Abstracts of Papers in This Issue

2019-12-24 19:15:02
外文研究 2019年1期

Textualcohesionandliterariness:Possibilitytointegratetextcriticismandtextlinguistics(p. 1)

LIUChendan(Institute of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)

Formalist criticism claims that literary texts distinguish themselves from non-literary texts because they have a special feature, that is, literariness. Literariness is created through defamiliarization and foregrounding. The former indicates that textual language is unconventionalized to obstruct readers’ text perception and delay their aesthetic perception so that literariness is created. The latter indicates that non-focal and background information is foregrounded to deviate readers’ expectation for literary effects. Textual cohesive devices and other devices are seen in text linguistics as standards to create texture. If the standards are violated deliberately, the effect of defamiliarization appears and the literariness in the text can be created so the original autonomous linguistic structure becomes a literary text. So text criticism and text linguistics tread two paths leading to the same destination. So it is possible and necessary for formalist text criticism to join with linguistics and promote its methodological scientificity.

Acorpus-basedapproachtothecognitivemeaningsandmotivationsofdogidiomsinChinese(p. 10)

LIUGuohui(College of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306, China)

Thedoghas been human beings’ good friend and loyal partner all the time, yet its social status in Chinese culture is not so high as in western cultures. This can be verified from the idiomatic representations ofdogin Chinese for most of the current representations carry with derogatory meanings while least commendatory. This paper attempts to conduct an empirical survey of suchdogidioms in terms of the softwareHANYUDACIDIANand Chinese corpora. The results are unveiled that, synchronically speaking, most of such idioms take the form of four characters, of which the most are derogatory, the least commendatory. Moreover, the most of them appear in literature works while the least in science and technology. Diachronically speaking, commendatory applications dominate in ancient Chinese, yet the derogatory prevail in modern Chinese. In other words, the derogatory applications did not gain the upper hand all the time, which can be motivated from the social value ofdogsand their socio-cultural environment, especially the latter.

Aprobeintothemutationandrecombinationoflinguisticmemesfromtheperspectiveofsubjectivity(p. 17)

PENGZhuo(School of Foreign Languages, Shaoguan College, Shaoguan 512005, China)

The principle of economy and the tension contributed by the imbalance of social cultural ecology are respectively the basis and the force of variation in linguistic memes, which (including mutation and recombination) is a mental subjective processing of representation. Mutation is caused by false replication of memes, while recombination is the unpacking and reblending of the existing mental memetic structures. Mutation and recombination are restricted by cognitive competence and inner structures of cognitive models, and recombination is a more important pattern of variation. What’s more, external intervention would facilitate constructing a favorable linguistic environment. Finally, a probe into the subjective mechanism of linguistic meme variation could let us be keenly aware of the essence of linguistic meme evolution and provide more theoretical support for language memetics.

ThetypesofChinese“DE”:Complementsandtheirgeneration(p. 24)

LIShaoyan&PENGJiafa(College of Liberal Arts, Anhui University, Hefei 230039, China)

This paper intends to investigate the types and generation of “DE” state complements in modern Chinese, and to explain the generation mechanism of such state complements. The “DE” state complement can be divided into two categories: the complement of the action result state and the complement of the action state. According to the factorial typology, the two categories can make further sub-categories. The actual corpus survey shows that the number of “NP+V1+V2P” category is higher, and the rest of the categories are used less. From the perspective of “Cartography of syntactic structure”, the article uses “light verb theory” to explore the generation methods of various “DE” state complements. NP2in the structure “NP1+V1DE+NP2+V2P” is not the object of the main sentence verb. During the generation process, Causer and Causee are both events (caused event and result event), which are expressed by clauses. The nature of “DE” in the action result state complement is a light verb with Cause semantics, and the “DE” in the action state complement is a structural particle. These two kinds of “DE” are all functional categories with adhering properties.

AcharacteranalysisofUkifuneinTheTaleofGenji(p. 33)

LYUZhenghui(School of Foreign Languages,Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130117,China)

The woman, Ukifune, described in the last ten chapters of Uji inTheTaleofGenji, led a pathetically tragic life. This paper analyzes her character image from the aspects of family background, love experience and life choice. And three contradictions can be found in this complicated character. Cowardly as she was, she bravely fought for her cruel fate. Being a sinner, she is always looking for salvation. Without great refinement, she requires a better understanding of“mono no aware”. The depiction of Ukifune fully shows the author’s thinking of the fate of women and elucidates the aesthetic concept of “mono no aware”.

ExplorationoftheunknowninU.S.poetlaureateTracyK.Smith’snewbookofpoemsWadeintheWater(p. 40)

ZHANGLei&PENGYu(School of Foreign Languages, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China)

Tracy K. Smith is the current U.S. Poet Laureate. Her new book of poemsWadeintheWatercontinues her consistent poetic pursuit in the exploration of the unknown, expanding the territory of exploration to the unknown other, the indefinite “it” and the for-itself duende. This book of poems focuses on the shared root of social conflicts and environmental destruction in contemporary America, uses “water” that symbolizes the river of love as the path out of the predicament, and demonstrates the value of poetry through “wading” that denotes the toughness of attitude, all of which endows her poems with special tension and enables her to better carry out her duties as the Poet Laureate.

Thearchetypeinstructure:ThetragedyasseenfromirregularimageschemasinTessofthed’Urbervilles(p. 47)

LIJiage(School of Foreign Languages, University of International Relations, Beijing 100091, China)

The tragedy inTessofthed’Urbervilleshas reflected many possible dilemmas that human beings might face from all time and has attracted numerous discussions and analysis on archetypal character, image, scene and theme. In addition to shaping content and context in this way, Hardy provides the novel with an archetypal narrative structure in order to highlight its tragic effects. However, the previous researches have paid little attention to the structure. This thesis will develop a close reading to construct the narrative structure into the image model in virtue of the image schema theory in cognitive linguistic, in order to see its similarities and deviations from Frye’s archetype, and hence the cognitive limits of the protagonist, who is deeply influenced by the social status at that time, can be recognized and also learnt as the root of the unavoidable tragedy.

SouthernSongJingshanTempleandJapaneseZenmonks(p. 56)

CUIHuijie(School of Oriental Languages and Culture, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou 310018, China)

In South Song Jiading period, Jingshan temple was rank the first in Southeast Zen Buddhist temples. Many a Japanese monk came to Jingshan admiringly to learn Zen and truths. Like Enni, Musho Josho, Nanpo Jomin, they not only practiced Zen diligently, but also inspected tea affairs and learned Chinese poetry in Jingshan. Besides, they brought books and Zen monks’ calligraphy from China to Japan, which promoted the spread of song culture in Japan. In this process, the Jingshan temple contributed greatly to the Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges.

SynaesthesiainclassicalChinesepoemsanditsEnglishtranslation(p. 63)

FENGQuangong(School of International Studies, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China)

Synaesthesia, characterized by esthetic, intuitive and anti-logic features, is a kind of rhetorical cognition. From the perspective of conceptual metaphor, synaesthesia in classical Chinese poems has various kinds of projecting routes, and those most frequently seen take auditory sense, visual sense and sense of smell as target domains. The translation methods of synaesthesia in classical Chinese poems can be classified into four kinds, namely, reproducing, compensating, omitting and adding. Among those methods, reproducing is the dominant method adopted by the translator, and compensating is also rather prominent, including converting synaesthesia into other rhetorical devices, such as personification, metaphor etc. The esthetic effect of reproducing, compensating and adding is usually better than that of omitting, thus instrumental in enhancing the value of the target text as an independent text.

OnLiuMiqing’sdescriptiveviewinhistranslationthoughtandtherelationshipbetweendescriptionandprescriptionintranslationtheory(p. 72)

ZHANGSiyong(School of Foreign Languages, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin 300222, China)

Liu Miqing started his translation research in the early 1980s and is still active on the stage of Chinese translation research. Many important translation views have been formed in his nearly 40 years’ translation research, one of the most important of which is his descriptive view. The paper makes a diachronic survey of his descriptive view, pointing out that his descriptive view has undergone a shift from linguistic descriptive view to linguistic philosophical descriptive view. Based on that, a brief discussion is made about the relationship between description and prescription in translation research.

Typologicalanalysisofmetalanguageandtranslationstudies(p. 78)

BIWeiran(School of Foreign Languages, University of International Relations, Beijing 100091, China)

Different from “object language” referring to objects, “metalanguage” is a kind of language used to describe language itself. As most of the current narratologists focus on descriptive language in novels, little attention has been paid to metalanguage, with its forms and functions in original texts failing to some extent to be re-presented in literary translation. This paper classifies metalanguage in narrative fiction into “metalanguage with meta-narrativity”, “meta-linguistic metalanguage” and “metalanguage as code”; through an analysis of the Chinese versions of three metalanguage-filled classic novels in different eras,NorthangerAbbey,TheFrenchLieutenant’sWomanandAtonement, the paper points out that literary translation should maximally represent the metalanguage of a narrative text in addition to the plot.

AstudyofE-Ccompoundtranslationfromcognitiveperspective(p. 86)

OUPeiyi(School of Foreign Languages and International Business, Guangdong Jidian Polytechnic, Guangzhou 510550, China)

Schematic semantic relations serve as a brand new theoretical framework for compound classification by revealing the cognitive schemas within compounds. The research finds that schematic semantic relations have largely remained fully or partially intact in E-C translation while some compounds experience intra-model or trans-model variations. Such finding inspires creative translating strategies taking into consideration the match and variation of schematic semantic relations. Once adopted as important evaluation criteria, schematic semantic relations will shed light on and bring about breakthroughs in translation theory, translation criticism, translation practice and teaching as well as machine translation.

AreviewofEncyclopediaofChineseLanguageandLinguistics(p. 94)

MABaopeng(School of Foreign Studies, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China)

EncyclopediaofChineseLanguageandLinguisticshas collected and presented the various research results about Chinese languages and linguistics achieved by scholars both domestically and abroad. This book has both properties of instrumentality and academic nature, thus providing privileges for students and scholars to know Chinese languages and linguistics. The present paper first offers a synopsis of this book, which covers the various subfields of the Chinese linguistics and has altogether 21 topics. Then, this paper has reviewed the characteristics of this book, such as international perspective, Chinese facts orientation, distinctive academic feature and plain language. In a word, this book will contribute to the internationalization of the Chinese language and linguistics.

AreviewofTheFinal-Over-FinalCondition:ASyntacticUniversal(p. 98)

SUNWentong(Foreign Language Department, Zhengzhou Chenggong University of Finance and Economics, Zhengzhou 451200, China)

TheFinal-Over-FinalCondition:ASyntacticUniversal, based on various language materials, unveils the structural constraint—FOFC that hides behind superficial word orders. It also demonstrates the cross-linguistic universality of this condition on different grammatical levels, which is of great value to the research in the field of theoretical linguistics and language typology.

AreviewofCognitiveLiteraryScience:DialoguesbetweenLiteratureandCognition(p. 102)

ZHANGZhicai(School of Foreign Languages,Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, Chongqing 402160, China)

Since the birth of cognitive literary research, the research paradigm, research methods and research objects have been advancing with remarkable achievements. With the rapid development of this new interdisciplinary study, the call for the dialogue between and the integration of cognitive science and literature research is becoming increasingly louder.CognitiveLiteraryScience:DialoguesbetweenLiteratureandCognition,published by Oxford University Press in 2017, aims for this purpose. The book embodies the integration trends of cognitive literary study and its confidence as a discipline, with the mutual communication from both sides, which will play an important leading role in the future development of this field.