Struggling for a Life in a Foreign Land

2020-01-08 07:17ByYouJinSingapore
Special Focus 2019年12期

By You Jin [Singapore]

On Nawoi Avenuein Osh, the second largest city in Kyrgyzstan, there is a restaurant named “Shanghai Restaurant” which serves authentic Chinese cuisine.I had been tortured by an ache in my throat due to the ubiquitous local kebabs, so Chinese food was indeed a wonderful option for my sore palate.

I went there and ordered two dishes after sitting down.It was wonderful.The chef had a superb command of culinary art, with presentable steamed fish garnished with sliced ginger and green onion, and sumptuously savory slivered beef with gourd.

After that, I became attached to the food there, and began visiting it frequently.Soon I was on good terms with the restaurant owner Luo Yihan.We had many good conversations before I knew that she had experienced a lot of hardships in starting her career in Osh.

A Difficult Start

As a newcomer to a foreign country, Luo couldn't speak a word of the local language.Things were so difficult for her.

“Russian is one of the official languages that everyone speaks in the country, so I made up my mind to learn it by reading a set of Russian textbooks with pictures.I stayed with a local family, and the couple had five children who, in turn, taught me the language.Some basic retroflex sounds were so difficult for me that I couldn't grasp them—I even had a swollen and sore tongue from constant practice.With my unremitting effort to master them, I learned a secret: When vibrating my tongue, I raised it against the upper jaw.Then the moving air could produce the sound.Eventually I overcame the formidable obstacle, and made great progress afterwards.”

With her persistent study of the language, she was able to communicate with locals in simple Russian.As her proficiency improved, she could use the language much better.Now she spoke Russian with as much ease as if she were a native, and had long become accustomed to the life here.



吃上瘾了,天天往那儿跑,自然而然与店主罗艺菡熟络起来。常谈变为长谈、深谈,这才知道,现年49 岁的她,在奥什创业,却是一路崎岖。



“俄罗斯语是当地的官方语言之一,人人会说,我买了一套图文并茂的俄文书,下定决心学会它。当时,我寄居在一户乌孜别克族家里,夫妇俩有5 个孩子,他们轮流教我。俄语中有些基本的卷舌音非常困难,我的舌头卷得几乎溃烂了,还发不出来。下了拼死的决心日练夜练,最后终于发现一个窍门:以颤动着的舌头顶住上颚,靠气流把语音传送出去,这才破除那个可怕的障碍。障碍一去,势如破竹,进步神速。”



她的亲戚把12 万双鞋子批发到邻国乌兹别克斯坦,遇上商场骗子,分文都收不回来。













As everything was set on the right track, she suddenly suffered a deadly blow.

One of her relatives helped her to wholesale 120,000 pairs of shoes in the neighboring country Uzbekistan but was scammed.All her money was lost in it.

There was no use crying over spilt milk, however.After learning a lesson from it, Luo decided to trade daily necessities such as bed sheets and quilts.Her honesty paid off, and she benefited from her booming business.

A New Turning Point

Just as she was expecting a good step forward for her career, another blow followed.

In 2010, a violent riot broke out in Kyrgyzstan.

Now, Luo still recalls the night in June as if it had happened today.

“I was woken up by a bout of noises like fireworks.Soon I realized it was a volley of gunshots.” She frowned as she described.“Looking out of the window, I found the chaos horrible—people were running and shouting.I was scared to death.This was just the beginning of the dreadful situation.The next day, things were out of control, with crimes being committed everywhere, including arson, looting, and rapes.You name it.I shut myself in my apartment like a caged creature, not knowing what to do.”

Worse still, she was running out of food at home.Down the street from her building was a department store, but she didn't dare to leave her room for it.Business was suspended and all shops were closed.

“On the first floor where I lived, all my neighbors were Kyrgyz.Since we got along very well, we helped one another out in the critical moment.One neighbor offered me a large lamb leg, and others gave me bread and instant noodles so that I could nourish myself.How grateful I am! ”

Thanks to her friends' help, Luo sustained for several days in frightening conditions.When the situation became better, she fled back to Urumqi and stayed there for over a month.

Although the riot was eventually put down, one of border entries to Uzbekistan was closed.The once prosperous wholesale market was so heavily affected that it quickly saw a slowdown.

For Luo, the lively spring turned into a bleak winter.Instead of drifting into abject poverty, Luo took initiative to seek solutions.

Given that a lot of Chinese companies were run in Osh, with many Chinese expats and visitors living here, Luo, pushed by her acute business mind, decided to open a Chinese restaurant.

Her Confidence Bounces

In 2012, Shanghai Restaurant was opened in Osh.

Luo hired chefs from Sichuan Province in China to ensure the authenticity of the Chinese cuisine.Guests could not only satisfy their desire for hometown food, but also cure their homesickness.

“Many unique ingredients from Osh can be used to cook many amazing dishes,” Luo was cheerful when introducing her recipes.“For example, pheasant-fighting is very popular here, and the game birds are meaty—the flesh is brawny but not hard, tender but not soggy.They are an ideal choice for a stew or braising.They are sweetly fragrant and dreamily delicious.Apart from it, Sudak fish is also a local delicacy.When steamed alive, its silky meat offers such a lip-smacking flavor that no one gets tired of.”

Blessed with a bundant mountains, lakes, and glaciers, the City of Osh is abound in water resources.Large power plants and hydropower stations across the country provide the people with inexhaustible energy.Therefore, the low costs for water and electricity can be a great advantage to a restaurant owner.

Luo hoped that her restaurant would attract local customers as its frequent guests.










“People here don't form a habit of eating vegetables, only meat.I wish I could have a food program broadcast on TV in order to highlight the essence of Chinese cuisine by demonstrating Chinese people's perfect combinations of meat and various vegetarian ingredients.”

Luo, who came all the way from China to Kyrgyzstan, is resolute in action and determined in mind.She once failed, but soon regained confidence without fearing failure.After experiencing hardships and setbacks in life, she has strengthened her resilience and become confident all the more.

(FromThe Forgotten Paradise, Haitian Publishing House.Translation: Wang Wen)

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