
2020-01-09 14:28

TheTheoreticalApproachofMarx’sMassPhilosophy/SUN Yifang(School of Marxism,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China)

Abstract: “The masses of individuals” are the forces of the proletarian and socialist revolution in Marx’s idea. Therefore, based on “realistic individuals” and through the criticism of the mass view of the old materialism, he constructed the logical premise of science of mass philosophy and opened the logical starting point of mass philosophy. And using the class and stratum analysis to divide the masses between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, he found that “the people” is the fundamental force of revolution, thus endowing “the people” is the distinct implication of philosophical logic of the masses. Furthermore, around the thorough liberation of everyone, he promoted the mass philosophy to the logical destination in the exploration of “the association of free men”. In general, the mass philosophy in Marx’s thought contains the analysis path from “real individuals” to “people” and then to “free people association”. It has great academic value not only to further open up a new perspective of historical materialism, but also to highlight the concept of people as the subject in the new era through grasping this theoretical approach accurately.

Keywords: Marx; philosophy of the masses; “realistic individuals”; the people; free men’s association

ResearchonInstitutionalSelf-ConfidenceofChina’sEcologicalCivilization/DING Weihua(Ecological Civilization Research Center of Nanjing Forest Police College, Nanjing 210023,China)

Abstract: The self-confidence of China’s ecological civilization system has the fundamental basis of the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, the realistic basis for fully demonstrating the efficiency of the ecological civilization system, the historical basis for the long-term exploration from the environmental protection system to the ecological civilization system, and the value basis for the profound people nature of the ecological civilization system. The self-confidence of ecological civilization system is conducive to the further development of social resources of self-confidence of socialist system with Chinese characteristics, the cohesion of spiritual consensus towards a new era of socialist ecological civilization, and the enhancement of China’s national heritage of taking responsibility for global ecological governance. In order to further consolidate and enhance the institutional self-confidence of China’s ecological civilization in the new era, efforts must be made to adhere to and improve the system of ecological civilization, fully learn from the experience of foreign ecological environment system construction, and constantly enhance the discourse power of ecological civilization system.

Keywords: ecological civilization; institutional confidence; fundamental basis; value of the times; promotion path

OntheDiscourseEvolutionandEssenceofLiberalizationfromthePerspectiveofCriticism/HONG Guangdong(School of Marxism, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023,China)

Abstract: As the discourse system of the bourgeoisie, the ideological trend of liberalization has presented itself in the form of humanitarianism, new liberalism, democratic socialism and universal axiology in the process of China’s reform. Although the timing of these theories is different, the demands remain unchanged that all of them are intended to distort and eliminate the dominant position of Marxism. Although the discourse expression is different, the essence is unchanged that they are the disguise and variation of capitalist ideology. Although the infiltration fields are different, the intention remains unchanged, which is to make socialist China change its flag and take the wrong path. In the process of comprehensively deepening reform and the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, confronted with liberalization thoughts, we must be vigilant to prevent the ideological infiltration war all the time. We must maintain critical awareness to expose the theoretical essence of the ideological trend of liberalization, keep political awareness to strengthen the confidence of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and uphold the position awareness to ensure the leadership of the ideological construction work.

Keywords: liberalization thoughts; comprehensively deepening reform; socialism with Chinese characteristics; ideology

BigData-DrivenOrientedUrbanLifelineManagement/CHEN Tan, et al(Public Administration School of Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China)

Abstract: Urban lifeline management is a key area and core content of urban emergency management, and it is the basic requirement and important guarantee for national infrastructure governance. The urban lifeline is an indispensable infrastructure to sustain the production and life of urban residents, and is a key system of interrelation and interdependence related to the fundamental safety of the city. Since urban lifeline has the characteristics of being basic, public, systematic, relevant, professional, complex and fragile, urban lifeline management needs to follow the principles of sustainable development, number management, cost control, scientific evaluation and the rule of law guarantee.It is necessary to establish a data classification management system from the aspects of urban transportation big data, urban energy big data, urban water affairs big data, urban medical big data, urban communication big data, urban fire protection big data, and urban defense big data, and actively carry out urban lifeline space management, urban lifeline time management, urban lifeline operation and maintenance management, urban lifeline monitoring management, urban lifeline emergency management and urban lifeline collaborative management. There is no doubt that urban lifeline management is inseparable from the planning and design of big data thinking and the support of big data technology. To a certain extent, urban lifeline management in the era of big data must establish a risk-centered urban lifeline management system, a perfect urban lifeline public data platform, a big data-driven urban lifeline system capacity and a big data-driven lifeline emergency management plan. With the rapid development of the Internet, big data and artificial intelligence, urban lifeline management will become more and more digital, precise, intelligent and legalized.

Keywords: Big Data; lifeline management; theoretical paradigm; practical logic

CompetitiveDynamicsofLocalGovernmentsandtheActualRateofEndowmentInsurance/TUO Hongwu,et al(Institute for Hospital Management of Tsinghua University, Shenzhen 518055, China)

Abstract: Based on the government system of fiscal decentralization, promotion championship and official governance, this paper establishes an analytical framework, and uses the panel data of 79 sampled prefecture-level cities from 2012 to 2016 to analyze the impact of local governments’ competitive power on the contribution burden of employees’ pension insurance by using the bidirectional fixed effect model.We find that the financial competition power of local governments, economic growth yardstick competition power, and officials’ personal competition power can significantly influence the endowment insurance contribution, and the financial competition power can also strengthen the influence of economic growth yardstick competition power on endowment insurance contribution.The share of fiscal expenditure which represents the competitive power of fiscal expenditure has a negative relationship with the endowment insurance contribution. The competitive power of GDP growth which represents the yardstick competitive power has a negative relationship with endowment insurance contribution. The analysis of the influence of personal competitive power of officials on endowment insurance contribution shows that there is a positive relationship between the tenure of mayor, tenure of party secretary and endowment insurance contribution. The age of the mayor, the age of the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and the contribution burden of the pension insurance of the employees all showed a u-shaped distribution, with the peak of 54,56 years old. The conclusion shows that the local government governance structure makes the local governments in China have the competition of endowment insurance contribution burden similar to the international tax burden competition.

Keywords: localgovernment; competition; endowment insurance; actual rate

ResearchonChina’sBioenergyIndustryDevelopmentStrategyunderWEF-Nexus/LIU Gang, et al(State Key Laboratory of Hydrology Water Resource and Hydraulic Engineering,Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)

Abstract: Along with the double impact of global climate change and human high-intensity activities, the conflict between supply and demand of primary resources such as water, energy and food has become increasingly serious. Since the bioenergy industry involves the matching relationship between water resources, energy and food resources, it will have an important impact on the country’s resource security, ecological security and economic security. CiteSpace is used to analyze 11392 literatures related to bioenergy in the Web of Science database.The mapping knowledge of bioenergy is drawn from the nation and institutional distribution to the keyword evolution and co-citation network keyword clustering. By combing the mismatch and dislocation phenomena between practice and scientific research of global bioenergy, three key bottlenecks restricting the development of China’s bioenergy are summarized. On this basis, the scientific research progress of technical bottlenecks at home and abroad is deeply analyzed. After combing and analyzing the key elements of the bioenergy industry, the inspiration of the development strategy of China’s bioenergy industry is finally obtained.

Keywords: bioenergy; mapping knowledge domain; water-energy-food nexus

AResearchonFamilyInvolvement,SourceofCEOSuccessorsandFinancialReportingQuality/LI Baobao, et al(College of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106, China)

Abstract: From the perspective of SEW and legality, the article takes the 2008—2018 A-share listed family enterprises as research samples, and examines the impact of family involvement and source of successor CEO on the quality of corporate financial reporting. The study found that family ownership and management involvement have a significant negative impact on the quality of financial reporting. Further research shows that compared with the founder CEO of the first generation, the second generation family CEO and the professional manager successor CEO can enhance the financial reporting quality of the family business. The research enriches the literature on family business research, expands the research vision of the frontier issues of family business financial reporting quality, and provides a reference for how the family business in the later period of the founder’s stage can improve the quality of financial reports.

Keywords: family involvement; CEO successor; financial reporting quality

TheRealisticObstaclesandResolutivePathofReusingtheIdleRuralHomesteadundertheStrategyofRuralRevitalization/ZHANG Yong(School of Finance and Public Management, Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Bengbu 233030,China)

Abstract: Reusing the idle rural homestead is an important “engine” to coordinate the relationship between rural people and land, optimize the allocation of rural land resources, stimulate the vitality of rural development and promote the revitalization of rural areas. It is of great practical significance to promote the living use of idle homestead for activating rural land elements, activating farmers’ sleeping land assets, increasing farmers’ income and providing land security for the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. At the present stage, the evolution of homestead function in the process of urbanization of agricultural population transfer and the expansion of homestead function under the strategy of the rural revitalization strategy provide an opportunity to promote the living use of idle homestead, which is feasible in practice. Under the strategy of rural revitalization, there are two restricting factors of “obstacles to people” and “obstacles to land” in the utilization of idle homestead. In view of this, this paper puts forward the ways to solve the problems of the living use of idle homestead under the strategy of rural revitalization, including stimulating the endogenous power of farmers’ participation to effectively solve the “obstacles to people”, and exploring the multiple use of homestead and highlighting the service to rural revitalization to effectively solve the “obstacles to land”.

Keywords: the rural revitalization strategy; idle homestead; reusing; realistic obstacles; resolutive path

HomeOwnershipTrapandHousingPoliciesforDifferentCitiesinChina/CHEN Youhua, et al(School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China)

Abstract: In the 1990s, British scholar Oswald put forward the famous “home ownershiptrap” hypothesis. He believed that home ownership would reduce the mobility of home buyers, leading to an increase in unemployment and a decline of economic vitality. Drawing experience from foreign scholars’studies on the “housing ownership trap”, this paper investigates the current Chinese cities and finds that the high asset attributes of private housing in big cities will help the homebuyers who want to move to get more financial support and protection, will not bring“lock-in” effect to the homebuyers, and will create positive external effects for urban development.Conversely, in small and medium-sized cities with contraction risk, the low-asset property of private housing will indeed lead to the “housingownership trap” for buyers and urban development. Based on the above conclusions and combined with the trend of urbanization in the future, this paper puts forward some suggestions for housing policies.

Keywords: housing ownership trap; housing system; housing policies for different cities

RigidDemandandInvestmentDemandintheDiscourseofChina’sUrbanHousingRegulatoryPoliciesfrom1998to2018/SHI Yini, et al(School of Public Administration, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)

Abstract: Housing demand is often divided into market demand and security demand, but little attention has been paid to the internal differentiation of market demands. This paper fills this gap by analyzing the narratives and measures in China’s urban housing regulatory policies from 1998 to 2018. We find that the government has claimed to protect “rigid demand” since 2010, meanwhile curbing housing investment and speculation. However, the flexibility of regulatory policies both in temporal urgency and spatial distribution reflects the contradiction between housing as a tool of urban development and the socialist goal of market economy, and might lead to unintended consequences which are contrary to expectations.

Keywords: housing market; rigid demand; housing investment; regulatory policies

ResumingtheCollectiveEconomyofChina’sVillages/MA Liangcan(School of Humanities and Social Development, Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University, Yangling 712100, China)

Abstract: As a new type of new rural collective economy, the collective economy of Chinese villages is a community economy formed by peasants based on collective property rights, membership and village boundaries. The economic type emphasizes that economy is embedded in the community relationship structure and presents the social character of economy. The character makes it different from rural elite economy, rural cooperative economy and rural collective economy. After the reform and opening up of China, the reform and practice of management of rural property rights, the dilemma of decline of rural communities after the abolition of agricultural taxes and fees, the implementation of new socialist rural construction and the comprehensive implementation of rural revitalization strategy in the new era have become the spatial-temporal background for resuming village collective economy. Since the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the state has made clear institutional and policy statements on promoting the reform of rural property rights system, rebuilding the new rural collective economy, exploring the diversified realization ways and paths of collective economy, and promoting the construction of collective economic organization and legalization, which has created a good policy and institutional environment for the revival of rural collective economy. To recover the collective economy of Chinese villages is an important way to alleviate the end of villages or peasants and rebuild the village community in some areas in the new era.

Keywords: collective economy of Chinese villages; essential connotation; spatial-temporal background; institutional basis; rural revitalization

IndustrialPovertyAlleviationandCapabilityImprovementBasedonthePerspectiveofFeasibleCapacity/LIU Jie,et al(School of Sociology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China)

Abstract: In many anti-poverty measures, industrial poverty alleviation is regarded as a primary solution. Most of the academic analysis on the effect of industrial poverty alleviation focuses on the perspective of economic growth, which neglects both the embeddedness of poverty alleviation industry and the multiple poverty reduction effect of the industrial practice of poor farmers. Therefore, it is impossible to break through the abstract opposition between industrial development and the development of poor farmers. In order to analyze the development benefits of industrial poverty alleviation and explore how industrial development can promote the development and capability improvement of poor farmers, an analysis framework of how industrial poverty alleviation can improve capability is set up based on Sen’s capability approach. More importantly, it is necessary to expand the understanding of industrial poverty alleviation from economic development projects to social policy projects, from efficiency-oriented to effectiveness-oriented development, and examine the poverty reduction effects of industrial poverty alleviation from a multi-dimensional perspective of power and capacity.

Keywords: industrial poverty alleviation;capability approach;poverty reduction effect

TheConstructionofCommunityGovernanceSystemfromthePerspectiveofSocialGovernanceCommunity/REN Keqiang(Institute of Social Development,Nanjing Academy of Social Sciences, Nanjing 210018,China)

Abstract: Community governance system and capacity are the basis of social governance system and capacity, and also determine the efficiency of social governance. The study of community governance practice in Wenzhong District of Liangjiang City shows that the community governance practice has problems in the governance system and governance capability.Modern community governance must create a community governance community that is more efficient, more resilient, and able to deal with the challenges of normalization and abnormality. In the face of the poor governance system, it is necessary to innovate and reconstruct the governance concept and organizational system, while in the face of the insufficient governance capability, it is necessary to guarantee and support from the governance mode and human resources. Therefore, it is necessary to promote the modernization of governance system and governance capacity from four aspects: adhering to the idea of "people first"to innovate the concept of community governance, promoting pluralistic co-governance to improve thecommunity governance organization system, paying attention to scientific and technological support to innovate the community governance mode, and giving full play to professional guidance to create grassroots social governance talent team.

Keywords: community governance community; people first; multi-governance; technological support; governance efficiency
