
2020-01-16 22:04:19
海洋工程 2020年6期

THEOCEANENGINEERINGContents of Vol. 38, No. 1~6, 2020

第38卷,第1期,2020年1月 Vol. 38, No. 1, Jan., 2020

谢文会,谢彬,粟京,等. 新型多功能干树储油半潜平台研发[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(1): 1-10. (XIE Wenhui, XIE Bin, SU Jing, et al. Research of a new type of dry tree oil storage semi-submersible platform[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(1): 1-10. (in Chinese))

赵治民,李焱,唐友刚,等. 圆筒型FPSO优化设计与水动力性能分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(1): 11-19. (ZHAO Zhimin, LI Yan, TANG Yougang, et al. Optimization design and hydrodynamic performance analysis of cylindrical FPSO[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(1): 11-19. (in Chinese))

白杰,李焱,曲志森,等. 新型圆筒型FPSO垂荡抑制结构优化设计[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(1): 20-29. (BAI Jie, LI Yan, QU Zhisen, et al. Optimization design of heave suppression structure for new cylindrical FPSO[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(1): 20-29. (in Chinese))

李巍,胡智焕,李欣,等. 新型双船起重拆除平台试验研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(1): 30-41. (LI Wei, HU Zhihuan, LI Xin, et al. Development of an experimental system for the twin-lift decommissioning operation[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(1): 30-41. (in Chinese))

潘文博,梁晨,崔成,等. 系泊方柱在畸形波与波群伴生波浪作用下运动响应试验研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(1): 42-53. (PAN Wenbo, LIANG Chen, CUI Cheng, et al. Experimental study on the motion response of a moored square cylinder under freak wave group[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(1): 42-53. (in Chinese))

吴建成. 多船旁靠系泊作业关键特性试验研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(1): 54-65. (WU Jiancheng. Study on key characteristics of side-by-side mooring operation between multi-vessels[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(1): 54-65. (in Chinese))

李宁宇,苏广胜,赵云鹤,等. 仿生胸鳍的三维尾涡结构与参数影响分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(1): 66-76. (LI Ningyu, SU Guangsheng, ZHAO Yunhe, et al. Three-dimensional wake structure and parameter effect analysis of a bio-inspired pectoral fin[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(1): 66-76. (in Chinese))

翟钢军,鲍建宇,马哲,等. 海堤坡角变化对海啸波传播过程影响数值分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(1): 77-85. (ZHAI Gangjun, BAO Jianyu, MA Zhe, et al. Numerical analysis of influence induced by change of seawall slope angle on tsunami wave propagation process[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(1): 77-85. (in Chinese))

高洋洋,张演明,刘彩,等. 不同雷诺数下倾斜圆柱绕流三维数值模拟研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(1): 86-100. (GAO Yangyang, ZHANG Yanming, LIU Cai, et al. Three-dimensional numerical simulation on flow past an inclined circular cylinder at different Reynolds numbers[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(1): 86-100. (in Chinese))

涂佳黄,张志豪,曹波,等. 五圆柱体结构群绕流特性及互扰效应研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(1): 101-110. (TU Jiahuang, ZHANG Zhihao, CAO Bo, et al. Study on the characteristics and interference effect of flow around five circular cylinders[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(1): 101-110. (in Chinese))

胡鹏,姬奥飞,陶俊余. 基于局部时间步长方法的潮流数值模型研究及应用[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(1): 111-119. (HU Peng, JI Aofei, TAO Junyu. Numerical simulation of tidal flows based on the local-time step approach[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(1): 111-119. (in Chinese))

陈淑敏,潘毅,陈永平,等. 潜式与离岸式人工岬头护滩作用和水交换特征比较[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(1): 120-129. (CHEN Shumin, PAN Yi, CHEN Yongping, et al. Comparison of performances of submerged and detached artificial headlands in beach protection and water exchange[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(1): 120-129. (in Chinese))

张舒羽,潘存鸿,程文龙. 钱塘江涌潮对地形变化的响应研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(1): 130-139. (ZHANG Shuyu, PAN Cunhong, CHENG Wenlong. Response of tidal bore in Qiantang River to topographical changes[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(1): 130-139. (in Chinese))


孙树峰,吕涛,陈国明,等. 导管架平台拆除过程稳定性及影响因素分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(1): 140-146. (SUN Shufeng, LYU Tao, CHEN Guoming, et al. Analysis on stability and influencing factors in demolition process of jacket platform[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(1): 140-146. (in Chinese))

张延涛,吕柏呈,武文华,等. 基于现场实测的渤海风速特性研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(1): 147-153. (ZHANG Yantao, LYU Baicheng, WU Wenhua, et al. Wind characteristics analysis of Bohai Bay based on field measurement[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(1): 147-153. (in Chinese))

杨少鹏,拾兵,杨立鹏. 泥沙突变理论在海底管线冲刷中应用[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(1): 154-160. (YANG Shaopeng, SHI Bing, YANG Lipeng, et al. Application of cusp catastrophe theory in submarine pipeline scour depth[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(1): 154-160. (in Chinese))

吴继媛. 考虑高低温影响因素的金属密封总成性能分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(1): 161-168. (WU Jiyuan. Performance analysis of metal seal assembly considering the influencing factors of high and low temperatures[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(1): 161-168. (in Chinese))



第38卷,第2期,2020年3月 Vol.38, No.2, Mar., 2020

王维刚,陶京,周国强,等. 基于三维约束NewWave理论的自升式钻井平台动力响应分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(2): 1-7. (WANG Weigang, TAO Jing, ZHOU Guoqiang, et al. Dynamic response analysis of jack-up drilling platform based on three-dimensional constrained NewWave theory[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(2): 1-7. (in Chinese))

徐万海,李宇寒,闫术明,等. 海洋工程中双柔性圆柱流激振动响应特性[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(2): 8-16. (XU Wanhai, LI Yuhan, YAN Shuming, et al. Flow-induced vibration response of two flexible cylinders in ocean engineering[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(2): 8-16. (in Chinese))

武博,王璞,李欣,等. 基于实测应力的半潜平台疲劳损伤分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(2): 17-26. (WU Bo, WANG Pu, LI Xin, et al. Fatigue damage analysis of semi-submersible platform based on field-measured stress[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(2): 17-26. (in Chinese))

唐刚,姚小强,胡雄. 基于Newton法优化ARMA模型参数的船舶升沉运动预测研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(2): 27-38. (TANG Gang, YAO Xiaoqiang, HU Xiong. Research on prediction of vessel's heave motion based on Newton method for optimizing ARMA model parameters[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(2): 27-38. (in Chinese))

刘佳琦,蔡忠华,王德禹. 基于拓扑优化与多目标优化的集装箱相似畸变模型设计[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(2): 39-48. (LIU Jiaqi, CAI Zhonghua, WANG Deyu. Design of container similarity distortion model based on topology optimization and multi-objective optimization[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(2): 39-48. (in Chinese))

吕行,程永舟,胡有川,等. 新型开孔工字板组合式防波堤波浪力特性试验研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(2): 49-55. (LYU Xing, CHENG Yongzhou, HU Youchuan, et al. Experimental study on wave force characteristics of the porous I-type plate composition breakwater[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(2): 49-55. (in Chinese))

王龙,陈兵,王利东. 开孔墙对减小波浪载荷效果的CFD分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(2): 56-64. (WANG Long, CHEN Bing, WANG Lidong. CFD analysis of the effect of a perforated wall on reducing wave load[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(2): 56-64. (in Chinese))

龚尚鹏,陈杰,蒋昌波,等. 孤立波作用下植物带消浪效果影响因素分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(2): 65-72. (GONG Shangpeng, CHEN Jie, JIANG Changbo, et al. Analysis of the factors affecting the wave dissipation effect of vegetation under the action of solitary waves[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(2): 65-72. (in Chinese))

于徽,王闻恺. 黏性土底床中桩基底部吸力试验研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(2): 73-82. (YU Hui, WANG Wenkai. Experimental study on suction force beneath the pile foundation in cohesive soil beds[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(2): 73-82. (in Chinese))

尤岩岩,白兴兰,王孟义. 平台运动激励下钢悬链式立管触地点动态分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(2): 83-91. (YOU Yanyan, BAI Xinglan, WANG Mengyi. Dynamic analysis of SCR at TDP under motions excitation of platform[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(2): 83-91. (in Chinese))

曹守启,冯江伟. 波浪滑翔机水下牵引机结构设计与分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(2): 92-100. (CAO Shouqi, FENG Jiangwei. Structural design and analysis of underwater tractor for wave glider[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(2): 92-100. (in Chinese))

赵志新,李昕,王文华,等. 超大型和大型半潜浮式海上风力机动力响应对比[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(2): 101-110. (ZHAO Zhixin, LI Xin, WANG Wenhua, et al. Comparison of dynamic response between ultra-large and large semi-submersible floating wind turbines[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(2): 101-110. (in Chinese))


孙家文,朱桐,房克照,等. 基于GPU加速的Boussinesq类波浪传播变形数值模型[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(2): 111-119. (SUN Jiawen, ZHU Tong, FANG Kezhao, et al. A GPU accelerated Boussinesq wave propagation model[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(2): 111-119. (in Chinese))

李英,李婧一. 焊接所致力学性能不均匀性对卷管法安装管道完整性影响[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(2): 120-127. (LI Ying, LI Jingyi. Influence of mechanical discontinuities caused by welding on pipeline integrity during reel-lay installation[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(2): 120-127. (in Chinese))

姜诗源,盛积良,陈国明,等. 海底滑坡作用下滩海管道结构安全分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(2): 128-134. (JIANG Shiyuan, SHENG Jiliang, CHEN Guoming, et al. Study on safety limits of the pipelines under submarine glide block[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(2): 128-134. (in Chinese))

王冲霄,刘忠乐,文无敌,等. 复杂海况下水下拖缆数值分析研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(2): 135-142. (WANG Chongxiao, LIU Zhongle, WEN Wudi, et al. Numerical analysis of underwater towing cable under complex sea state[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(2): 135-142. (in Chinese))

吴映江,宋瑞银,郑堤,等. Savonius型桨叶水动力特性研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(2): 143-150. (WU Yingjiang, SONG Ruiyin, ZHENG Di, et al. Study on hydrodynamic characteristics of Savonius rotor[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(2): 143-150. (in Chinese))



第38卷,第3期,2020年5月 Vol.38, No.3, May, 2020

蒋昌波,徐进,邓斌,等. 沿程非均匀分布植物区对海啸波消减的数值研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(3): 1-11. (JIANG Changbo, XU Jin, DENG Bin, et al. Numerical investigation of tsunami waves attenuation through non-uniform vegetation[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(3): 1-11. (in Chinese))

孙大鹏,刘飞,修富义,等. 扭王字块体护面斜坡堤胸墙受力试验研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(3): 12-21. (SUN Dapeng, LIU Fei, XIU Fuyi, et al. Experimental investigation on the wave forces on the parapet wall of sloping breakwater with accropode armor blocks[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(3): 12-21. (in Chinese))

李薪丰,张庆河,张金凤,等. 基于格子Boltzmann方法的斜坡堤越浪数值模拟研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(3): 22-30. (LI Xinfeng, ZHANG Qinghe, ZHANG Jinfeng, et al. Numerical simulation of wave overtopping over the sloping seawall based on the lattice Boltzmann method[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(3): 22-30. (in Chinese))

童波,邹丽,李永刚,等. 两型半潜式平台波浪作用下载荷敏感性研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(3): 31-41. (TONG Bo, ZOU Li, LI Yonggang, et al. Comparative analysis of load sensitivity of two types of semi-submersible platforms under wave action[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(3): 31-41. (in Chinese))

黄从亮,董晴,吕海宁,等. 近距离靠泊条件下钻井支持平台与生产平台相对运动研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(3): 42-51. (HUANG Congliang, DONG Qing, LYU Haining, et al. Studies on the relative motions of the tender support drilling unit and production platform coupled system with a small separation distance[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(3): 42-51. (in Chinese))

武磊,赵伟文,万德成. 不同浸没长度下串列双立管涡激振动数值模拟[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(3): 52-61. (WU Lei, ZHAO Weiwen, WAN Decheng. Numerical simulations on vortex-induced vibrations(VIV) of two tandem risers with different submerged lengths[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(3): 52-61. (in Chinese))

阮伟东,孙博,廖小伟. 基于缓波布置构型的深水立管动力优化机理研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(3): 62-74. (RUAN Weidong, SUN Bo, LIAO Xiaowei. Study on dynamic optimization mechanism of deepwater riser based on lazy-wave configuration[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(3): 62-74. (in Chinese))

李效民,孙宏伟,王乐瑶,等. 内孤立波作用下柔性跨接管动力性能研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(3): 75-84. (LI Xiaomin, SUN Hongwei, WANG Leyao, et al. Dynamic performance study of flexible jumper under internal solitary waves[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(3): 75-84. (in Chinese))

周彬,赵敏,万德成. 基于大涡模拟的ROV导管推进器梢隙流动数值研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(3): 85-93. (ZHOU Bin, ZHAO Min, WAN Decheng. Numerical research of the tip leakage flow in a ROV ducted propeller based on the LES method[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(3): 85-93. (in Chinese))

王宾,李红涛,刘嵩,等. 海上风电单桩式支撑结构冰激振动及参数敏感性分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(3): 94-101. (WANG Bin, LI Hongtao, LIU Song, et al. Ice-induced vibration and parameter sensitivity analysis for a monopile supported offshore wind turbine[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(3): 94-101. (in Chinese))

孔帅,季顺迎. 基于广义接触模型的离散元方法及其对船体冰载荷的分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(3): 102-112. (KONG Shuai, JI Shunying. Discrete element method with generalized contact model and its application for ice resistance analysis on ship hull[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(3): 102-112. (in Chinese))

童朝锋,安福伟,章家保,等. 乐清湾内外潮波变形及不对称性分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(3): 113-123. (TONG Chaofeng, AN Fuwei, ZHANG Jiabao, et al. Analysis of deformation and asymmetry of tidal waves inside and outside Yueqing Bay[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(3): 113-123. (in Chinese))

罗龙洪,闻云呈,袁文秀,等. 江苏省长江干流沿程洪潮设计水位数值模拟研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(3): 124-131. (LUO Longhong, WEN Yuncheng, YUAN Wenxiu, et al. Mathematical simulation of design water level of flood and tide along the main stream of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(3): 124-131. (in Chinese))


曹博,蔡志杰,石中玉,等. 基于ABAQUS的深水连接器连接性能分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(3): 132-139. (CAO Bo, CAI Zhijie, SHI Zhongyu, et al. Analysis of connection performance of deepwater connector based on ABAQUS[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(3): 132-139. (in Chinese))

吴波,程小明,倪歆韵,等. 海上浮体系泊缆自动化设计方法研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(3): 140-151. (WU Bo, CHENG Xiaoming, NI Xinyun, et al. Study on the design automation of mooring lines for offshore floating structures[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(3): 140-151. (in Chinese))

李修波,刘可安,王华昆,等. 后挖沟深度对深海海底管道屈曲影响数值分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(3): 152-160. (LI Xiubo, LIU Kean, WANG Huakun, et al. Numerical analysis of the influence of post-trench depth on buckling of deep sea submarine pipeline[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(3): 152-160. (in Chinese))

孙毅,张晓雨,张希建,等. 基于双缸耦合原理的阀控式能量回收系统原理设计与仿真分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(3): 161-168. (SUN Yi, ZHANG Xiaoyu, ZHANG Xijian, et al. Principle design and simulation analysis of valve-controlled energy recovery system based on dual-cylinder coupling principle[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(3): 161-168. (in Chinese))



第38卷,第4期,2020年7月 Vol.38, No.4, Jul., 2020

窦希萍. “长江口水沙变化与重大工程安全”专刊序[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(4): 1.

窦希萍,缴健,储鏖, 等. 长江口水沙变化与趋势预测[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(4): 2-10. (DOU Xiping, JIAO Jian, CHU Ao, et al. Review of hydro-sediment change and tendency in Yangtze estuary[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(4): 2-10. (in Chinese))

韩玉芳,窦希萍. 长江口综合治理历程及思考[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(4): 11-18. (HAN Yufang, DOU Xiping. The process and prospect of comprehensive control of Yangtze estuary[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(4): 11-18. (in Chinese))

应铭,季岚,曹慧江,等. 长江口12.5米深水航道南坝田挡沙堤加高工程总平面方案研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(4): 19-28. (YING Ming, JI Lan, CAO Huijiang, et al. The study on general plan layout of the jetty heightening project in the southern groin field of Yangtze estuary 12.5 m deep-draft waterway[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(4): 19-28. (in Chinese))

张功瑾,罗小峰,路川藤,等. 潮汐河口坝田长宽比对泥沙淤积特征影响试验研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(4): 29-36. (ZHANG Gongjin, LUO Xiaofeng, LU Chuanteng, et al. Experimental analysis of the effect of changing the length-width ratio of dam fields on sediment deposition[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(4): 29-36. (in Chinese))

顾峰峰,郭贺. 长江口深水航道三维泥沙数值模型相关问题探讨[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(4): 37-45. (GU Fengfeng, GUO He. A review on the three-dimensional numerical model of flow, sediment and salinity and the movement mechanism in Yangtze estuary[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(4): 37-45. (in Chinese))

苏涛,石进,陈琳. 长江口南沙头通道限流潜堤局部冲刷原因及对策分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(4): 46-53. (SU Tao, SHI Jin, CHEN Lin. Analysis of causes and treatments of the local scours near the submerged dike in Nanshatou passage of the Yangtze estuary[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(4): 46-53. (in Chinese))

王红川,刘华帅,杨氾. 斜坡平台波浪破碎数值模拟[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(4): 54-60. (WANG Hongchuan, LIU Huashuai, YANG Fan. Numerical simulation of wave propagation and wave-breaking on slope topography[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(4): 54-60. (in Chinese))

储鏖,徐怡,陈永平,等. 潮致泥沙全沙净输运解析模式[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(4): 61-72. (CHU Ao, XU Yi, CHEN Yongping, et al. Analytical model for tidal-induced net sediment transport[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(4): 61-72. (in Chinese))

孔令双,徐斌,陆佳,等. 波浪作用下细颗粒泥沙起动试验研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(4): 73-80. (KONG Lingshuang, XU Bin, LU Jia, et al. Experimental study on incipient motion of fine sediment under waves[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(4): 73-80. (in Chinese))

范明源,李俊花,万远扬,等. 径流量变化对长江口水动力特性的影响[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(4): 81-90. (FAN Mingyuan, LI Junhua, WAN Yuanyang, et al. Effect of runoff change on hydrodynamic characteristics of the Yangtze River estuary[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(4): 81-90. (in Chinese))

樊咏阳,陈正兵,张志林,等. 长江口水下三角洲演变规律及河势控制初探[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(4): 91-99. (FAN Yongyang, CHEN Zhengbing, ZHANG Zhilin, et al. The evolution law of underwater delta in the estuary area of the Yangtze River and preliminary study on river regime control[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(4): 91-99. (in Chinese))

刘启雄,陈家祺,刘海江,等. 2019年长江口南北槽水域表层沉积物特征分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(4): 100-108. (LIU Qixiong, CHEN Jiaqi, LIU Haijiang, et al. Study of surface sediment characteristics in the south and north passages of the Yangtze estuary in 2019 flood and dry seasons[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(4): 100-108. (in Chinese))

韩露,郭文华,高祥宇,等. 涡流室式掺气扰动疏浚耙具效果试验研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(4): 109-117. (HAN Lu, GUO Wenhua, GAO Xiangyu, et al. Research on the effect of the swirl-chamber-type aero-dynamic dredge rake[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(4): 109-117. (in Chinese))

陈缘,孔令婷,刘曙光,等. 河口型水源地供水安全风险分类评估方法比选研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(4): 118-128. (CHEN Yuan, KONG Lingting, LIU Shuguang, et al. Comparative study of risk classification assessment for safety water supply from estuary water source[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(4): 118-128. (in Chinese))

罗小峰,路川藤,张功瑾,等. 苏北大丰港海域航道临时抛泥区悬沙扩散影响研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(4): 129-136. (LUO Xiaofeng, LU Chuanteng, ZHANG Gongjin, et al. Study on the influence of suspended sediment diffusion in temporary sludge-throwing area of Jiangsu Dafeng sea waters[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(4): 129-136. (in Chinese))


李大勇,陈庆剑,张雨坤,等. 海上风机吸力基础的水平受荷研究综述[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(4): 137-147. (LI Dayong, CHEN Qingjian, ZHANG Yukun, et al. Review of horizontal loading on suction caisson of offshore wind turbines[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(4): 137-147. (in Chinese))

韩鹏,钱洪宝,李宇航,等. 内波的生成、传播、遥感观测及其与海洋结构物相互作用研究进展[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(4): 148-158. (HAN Peng, QIAN Hongbao, LI Yuhang, et al. Generation, propagation and detection of internal wave and its interaction with ocean structures[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(4): 148-158. (in Chinese))



第38卷,第5期,2020年9月 Vol.38, No.5, Sep., 2020

单铁兵. 半潜式支持平台系泊系统的设计方法及应用[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(5): 1-11. (SHAN Tiebing. Design method and application of mooring system for semi-submersible support platform[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(5): 1-11. (in Chinese))

吕合媛,卢文月,李欣. 聚焦波作用下立柱高阶波浪力特性研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(5): 12-23. (LYU Heyuan, LU Wenyue, LI Xin. Investigation on higher-order wave load of platform column due to focusing wave[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(5): 12-23. (in Chinese))

盛楠,李欣,卢文月,等. 基于统计分析的半潜式平台气隙预报方法研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(5): 24-34. (SHENG Nan, LI Xin, LU Wenyue, et al. Research on air gap prediction method of semi-submersible platform based on statistical analysis[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(5): 24-34. (in Chinese))

安筱婷,赵伟文,万德成. 风机基础TLP平台在波浪中运动性能的CFD数值分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(5): 35-49. (AN Xiaoting, ZHAO Weiwen, WAN Decheng. CFD numerical analysis of hydrodynamic and kinematic performance of a STLP[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(5): 35-49. (in Chinese))

陈欣桐,李欣,胡智焕,等. 基于图像处理的异重流与系泊结构物作用模型试验研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(5): 50-60. (CHEN Xintong, LI Xin, HU Zhihuan, et al. Experimental research on gravity current around a mooring cylinder based on image processing[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(5): 50-60. (in Chinese))

潘昀,刘灿,杨熙,等. 波浪作用下中上层浮鱼礁动力响应数值模型建立方法[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(5): 61-70. (PAN Yun, LIU Can, YANG Xi, et al. The establishment method of dynamic response numerical model for midwater and surface fish attractors in waves[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(5): 61-70. (in Chinese))

陈本毅,赵西增,刘竹琴,等. 柔性水囊潜堤消波特性的溃坝水槽试验研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(5): 71-79. (CHEN Benyi, ZHAO Xizeng, LIU Zhuqin, et al. Experimental study on wave attenuation characteristics of a flexible fluid-filled submerged breakwater in a dam-break tank[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(5): 71-79. (in Chinese))

宁旭,曹留帅,万德成. 基于尾流模型的风场偏航控制优化研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(5): 80-90. (NING Xu, CAO Liushuai, WAN Decheng. Study of wind farm optimization through yaw control based on analytical wake model[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(5): 80-90. (in Chinese))

付云雷,朱霄霄,陈帅,等. 钢悬链线立管清管过程触底段位移变化规律试验研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(5): 91-98. (FU Yunlei, ZHU Xiaoxiao, CHEN Shuai, et al. Experimental study on displacement variation of steel catenary riser at touchdown zone under pigging conditions[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(5): 91-98. (in Chinese))

赵伟杰,肖龙飞,赵国成,等. 深海采矿循环式水力集矿系统设计与数值研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(5): 99-106. (ZHAO Weijie, XIAO Longfei, ZHAO Guocheng, et al. Design and numerical study of a circulating hydraulic collecting system for deep sea mining[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(5): 99-106. (in Chinese))

王永发,孙震洲,汤群益,等. 脚靴式海上升压站灌浆连接段强度分析研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(5): 107-115. (WANG Yongfa, SUN Zhenzhou, TANG Qunyi, et al. Strength analysis of grouted connection of boot-type offshore substation[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(5): 107-115. (in Chinese))

黄方平,鲍灵杰,彭天好,等. 横轴半潜式潮流能发电装置设计与试验研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(5): 116-124. (HUANG Fangping, BAO Lingjie, PENG Tianhao, et al. Design and experimental study of the transverse axis semisubmersible power flow generation device[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(5): 116-124. (in Chinese))

郭健,何威超. 跨海桥梁船撞风险综合评估[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(5): 125-133. (GUO Jian, HE Weichao. Comprehensive risk assessment of ship collision with sea-crossing bridge[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(5): 125-133. (in Chinese))


王天英,王树青. 一种新型半潜式平台概念设计研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(5): 134-141. (WANG Tianying, WANG Shuqing. Research on concept design for a new semisubmersible platform[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(5): 134-141. (in Chinese))

韩意,张磊,吴伟东. 珊瑚砂地质条件下钢板桩结构可靠性分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(5): 142-148. (HAN Yi, ZHANG Lei, WU Weidong. Reliability analysis of sheet pile under coral sand conditions[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(5): 142-148. (in Chinese))

王家全,陈胜前,唐毅,等. 北部湾地区海砂填料的动力特性分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(5): 149-155. (WANG Jiaquan, CHEN Shengqian, TANG Yi, et al. Dynamic characteristics analysis of sea sand filler in Beibu Gulf area[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(5): 149-155. (in Chinese))


陈铭,冷静. 深海大型爬行机器人研究现状[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(5): 156-168. (CHEN Ming, LENG Jing. The development of deep-sea large-scale crawling robots[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(5): 156-168. (in Chinese))



第38卷,第6期,2020年11月 Vol.38, No.6, Nov., 2020

谢鹏,常江涛,肖卓临. 天然气水合物开采区内海床不均匀沉降对管道力学性能的影响[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(6): 1-10. (XIE Peng, CHANG Jiangtao, XIAO Zhuolin. Influence of uneven seabed subsidence on mechanical properties of pipeline in natural gas hydrate mining area[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(6): 1-10. (in Chinese))

郭浩,王建华,万德成. 不同波长下KCS船运动响应与波浪增阻数值研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(6): 11-23. (GUO Hao, WANG Jianhua, WAN Decheng. Numerical simulation of wave motions and added resistance of KCS for different wave lengths[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(6): 11-23. (in Chinese))

刘一,朱仁庆,程勇,等. 基于CFD-FEM的浮式结构水弹性响应数值模拟[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(6): 24-32. (LIU Yi, ZHU Renqing, CHENG Yong, et al. Numerical simulation of hydroelastic responses of floating structure based on CFD-FEM method[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(6): 24-32. (in Chinese))

袁梦,蔡诗剑,王德禹. 三向载荷联合作用下的大型集装箱船结构可靠性研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(6): 33-41. (YUAN Meng, CAI Shijian, WANG Deyu. Structural reliability research on large container ships under combined three-dimensional load[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(6): 33-41. (in Chinese))

孙德成,方辉,刘勇. 波浪作用下开孔沉箱疲劳与承载能力研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(6): 42-52. (SUN Decheng, FANG Hui, LIU Yong. Study on fatigue and bearing capacity of perforated caissons under wave action[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(6): 42-52. (in Chinese))

贾美军,姚宇,陈松贵,等. 防浪建筑物影响下珊瑚礁海岸波浪传播变形试验[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(6): 53-59. (JIA Meijun, YAO Yu, CHEN Songgui, et al. Laboratory study of wave transformation around reef coasts under effects of breakwaters[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(6): 53-59. (in Chinese))

李勇,刘成,万德成. 考虑挡板对空化脱落的抑制效应数值分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(6): 60-69. (LI Yong, LIU Cheng, WAN Decheng. Numerical simulation of inhibition effect of placed obstacles on cavitation shedding[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(6): 60-69. (in Chinese))

张晓龙,冯淼林,赵敏,等. 氮化硅陶瓷空心浮力球在内爆临界状态下的失效分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(6): 70-76. (ZHANG Xiaolong, FENG Miaolin, ZHAO Min, et al. Failure of silicon nitride ceramic flotation spheres in critical state of implosion[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(6): 70-76. (in Chinese))

颜铠阳,余建星,余杨,等. 整体式止屈器数值模拟方法与优化研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(6): 77-85. (YAN Kaiyang, YU Jianxing, YU Yang, et al. Study of integral buckle arrestors design[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(6): 77-85. (in Chinese))

房奇,陈涛,张持海,等. 单桩基础灌浆连接段受力机理分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(6): 86-95. (FANG Qi, CHEN Tao, ZHANG Chihai, et al. Numerical analysis of compression-bending behavior in grouted connections[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(6): 86-95. (in Chinese))

郭健,汪涛,王金权,等. 基于能量平衡的跨海桥梁钢管桩局部冲深计算[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(6): 96-106. (GUO Jian, WANG Tao, WANG Jinquan, et al. Calculation of local scour depth of steel pipe pile for sea-crossing bridge based on energy balance theory[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(6): 96-106. (in Chinese))

刘成林,陈炜昀,陈国兴,等. 波流共同作用下海底人工边坡动态响应分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(6): 107-116. (LIU Chenglin, CHEN Weiyun, CHEN Guoxing, et al. Dynamic response of artificial submarine slope under wave-current loading[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(6): 107-116. (in Chinese))


王兆祥,赵志超,王栋,等. 不同制样方式下含水合物粉细砂静力学特性研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(6): 117-123. (WANG Zhaoxiang, ZHAO Zhichao, WANG Dong, et al. Static characteristics of hydrate-bearing fine sands with different sampling methods[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(6): 117-123. (in Chinese))

卢予奇,赵羽习. 海砂颗粒形态评价与海拌混凝土性能研究[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(6): 124-130. (LU Yuqi, ZHAO Yuxi. Morphological evaluation of sea sand particles and basic properties of marine-mixed concrete[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(6): 124-130. (in Chinese))

常宏宇,朱仁传,黄山. 基于机器学习的脉动源格林函数预报初探[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(6): 131-141. (CHANG Hongyu, ZHU Renchuan, HUANG Shan. Preliminary study on prediction of pulsating source Green function based on machine learning[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(6): 131-141. (in Chinese))

林海花,孙承猛,石强. KK型管节点应力集中系数几何敏感性分析[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(6): 142-150. (LIN Haihua, SUN Chengmeng, SHI qiang. Geometric sensitivity analysis of stress concentration factor of KK-type tube joints[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(6): 142-150. (in Chinese))

牛学超,祝庆斌,潘盼,等. 钢管脐带缆扭转平衡设计[J]. 海洋工程, 2020, 38(6): 151-157. (NIU Xuechao, ZHU Qingbin, PAN Pan, et al. Torque balance design of steel tube umbilical cable[J]. The Ocean Engineering, 2020, 38(6): 151-157. (in Chinese))







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