, Berlin/2013-2017 Member of the jury of the Pritzker Architecture Prize, 2012 Member of the international jury for the Architecture Biennale in Venice

I am very honoured that I was invited to take part in the International Urban Project Award 2019, what is so interesting in this award, first of all, it is initiated right now and it is the first time that it will take pace. And it is not only about architecture or great buildings. It is about how the different project fit into urban context, and even how they can make this urban surrounding more lively or more interesting, especially for all generations of people. So this is the most important aspect that to the public and it is about the public - feel comfortable in the surrounding and in the public places. And see all the 45 projects which we had to judge during this jury meeting. There is an enormous variety of different countries who took part and if a competition started first time its enormous that already is so known that so many took part. And even the variety of the projects from museum, to social housing, to business buildings, to all kinds of, and then to look at that how they are related to the neighbourhood. So the only thing which is not good if I selected in that surrounding, is the price for that. This should change and we have fantastic examples. Therefore, we are very happy about the result.


LI Cundong

Secretary-General, The Architectural Society of China

The International Urban Project Award is different from any other awards before. It is first of all a very international award, focusing on not only the building itself, but also social significance attaching to it, such as open public space, human life, the interaction between people and urban city, sustainability, hence pretty interesting. Therefore, it requests more of our attention to what the impact this building has on the society, the environment and the neighbourhood, rather than the quality of specific architecture. This is a very good perspective, or a valuable entry point, from my point of view, to raise the awareness of architectural sociality. I also hope that the IUPA can maintain its openness, internationality, as well as its continuous attention to the public, public space and the integration of architecture into the context. I believe more and more good works will emerge under IUPA, which plays a guiding role in the development of architecture in the future. (Translated by PANG Lingbo)

CAO Jiaming

Vice President of the Architectural Society of China/President of the Architectural Society of Shanghai China

The International Urban Project Award is an international award among a wide range of countries including developing countries and developed countries and covers a variety of projects. Even though, these projects all have one thing in common: a focus on the sociality of urban city. The attention to common people and to the public services contributes to the variation of this award. The projects of winner and special prizes are finalised after long discussions of the jury from China and abroad. These award-winning projects are very representative of their own, including not only the excellent new buildings that promote the vitality of the whole community, but also some old city reconstruction and urban renewals. They are typically demonstrative, not just in one country, but in all developing countries around the world. (Translated by PANG Lingbo)

Binke Lenhardt

Partner, Crossboundaries, Beijing/Member of the Bund Deutscher Architekten

It was a pleasure to be invited to participate the jury of the International Urban Project Award. Today we saw a wide range of amazing projects with extreme diversity - from vast urban city scale to smaller scale public design; so it was very challenging to define the prizes. All jury members engaged in rich and meaningful discussions and we came to a coinciding result at the very end, considering the projects with social impact and strong relationship to the community around it the most. I believe that architecture and urban planning should always consider people as the most important element, so I am looking forward to this award in the coming years, for it is focusing not only on the building but its context and contribution to improve the neighbourhood.

Boris Schade-Bünsow

Editor-in-chief of Bauwelt, Berlin

The International Urban Project Award gives architects and urban designers a great opportunity to show their work in relation to much more than formal aspects. The IUPA is focused on social and sustainable issues in the sense of what could this building contribute to the city. We have seen a lot of interesting projects and I am very excited about the winner and the special prizes.


Professor, Vice Dean, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University/Deputy Chief Architect, Architectural Design & Research Institute of Tsinghua University Co., Ltd./Founder of TeamMinus, Beijing/Editor-in-chief, World Architecture Magazine

The jury review of the International Urban Project Award is very meaningful, because generally speaking, the awards of architecture is just about the design of architecture itself. This is the first time an architectural award paying special attention to the relationship between building and its context, as well as the relationship between building and human community. In this jury, there are lots of projects of very high quality being nominated, yet not all of these high-profile projects end up winning awards. The award-winning projects play an important role in the relationship with people, which have great enlightenment for others. Being able to participate in the jury meeting for me is a good fortune for study, and an ideal and impressive experience. □ (Translated by PANG Lingbo)

1 评委会:克里斯汀·菲莱斯,李存东,曹嘉明,蓝冰可, 鲍里斯·沙德 - 宾索,张利/Jury: Kristin Feireiss, LI Cundong, CAO Jiaming, Binke Lenhardt, Boris Schade-Bünsow, ZHANG Li

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