新目标英语七年级(上)Unit 6单元要点检测题

2019-12-30 09:38
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2019年11期



(     )1. He has ________ egg and ________ hamburger.

A. an; a                  B. an; an              C. a; a

(     )2. Jim wants to play basketball ________ his friends.

A. with                  B. to              C. for

(     )3. —Does your mother like bread ________ breakfast?

—Yes, she does.

A. to                      B. on                      C. for

(     )4. —I dont like chicken ________ meat.

—Me, neither.

A. and                      B. nor                C. or

(     )5. They ________ some chicken for lunch.

A. want to              B. like          C. have

(     )6. Bill wants to eat ________ apple and dessert.

A. a B. an C. some

(     )7. —Its sunny today. What about ________ to the park?—That sounds good.

A. to go  B. to going C. going

(     )8. The songs sound ________ and I like them very much.

A. well  B. good  C. bad

(     )9. I have ________ tennis balls and one baseball in my bedroom.

A. some                B. a              C. an

(     )10. —Fruit makes us ________.

—We should eat more.

A. healthy food            B. in healthy          C. healthy



Do you like eating fruit? Fruit is   11   food. Eating fruit is usually   12   for peoples health. Many people   13   some fruit every day. My family also like   14   very much,   15   we like different fruits. My   16   likes strawberries. She thinks they are very delicious. My father   17   bananas. And he eats   18   every day. I like apples, and I have one  19   breakfast every day. But my sister doesnt like them. She likes oranges because she thinks their   20   is beautiful. And she has a great collection of orange things.

(     )11. A. fun  B. boring  C. healthy

(     )12. A. good  B. bad  C. OK

(     )13. A. has  B. have  C. eats

(     )14. A. fruit  B. food  C. vegetables

(     )15. A. because  B. so  C. but

(     )16. A. mother  B. father  C. brother

(     )17. A. doesnt need  B. likes  C. doesnt like

(     )18. A. her  B. it  C. them

(     )19. A. to  B. on  C. for

(     )20. A. color  B. picture  C. smell




Its Sunday today. Its time for lunch. Zhang Tao and his parents go to a house of noodles (面条) for lunch. The waiter (服务员) shows them the menu (菜单).

[Menu] [   Name][Mixture (配料)][   Price][Special I][Special II][Special III][Porridge][Orange juice][Green tea][Ice-cream][onions, potatoes, beef, broccoli][cabbage, tomatoes, mutton][tomatoes, eggs, onions][¥8.0







Zhang Taos father orders(点) Special I and a cup of green tea. His mother orders Special III  and two bowls of porridge. Zhang Tao orders Special II and an ice-cream.

(     )21. Whats the time?

A. About 7:00 in the morning.        B. About 12:00 at noon.

C. About 6:00 in the evening.

(     )22. What does Zhang Tao have for lunch today?

A. Beef.            B. Mutton.          C. Meat.

(     )23. Linda doesnt like tomatoes, so she can order ________.

A. Special I          B. Special II        C. Special III

(     )24. Whose lunch is the most expensive?

A. Fathers.          B. Mothers.        C. Zhang Taos.

(     )25. Lin Hua has 9 yuan, and she doesnt like onions. What can she order?

A. Special II and orange juice.

B. Orange juice and Special III.

C. Special II and porridge.


People like to live in different places. Some like big cities because they can go shopping conveniently. There are more and better jobs in a big city and they can get more money. There are some big cinemas and theaters here and there in big cities. They can also go to parks, zoos and museums on weekends.

Some people like to live in the country because they think there are too many cars, too many people and too much pollution in cities. The air in villages is fresh and there is less noise. For me, I like to live in a village. I plant vegetables by myself. I can see birds singing in trees and flowers all over the field.

(     )26. If you want to get more money, youd better ________.

A. find a job in a village B. find a job in a big city

C. plant vegetables by yourself

(     )27. What does the underlined (劃线的) word “conveniently” mean in Chinese?

A. 竞争地.                B. 自信地.                C. 方便地.

(     )28. What can people see in the village?

A. Cars, cinemas and theaters.          B. Trees, birds and flowers.

C. Parks, zoos and museums.

(     )29. The writer likes to ________.

A. look for a job          B. live in a city        C. live in a village

(     )30. Whats the best title (标题) for the passage?

A. Different People Live in Different Places.

B. Different Villages Have Different Lifestyles (生活方式).

C. Different Cities Have Different People.



31. What do you like for d________?

32. Eat more vegetables. Its good for your h________.

33. Linda likes e________ salad very much.

34. I have noodles for b________.

35. The monkey likes eating b________.



It is time for lunch. Tom, a black cat, wants to e    36     a sandwich (三明治). Then he opens the fridge and takes out a p    37     of bread. He finds fish. He p    38     tomato and mayo (蛋黄酱) on it. Tom looks at his sandwich. It is too s    39    . Tom adds (加上) cheese, an egg, two hot dogs and a canof beans. Toms sandwich is too b    40     for him to eat. He t    41     about what to do. “Ive got it!” Tom says. Tom calls all of his friends. He a    42     them to come over. Everyone goes to Toms house. Tom shows (拿给某人看) them his great lunch. Toms sandwich is enough (足够的) for a    43      of them. Toms sandwich is all gone. Toms friends l    44     Toms big lunch. And they say, “T    45     for sharing (分享)!” “Youre welcome,” Tom says. “Sharing is cool.”

36. e                37. p                38. p                39. s                40. b                41. t                42. a                43. a                44. l                45. T


假设你的父母在天虹商场开了一家西餐厅,名叫Island Coffee。请你用英语帮他们写一段广告词。可做适当发挥,字数60~80词。

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