EvolutionofconstructionscontainingBA(p. 1)
CHENGQilong(School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China)
BAcan be used as either a verb or a preposition in sentence patterns containingBA. There are three types of sentence patterns containingBA. The corpus reveals that they appear in the order of single structure>double structure>BA-sentence structure. This paper holds that the main progressive conditions for the evolution of constructions containingBAare: 1)There are some semantic-syntactic similarities between adjacent constructions, because the evolution is a progressive semo-syntactic change.2)The repetition of single-structure sentences and subsequent sentences in a paragraph results in the rise of double-structure sentences, whose load of information increases. 3)The further expansion and complication of double-structure sentences cause semantic rhythm change. 4)The change of its semantic rhythm leads to the weakening of the meaning ofBA, the rapid increase of the type frequency of verbs licensed inBAsentences and the further variation ofBAsentences themselves. This paper uses the corpus provided by National Languages Committee to verify the rationality of the theory.
CognitivemotivationsofconstructionalfeaturesandstructuralconstraintsontheinterlanguagerepresentationofEnglishislandconstructions(p. 9)
MAZhigang(Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420, China)
Interlanguage studies on the formal features usually concentrate on the extent to which the adult L2 learners can acquire the formal features in the target language, but no consensus has been achieved. In contrast, a constructional view focusing on informational properties correlates the extent that island constructions are acquired with the degree of their being backgrounded. This empirical study takes informational property of complex constructions as another factor that affects the interlanguage acquisition of island constructions. Results show that non-presentational relatives and non-focal coordinates in Interlanguage grammar are solely influenced by formal features of the relevant constructions, whereas the interlanguage representation of presentational relatives, foregrounded embedded questions and focal coordinates involve both formal features and informational properties. This study thus broadens the theoretical dimension of Interlanguage grammar construction, thereby shifting the attention of L2 researchers towards the meaning and function of L2 syntactic structures.
AcomparativestudyofethosintheprefacesandforewordsofChinesemonographs(p. 20)
JINGYouping&LIKe(School of Translation Studies, Shandong University, Weihai 264209, China)
A preface or a foreword as an important part of a book has the rhetorical function of persuading readers to read. This study employs 30 prefaces and 30 forewords of Chinese monographs in Humanities and Social Sciences during 2008~2018 as data to analyze Campbell’s three patterns (hero pattern, identification pattern and agent pattern) used in building “ethos” in these two types of discourse. The findings indicate that the parameters in three patterns are more frequently used in forewords than in prefaces. In addition, in hero pattern, the two parameters “Doctoral thesis” and “Supervisor” are applied significantly more often in forewords than in prefaces. Lastly, in agent pattern, the two parameters “Professor” and “Doctor” are used more frequently than other parameters in these two kinds of discourse. The main reasons for these may lie in the sociocultural features, the different highlights in these two types of discourse and the requirements of writing them in a more objective way.
AcoherentanalysisofRussianliterarytextsfromtheperspectiveofconceptualmetaphor(p. 27)
HUYini(College of Foreign Languages, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China)
Language is the carrier of human thinking and reflects the cognitive mechanism and thinking mechanism of human beings. Cognitive linguistics, as an important means of language research today, emphasizes “taking physical experience and cognition as the starting point and focusing on finding the cognitive methods behind language facts”. G. Lakoff, a representative of the cognitive linguistic school, believes that metaphor, as an important way of thinking, is widely used in people’s daily life and plays an important role. It is a powerful cognitive tool. Text, as the largest unit of linguistic research, highly reflects the cognitive processes of authors and readers in its broad space. This paper intends to use the conceptual metaphor theory of the idealized cognitive model, and mainly selects the Russian classic literary worksTheCherryOrchardandFatherandSonas the main corpus to explore the implicit coherent system and working mechanism of longer texts.
Theshuttlingspecter:AspectralinterpretationofTheTurnoftheScrew(p. 33)
JINTaidong(College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China)
From the perspective of spectral criticism, and via the lens of narrative communication level in narratology, this paper tries to figure out how the specter inTheTurnoftheScrewshuttles back and forth in different communicative levels, constantly haunting characters, narrators, narratees, the writer and readers. Through the analysis of the “foreign body” and the “spectral crypt” within the text, this paper also dissects the spectrality of writing and reading, reckoning that the process of narrating and writing is the process of locking the specter within the text, while the process of interpretation is the one of releasing and making it resonate with readers’ own perception of the “foreign body” in real life.
McCann’scosmopolitanstandpointontheissueoftheinternationalimmigrationinLettheGreatWorldSpin(p. 40)
WUGuojie(Foreign Literature Research Institute,Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing 100089, China; School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331, China)
LettheGreatWorldSpinis a novel probing into the current hot issue of international immigration. By way of setting the story in New York in 1970s, which received and friendly treated the strangers, McCann shows his cosmopolitan idea that everyone has the basic right to freely immigrate into other countries. Meanwhile, through showing the readers the strangers’ community with the shared future of mankind, McCann expresses his cosmopolitan ideal based on the ideas of equality and universal love. The cosmopolitan standpoint presented in this novel is the specific explanation of the core values of “freedom”, “equality” and “universal love” when they are applied to the issue of the international immigration. It chanllenges the Communitarian proposals for sovereign countries’ right to close border, and gives some inspirations for the governments when they handle the hard nut of receiving the trans-border immigrants and refugees.
TheFrenchliteraryfieldinthe18thcentury:AcasestudyofClaudeVillaret(p. 47)
ZHANGQianru(School of Foreign Languages, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China)
This article tries to explore, through a case study of Claude Villaret, an 18thcentury French writer, how the 18thcentury France defined literature and “man of letters”, what kind of writing “men of letters” of that time created, what their social status was and in what condition they lived. According to the exploration, the study tries to present a general picture of the French literary field in the 18thcentury and proves that the literary field is closely related to its historical background and social conditions.
Researchontextpresentationprocess:AdiachronicdescriptiveanalysisbasedonZhuShenghao’stranslationmanuscriptandprintedversions(p. 52)
ZHANGMi(School of Foreign Languages, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022, China)
Process-oriented research is one of the three main branches of Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS); however, currently it conducts research by means of the comparison of the source text and the target text or empirical studies, but the emerging process of the text has barely been probed into. From the perspective of DTS, this paper analyzes translation process from the socio-historical aspect and believes that what is presented is different due to different emerging processes, so readers often have access to “text presentation”. Text presentation research can be conducted by comparing different printed versions with the translation manuscript. From this standpoint, this paper takes Zhu Shenghao’s translation manuscript ofTheTempestand different printed versions as the case study. By using “descriptive-explanatory” approach, it presents a diachronic and descriptive research and probes into the explanation of these differences.
Translationasapoeticactivity:OnZhengMin’stranslationofcontemporaryAmericanpoems(p. 60)
ZHAOMeiou(School of Foreign Languages, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)
It remains unexplored in China that Zheng Min, a famous poetess in “Jiu Ye School”, has another identity—a translator who in the 1980s translated and introduced contemporary American poems systematically. Through translation, Zheng Min brought some features of deconstructionist and postmodernist poetics such as openness, uncertainty, and unconsciousness into Chinese poetry circle, which contributed to a turn in her poetic career. This paper focuses on Zheng Min’s translation of contemporary American poems, from the reason why she began the translation, to her entire translation activities. As a poetess-translator, Zheng Min’s tendency to deconstructionist poetics influences and manipulates her choices of poems to translate, translation strategies and interpretation. Meanwhile poem translation as a “poetic activity” proves and promotes her transformation in poetics.
Ananalysisoftranslationstrategiesinenterpriseinternationalpublicityfromtheperspectiveofrhetoricalpersuasion:AcasestudyofHuaweicompanyprofile(p. 67)
LILele(School of Translation Studies, Shandong University, Weihai 264209, China)
The quality of enterprise international publicity translation affects the enterprise’s reputation, and then has further influence on its international status. Focusing on Aristotle’s “Three Appeals” theory, and Perelman and Olbrechts’ “Audience” theory and “Presence” theory, this paper takes Huawei Company Profile as an example to explore the positive role of rhetorical persuasion in the selection of translation strategies and construction of translated texts in enterprise international publicity translation, aiming to help enterprises realize effective persuasion, improve their publicity effects and increase their international influence.
Fidelityorinfidelity:Astudyofself-translatedpoemcollectionTheNightWatchmaninthelightoftherewritingtheoryofLefevere(p. 73)
ZHUJinxi&CAORongrong(School of Foreign Language Studies, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China)
TheNightWatchmanis a self-translated collection of poems written by Yu Kwang-chung, but there are many unexpected changes in its translated version compared with the original text. This essay aims to analyze those seemingly unfaithful changes based on the rewriting theory of Lefevere from two aspects,respectively ideology and poetics, and points out that they in essence reflect Yu Kwang-chung’s fidelity to his own ideology and poetics.
AstudyoftherelationshipbetweentextualquantitativefeaturesandmachinescoresofChinese-Englishtranslationtexts(p.79 )
WANGJian(Department of Foreign Languages, Southwest Jiaotong University Hope College, Chengdu 610400, China)
FANGZhou(School of Open Learning and Education, Yiyang Radio and Television University, Yiyang 413000, China)
In this study, Coh-Metrix 3.0 is used as a research tool to analyze 100 quantitative features of 153 timed Chinese-English translation texts at the lexical, syntactic and discourse levels and to explore their ability to predict the machine scores of these texts rated by a certain domestic automated evaluation system. The results show that 29 quantitative features are statistically correlated with the machine scores, and 7 indexes enter the regression equation, which can explain 47.3% of the score differences. In the end, the article analyzes the research results and discusses their pedagogical implications.
AcomparativestudyandtranslationofnounanaphorainChineseandRussian(p. 86)
LUChi(School of Russian and Eurasian Studies, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 247000, China)
Anaphora is an important method of text cohesion and the focus of researchers of discourse. Noun anaphora means using nouns or their combinations to refer to the people or things above. Based on form and meaning, this paper classify some types of noun anaphora in Chinese and Russian. Through analyzing typical examples, research indicates that the functions of noun anaphora in text are as follows: strengthen the cohesion of context, facilitate readers’ finding of referents, enhance the expressiveness of text and highlight “The Principle of Economy” in communication. By comparing and analyzing translations of noun anaphora in Chinese and in Russian, this thesis finds that using pronominal anaphora and zero-anaphora in translation are the common methods in both languages. If retaining the noun anaphora of original text in translation, we often need to add demonstrative pronouns in the Russian translations in order to make referents more clear. On the contrary, when translating noun anaphora from Chinese to Russian, translators usually delete the demonstrative pronouns in translation.
Clarifyingtheoriginanddevelopment,andacquiringknowledgethroughstudy:ReadingQiaoGuoqiang’sAStudyoftheHistoryofSaulBellowStudies(p. 93)
LIWeimin(College of Chinese Language and Culture, Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages, Shaoxing 312000, China; Graduate School, Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing 400031, China)
Qiao Guoqiang’sAStudyoftheHistoryofSaulBellowStudiescan be described as an academic monograph that explains Saul Bellow in depth in the field of foreign literature research. The book systematically combs the main documents of Bellow studies in Britain, the United States, France, China, Japan and other Western countries, as well as the research on the dissemination and acceptance of Bellow. Through Bellow’s creation it carries out an in-depth study on the rich connotation of Bellow’s literary thoughts, especially the Jewishness and modernity contained therein.
AreviewofPragmaticsandItsInterfaceResearch(p. 97)
QIANYonghong(School of Foreign Languages, Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing 211815, China)
PragmaticsandItsInterfaceResearchis jointly completed by internationally renowned scholars in pragmatics and its adjacent disciplines, representing the latest research results of the integration between pragmatics and its adjacent disciplines. This book mainly consists of 12 chapters, involving the interface problems in pragmatics and sociolinguistics, conversation analysis, rhetoric, narrative research, translation research, gesture research, anthropology, politeness theory, corpus linguistics, network linguistics, humor and other fields, showing the main fields and cutting-edge trends of the research on the interface of pragmatics. In addition, the book reexamines the basic concepts, theories, methods and perspectives of pragmatics and uses a two-way perspective to examine the interface research of pragmatics. It has clarified the relevant issues of pragmatic boundary, as well as the relationship between pragmatics and its adjacent disciplines, putting forward rational thinking for the further development of pragmatics interface research, which is of important academic values.
AreviewofTheLanguageQuestionunderNapoleon(p. 101)
JIANMin(Graduate School, Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing 400031, China)
The bookTheLanguageQuestionunderNapoleonanalyzes the cultural and political issues of the Napoleonic era from the perspective of language. It provides a new perspective for studying the cultural politics of the Napoleonic Empire by exploring the language issues of the four key institutions of the Napoleonic period: schools, the military, courts, and churches. Besides, this book emphasizes the importance of local officials in the Napoleonic period to promote central and local exchanges. This paper makes a brief review on it.