摘要 利用武穴国家气象观测站1959—2018年地面气象数据资料,采用回归分析、趋势线分析、距平分析等方法,对近60年武穴市气温和降水变化特征进行分析。结果表明,近60年武穴市平均气温17.1 ℃,气温倾向率为0.143 ℃/10 a,年平均气温总体呈上升趋势;春、冬季增温显著,秋季次之,夏季略有下降;气温年代際变化明显,逐渐进入偏暖期。近60年武穴市年平均降水量1 427.9 mm,降水倾向率为15.082 mm/10 a,降水年代际波动较大,总体呈上升趋势;四季降水倾向率分别为-4.051、16.268、-1.507、4.372 mm/10 a;春、秋季降水呈下降趋势,夏、冬季降水呈上升趋势。
关键词 气候变化;气温;降水;变化特征;武穴市
中图分类号 S 161文献标识码 A文章编号 0517-6611(2020)01-0227-03
Analysis on the Variation Characteristics of Temperature and Precipitation in Wuxue City in Recent 60 Years
LI Xin hao
(Wuxue City Meteorological Bureau,Wuxue,Hubei 435400)
Abstract Using the ground meteorological data of Wuxue National Meteorological Observatory from 1959 to 2018, regression analysis, trend line analysis and anomaly analysis were used to analyze the variation characteristics of temperature and precipitation in Wuxue City in the past 60 years.The results showed that the average temperature of Wuxue City in the past 60 years was 17.1 ℃, the temperature tendency rate was 0.143 ℃/10 a, and the annual average temperature was generally rising.The temperature increase in spring and winter was significant, followed by autumn and slightly decreased in summer;the interdecadal temperature change was obvious and gradually entered a warmer period.In the past 60 years, the average annual precipitation in Wuxue City was 1 427.9 mm, and the precipitation tendency rate was 15.082 mm/10 a. The inter decadal fluctuations of precipitation were relatively large, and the overall trend was upward.The trending tendency of precipitation in the four seasons was -4.051, 16.268, -1.507 and 4.372 mm/10 a, respectively;precipitation in spring and autumn showed a downward trend, and precipitation in summer and winter showed an upward trend.
Key words Climate change;Temperature; Precipitation;Variation characteristics; Wuxue City
2018年10月政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)发布了《IPCC全球升温1.5 ℃特别报告》,指出全球气温每十年上升(0.2±0.1)℃,目前已经升温 1.0 ℃左右,按照这一趋势,2030—2052 年将达1.5 ℃[1]。全球变暖引起的海平面上升、海温增高和冰川融化等现象可能会对海岸带系统和社会经济发展产生巨大影响[2-3]。近年来,极端天气事件频发,社会各界开始广泛关注气候变化。国内外学者对区域气温和降水的变化特征也进行了大量的研究[4-9]。
1 资料与方法
1.1 资料来源
(3)1959—2018年武穴市年平均降水量1 427.9 mm,降水倾向率为15.082 mm/10 a,总体呈现上升趋势,但降水量年际变化较大,波动较为显著;春、秋季降水倾向率分别为-4.051、-1.507 mm/10 a,降水总体呈下降趋势,夏、冬季降水倾向率分别为16.268、4.372 mm/10 a,降水总体呈上升趋势;从不同年代看,武穴市降水呈上升趋势,但各季节变化趋势不一,夏、秋、冬季降水呈上升趋势,春季降水呈下降趋势。
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