多林·斯蒂芬/Dorin Stefan
徐知兰 译/Translated by XU Zhilan
回到有关城市主题的探讨,耶稣基督从未绘制过任何城市的蓝图。他只是在天堂等待人们到来——在那个超越尘俗的地方。而人类则借助思想的概念在尘世中建造出天堂的固定形式。历史城市是人工雕琢的结果,它是人类头脑的产物。最早的建设者表达了他的概念——网格形式;第二位则持有另一种概念——两条正交的轴线;第三个概念是单一的线性空间。那些人们曾经建立和规划的历史城市,体现了这些思想观念变成意识形态的过程。它们借助意识形态的力量代代相传,长盛不衰。它们曾被尘俗中的强权利用,被思想的力量驱使,在那些强权者的人类同胞面前为他们代言。历史城市的形象是一副后来形成的面具,此前只有最初的人类聚落随意地彼此共存。因此不拘一格的聚落形式才是最原始的形式,然后才通过这副面具(固定的形式) 变得正式起来。现在就回到随意的形态如何?那就是,丢掉面具的生活,在去除了意识形态面具的城市中生活。我们哀叹着历史城市的消逝失落,其实我们此刻也仍在迷宫中茫然失措。我们陷入了概念的迷宫而无力逃脱。所以现在是否正应丢掉面具(也就是理想的历史城市的概念),离开这座迷宫?是不是放弃了这个理念,我们就会因此看起来迷失了方向?我们曾经带着开放的心灵走进迷宫,不知不觉地变成了概念的囚徒,而我们现在是否重新找到了心灵的思维——也就是直觉了?
We find in the history different models of tracing, organising and developing of cities. In general, the European city is read culturally and architecturally, through archetypes. Thus the first archetype of the founded city would have been that of ancient Greece based on the grid. The ancient Greeks, looking in the stars and at the sky, found a harmony they were trying to bring to earth through the rational order. It followed the second archetype of the founded city - the Roman city, marked by two axes, cardo and decumanus, perpendicular to each other, intersected at the middle, thus defining a centre equipped with the marks of power, in a process of permanent re-founding with each new Roman settlement. It followed in the Middle Ages a founding model of the ideal city and in Modernity we can talk about the city of the Modern Movement,the linear city drawn by Le Corbusier.
The grid model, cardo & decumanus, the linear city, was established as a reflection of the rational mind, of the idea. Ideas, their deeds, fought against each other, annihilated, overlapped, imposed, and produced in our minds a fictional space that expanded until it became global. Idea by idea. Fictitious after fictional. A globalised fictional becoming a consumer product. Perhaps this is why we are permanently haunted by a past that could only be the one before entering the labyrinth of the idea. The ancient Greeks,through the legendary Dedalus, began, ordering the earthly world as a reflection of heavenly beauty, in the desire to have a non-earthy earth. Establishing heavenly harmony (beyond the earth) through the gesture of rational order. What we cannot understand is extraordinary. What we can implement as a reflex of the extra-ordinary is an ordinary one, coming from the rational order.
Le Corbusier places the modern city on levels,segregates the functions of the city for the sake of the blocks in the park, of the factories separated from the houses and of devided traffic: pedestrian and cars. The modern city, the linear city, opposite to the historical city defined by the "donkey road". With his eyes on the ground, the donkey climbed the hill or followed its course as its feet carried and the man followed it, defining the historical, organic city[1].Thus Le Corbusier opposes to the irrational historical city, which would follow only the "donkey road"the modern, rational city. Of course, Le Corbusier generalises and simplifies but also has a great symbol of truth. Only that the difference won't be between the historical and the modern city but between the organic and the rational city. Because I saw that the historical foundation has a rational idea at its base. The distinction would be between reason and instinct. And in art we have the distinction that Sorin Dumitrescu[2], the painter and theoretician, makes between thought sculpture and mind sculpture. The painter distinguishes between the achievements of Constantin Brancusi, those of the heart, The Prayer,Wisdom of the Earth (Cumintenia Pamantului), the Kiss and those of the idea, those of the "sublimation of form": Bird in Space, The Fish, The Rooster etc.
Returning to the city, Jesus Christ did not draw any city. He is waiting for people in heaven. In that extra-ordinary. People, through the idea of mind,have formalised a heaven on earth. The historic city is an artifact, a product of the mind. The first founder had an idea of representation, the grid. The second one had another idea, two perpendicular axes, and the third one linear. The historical cities,founded, organised, are ideas becoming ideologies.They have been perpetuated from generation to generation by the ideology power. Imposed by the power of the powerful on earth, imposed by the force of the mind, to represent them in front of their peers. The image of the historically city is a mask, which appeared late, after the first human settlements began to coexist informally. It was first the informal, who were formalised with a mask(form). Let us go back to informal now? That is, to live without a mask, in a city deprived of the mask of ideology. We deplore the historic city we lost when we were actually lost in the maze. We went into the maze led by ideas and could not get out. Is it now this loss of the mask (the idea of the ideal historical city) coming out of the maze? Do we seem disoriented because we no longer have the idea?We entered the labyrinth with an open heart, as we lived informally captives of the idea, and now we find again the thoughts of the heart, the instinct?
Maybe we could get out of the maze if we found the point where the click occurred, where the sense of instinct deviated from the idea.
Generally, we consider that we know what architecture is or how it is made, in the sense that we practice it by the virtue of the specialised training and experience[3]; what concerns me now(given my constant involvement for many years in architecture education) is - by virtue of the beneficial presence of the computer and artificial intelligence in the design process - if the architect in the future will have the same role or artificial intelligence replace us more and more? Or... what will replace it? Without discussion, the computer helps us now enormously, especially in terms of efficiency of design, but also of realisation; the computer can operate faster; for an investor, speed meant a lot; and then the machine will take over everything? We don't know yet; and in this context I wonder where the architect-being could not be replaced by the architect-machine; if everything becomes knowledge and procedural decision, where will be the irreplaceable being? Looking for answers,I thought back to the beginning, to those times when the artificial built space was a simple gesture,a shelter; and I was wondering - did the exit from the shelter lead us to architecture? Has architecture opened a new horizon for us? The horizon of a space built not only technically efficient physical shelter but at the same time a "shelter" of thoughts, of a mental space in solidarity with physical space.
我不知道出于关心(或也许是恐惧)的立场,建筑是否会成为人工智能主导的排他性领域(并带来建筑师的失业)。我更乐于认为,我们作为人类,在我们所从事的创造性活动中,不仅需要算法,也需要直觉 (也就是非程序性的思考)。有人也许会说,我们正在用头脑和意识进行创造,抑或称为理性和心灵,又或是概念和思想。
译注/Notes from translator
i 代达罗斯是古希腊神话中的建筑师和雕刻家,相传曾为克里特国王建造迷宫。
ii 康斯坦丁·布朗库西(1876-1957)生于罗马尼亚,法国雕塑家和现代摄影家。他是继奥古斯特·罗丹之后,20世纪最具影响力的雕塑家,被誉为现代主义雕塑先驱。
iii 西奥多罗斯,公元前6世纪的萨米亚雕塑家罗伊科斯的儿子。
iv 罗伊科斯是公元前6世纪的萨米亚雕塑家。他和他的儿子西奥多罗斯的青铜作品尤为引人注目;据希罗多德说,罗伊科斯曾在萨摩斯岛上建造了赫拉神庙,后来被大火烧毁。
v 厄帕俄斯是希腊神话中的英雄,特洛伊战争中参加希腊联军,不仅是有名的拳击手,也是一位能工巧匠,在雅典娜帮助下建造了特洛伊木马。
vi 伽尔瑟夫农是克诺索斯古克里特岛的建筑师,是以弗所的阿耳忒弥斯神庙的建造者。
vii 梅塔杰纳斯是克诺索斯古克里特岛的建筑师伽尔瑟夫农的儿子,他跟随父亲参与了以弗所的阿耳忒弥斯神庙的建造。
I found in a book, a fascinating story told by an architect, Indra Kagis McEwen[4], as if the architecture had begun in that space of the peripter porch of the Greek temple. A space neither closed nor open. A vibration of the wall that was given neither to the darkness of the cave neither to the sunlight. A new space for a struggling being to come to light. Architecture a new space? Indra Kagis McEwen tells us how the architecture started slowly and was not intended as a shelter but as an image. Architects have since been called those who put the light on the imagination and give the built substance. Before architecture, before philosophy,before mathematics, before drama, there was the craftsmanship. It was the admiration and veneration for the knowledge of the earth's creative genius. Of the man who wanted to bring to earth the peace and harmony of the cosmos seen in heaven. Dedal,Theodorus, Rhoikos, Epeius, Chersifron, Metagenes,mythical architects and craftsmen made possible that transfer from the imaginary to the real and then from the real to the imaginary, that the people called architecture. They "built" the temple - the space of veneration, surrounded by columns, columns that embodied in their imagination flight and pottery,myths and realities1)[4].
Craftsmen, artists, architects through our artefacts we copy what we see in nature but in order to acquire our artifact we need to give it meaning.Let us interpret it.
In/by significance the architectural space closes round. Until it has been filled with significance the artificially constructed space is emptyness-lived-byneed. The cave, itself, a symbol of an unknown but assumed cosmos, is signed by man to strengthen his psychological internalisation2)[5]started with the investigation of the positioning in the world.Emptyness-lived-by-need comes to light[6]and is established in the architecture by the astonishment of the man in front of the reality-from outside and then, by the astonishment at his own gestures flaunting tangible realities. Like a glove turned on its back, the architecture brought to light the significance of the dwelling. Consciousness was signed in the cave and it was designated outside, in the reality of the things: a clay pot, a woven canvas,a wooden boat. Meaning givers. He came out of the cave, he made a pot of clay, he wove a canvas, he made a boat, he put a canvas on him. He covered himself with the canvas. He boarded on the ship.He adorned the clay pot, the ship and the canvas with signs. The inner sign came to light. Like the process from the "dark room", the light gave the negative meaning, it generate the image, it was externalised. The negative got positive. It has taken over. Architecture is an artificial space built itself.The process of taking over is the meaning of the architecture. The established meaning has left signs.It kept the road signs. Can we erase the signs of significance? Can we be deprived of them without suffering? I do not know. They are still present. We still carry these signs.
Starting from the myth, the architecture is in equal measure necessity and desire. Necessity because shelter along with food is vital to life. The desire for the mental space comes to complete the physical space,expand it, give it certainty, give it beauty, participate in the joy of life. The metal and the physical space form altogether the artificial built environment.
I do not know if from the concern (perhaps fear)that architecture will become the exclusive privilege of artificial intelligence (and the architect will lose his job) I like to believe that we, the people, in our creative works operate not only with algorithms but also with intuition (non-procedural thinking).Some would say that we operate concurrently with the brain and the consciousness. Or with reason and heart. Or with the idea and the thought.
For its realisation we work with ideas and intuitions, with the brain and the heart, with the reason and with the conscience. If we admit that ideas are non-conscious algorithms, which can be"read" mathematically (so by artificial intelligence),then thought, intuition, consciousness, are conscious algorithms that are hard to be gouverned by algorithms.That is why today, when everything is on the way to the"support", but also the danger of artificial intelligence,the intuition and the consciousness, could be those particularities specific to the human being. Creativity also comes from enthusiasm, enthusiasm which is consciousness, not idea.□
1)“那些神话人物之间独具创造性的相互影响更进一步暗示,周围神庙的翼廊和早期把建筑同时阐释为对飞行和航海的表达有很大的关系。”来源:参考文献[4]/"The ingenious correspondences between the mythical figures further suggest that the pteron of the peripterous temple had much to do with an early interpretation of architecture both as embodied flight and as navigation..." Sources: Reference [4]
来源:参考文献[5]/"The cave symbolises the place of identification, that is the process of psychological internalisation, after which the individual becomes himself and reaches maturity. He will therefore have to assimilate the whole collective world that puts his stamp on it, at the risk of disturbing it, and to integrate these contributions into his own powers, so as to constitute his own personality and a personality adapted to the world around him. The organisation of the inner self and its relation with the outer world is concurrent. The cave symbolises, from this point of view, the subjectivity, in its inclusion with the problems of its differentiation."Sources: Reference [5]
[1] LE CORBUSIER. Essential Joys. Bucharest:Meridiane Publishing House, 1971.
[2] DUMITRESCU S. Gorduz, from Ideas to "Showing", 7 Lessons to Make Art. Anastasia Publishing House, 2010.
[3] STEFAN D. Captives in the Labyrinth//Designing the Profile of The Future Architect. ROBU-MOVILA A,TIGANAS S, MINDIRIGIU E, eds. Igloo, 2019.
[4] MCEWEN I K. Socrates' Ancestor: An Essay on Architectural Beginnings. CambridgeMass:The MIT Press, 1993.
[5] CHEVALIER J, GHEERBRANT A, BUCHANANBROWN J. Dictionary of Symbols: myths, dreams,customs, gestures, forms, figures, colours, numbers.Penguin Books, 2009: 718.
[6] STEFAN D. Is light the poetry of the life of architecture?. IGLOO Magazine, 2019.