本刊主编张福仁教授近日收到一封来自美国梅奥诊所Michael J. White, M.D医生的来信,信中表达了对中国同行的问候、鼓励和支持,并对我国政府和人民对抗疫的努力和贡献给予了高度评价,信中写到:“没有一种感染是中国病、西班牙病,或美国病。病毒是我们共同的敌人,我们的另一个敌人是恐惧和非理性的反应。让我们一如既往地相互支持、攻坚克难,为夺取全世界抗疫的胜利而奋斗!”“我谨代表国际同行向我的中国同事所做出的抗疫'贡献表示感谢!”。
发件人: 迈克尔.J 华特 医生
地址:W1390 County Road AE Mindoro
邮编: 54644-9421
收件人:张福仁 医生
这不是一种中国病毒,这仅仅是“人畜共患病毒”--从动物传播到人的另一个例证。埃博拉(Ebola)病毒是人畜共患,拉萨热(Lassa fever)、马尔堡(Marburg)、寨卡(Zika)都是人畜共患病毒,还有许许多多。这次从动物到人的传播恰巧发生在一个可通过航空到达世界各地的城市,发生在世界各地会议频繁、旅行繁忙的时间,发生在中国的春节期间。使众多公共卫生医生不能忘却的历史教训是发生在1918-1920年的“西班牙流感”大流行。那次流行看上去始于欧洲,但在3年的时间里播散到了世界的每一个角落。那时没有空中旅行,疾病的传播缓慢,但仍然造成了数千万人的死亡。
有些人责怪中国官员没有向社会“足够快”(quickly enough)的提供足够的信息。我认为迄今全世界所取得控制疫情的所有进展几乎全部得益于中国的医生和科学家,是他们收集样本、提供样本和资料,即使疫情活生生的发生在他们面前,他们也照做不误。国际医学界、特别是中国疾病预防控制中心及其在全中国的合作伙伴迅速取得的科学成就值得赞赏。
迈克尔. J 华特 医生
Michael J. White, MD
W1390 County Road AE
Mindoro WI 54644-9421
10 February 2020
Furen Zhang, M.D., Ph.D.
Director, Shandong Provincial Institute of Dermatology and Venereology
Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences
27397 Jingshi Lu 250022
Jinan, China
Dear Dr. Zhang,
I am writing to express my sympathies and support for all of you who are coping with the impact of COVID-2019, throughout China. I also want to provide the perspective of American physician, as I read the articles in the newspapers, from the internet, and study the medical and science journal articles, which are quickly becoming available.
COVID-19 is an unpleasant surprise for the world. No doctors, no government officials, and no citizens were expecting or prepared for the virus to burst upon the world, in the last two months. In the short time span since the first few patients became ill, the number of infections has grown to over 40,000 persons, all but a few in China. Now, the entire world is aware of the virus and efforts to contain the disease are under way in many countries of the world.
The news is full of regulations in place to prevent Chinese citizens from bringing the virus to our country and other countries around the world. Many people are discussing the potential for a global pandemic, and the effect of the virus on the Chinese economy, upon trade and even the global economy.
Please allow me to share another perspective, a personal one and a perspective intended to acknowledge the burden now carried by the brave people of China.
This isn’t a Chinese virus. It’s just another example of a “zooinosis” -or an infection that can be transmitted from animals to people. Ebola virus is a zooinosis, as is Lassa Fever, Marburg virus, and Zika virus. There are many others. This particular jump from animals to people happened in a city with much air traffic to every part of the world, during a period when a great many people were holding meetings and traveling to every corner of the world, the Chinese New Year. The lesson from history that concerns so many public health doctors is the 1918-1920 “Spanish flu” influenza epidemic. That illness seemed to start in Europe, but was seen in every corner of the world, over about a 3 year period. It happened slowly, because there was no air travel, but it killed tens of millions of persons around the world.
COVID-19 has spread within China, in a matter of weeks. There is great fear that COVID-19 will create a pandemic worse than the great influenza pandemic. That fear is echoed in many news articles, in statements from many government and political leaders, and in public health advisory statements. Concern is appropriate, but we should not be ruled by fear.
The news here focuses on efforts to contain the epidemic. It paints a picture of many governments deciding to prevent the Chinese people from entering other countries, of trying to close the borders between China and the rest of the world. We should acknowledge the apparent benefit of doing this. Cases outside of China are increasing, but much slower than in China. What those statements often miss are the extraordinary coordinated efforts within China to treat those already infected, to identify patients with early infection, to limit further transmission of the virus, and study the virus as quickly as possible.
Chinese workers built two emergency hospitals, in a matter of weeks. A “lock down” of a major city of over 11 million citizens was put in place. Hundreds or thousands of doctors and nurses, and other personnel, have mobilized to travel to Hubei province and assist those persons coping with a massive epidemic. Despite all of the efforts, life carries on. There are still millions of people who need to be fed. Power stations and water supplies need to be maintained. Newspapers, radio and television news are important, to keep the citizens informed. Babies are being born. Children still need to attend school, often by internet. Sanitation needs to be maintained. Supplies need to be transported.
There was a British message from the Queen to the people of England, during World War II: “Keep Calm and Carry On.”
From a distance, it appears to me that the citizens of China are collectively working to maintain calm, to control fear, to do what needs to be done to maintain a functioning society, while simultaneously mobilizing every possible resource to control this disease. Chinese society is carrying on.
I have been privileged to visit China as a guest speaker for two medical meetings. I can picture in my mind the places and people I have visited. I feel a great concern for the people of these cities, and for all of my friends and colleagues.
For me, this epidemic is personal.
The Chinese people are on the front lines of the struggle with this disease. It is Chinese citizens who have been dying. It is Chinese doctors and nurses who have collected the samples that allowed identification of the virus, and have given us the tools to better control the epidemic and to start to study treatments. It is the Chinese economy which is suffering the immediate effects of this virus.
Some persons have faulted Chinese officials for not providing enough information “quickly enough”. I submit that all of the progress that has been made around the world is possible only because of the efforts of Chinese doctors and scientists, who collected and distributed the samples and the data, even as the epidemic was happening in front of their eyes. The world medical community, but especially the Chinese Center for Disease Control and its community partners throughout China, should all be commended for how rapidly this progress has been made.
I want to thank my colleagues in China for the work they are doing on the behalf of the rest of the world. You cannot escape the epidemic. You cannot close the doors to your society. The “dragon is within the gates” already.
I want to acknowledge how much is owed to you by the rest of the world, because of your efforts. Many of us realize this, even if it is not frequently stated in the news articles. We must realize that no infection is a Chinese disease, or a Spanish disease, or an African disease. The virus is the primary enemy. The second enemy is fear and irrational response. Let us continue to support one another as we all struggle to solve this problem and defeat the potential threat to the entire world.
Again, I thank you.
Warm Regards,
Michael J. White, M.D.