
2019-12-17 08:10封海东金善忠王巍张振周明张泽志司海倩韩明清李坤
湖北农业科学 2019年21期

封海东 金善忠 王巍 张振 周明 张泽志 司海倩 韩明清 李坤

摘要:對杜鹃兰(Cremastra appendiculata)人工授粉后的结荚习性进行动态观察,对杜鹃兰人工高效受粉技术进行探究与整合,结果表明,在适宜的温湿度下,杜鹃兰受粉3 d后花托开始明显膨大,开花20 d左右花托膨大结束,果荚大小定型,开花170 d天左右果荚成熟。在湿度60%~80%,温度25~28 ℃,遮光度90%~95%时,杜鹃兰果荚生长较快,且无病虫害发生。温度超过30 ℃时,杜鹃兰果荚生长受抑,生长缓慢或停止;温度超过33 ℃时,部分杜鹃兰果荚干瘪死亡脱落,并会孳生病虫害。人工授粉的平均结实率为60.75%,自然受粉结实率为1.43%,人工授粉结实率远高于自然受粉。分别于开花第一至第七天进行人工授粉,开花天数与结实率呈近似连续正交分布,其中开花第三天人工授粉的结实率最高,为97.50%,此后结实率开始降低。单株留花数与人工授粉结实率呈显著负相关关系,即随着单株留花数的增多,人工授粉结实率下降;此外,单株留花数与自然受粉结实率也呈负相关关系。结合产量及成本等因素,得出最优单株人工授粉留花数为8~10朵。

关键词:杜鹃兰(Cremastra appendiculata);结荚习性;人工授粉技术;结实率

中图分类号:S567.23+9         文献标识码:A



Abstract: The dynamic observation of the pod habit after artificial pollination of Cremastra appendiculata was carried out, and the artificial high-efficiency pollination technology of C. appendiculata was explored and integrated. the results showed that under appropriate temperature and humidity, the flower tray began to expand significantly after 3 days of pollination, and the flower tray was enlarged after 20 days of flowering, the pods were shaped, and the fruit pods matured about 170 days after flowering. When the humidity is 60%~80%, the temperature is 25~28 ℃, and the opacity is 90%~95%, the pods of C. appendiculate grow faster and no diseases and pests occur. When the temperature exceeds 30 ℃, the growth of C. appendiculate pods is inhibited, and the growth is slow or stopped. When the temperature exceeds 33 ℃, some of the C. appendiculate pods withered and died, and diseases and pests occur. The average seed setting rate of artificial pollination was 60.75%, and that of natural pollination was 1.43%. And the seed setting rate of artificial pollination is much higher than that of natural pollination. Artificial pollination was carried out on the 1st to 7th day after flowering, respectively, the flowering days and the seed setting rate were approximately continuous and orthogonal. The seed setting rate of artificial pollination on the third day of flowering was 97.50%, and the seed setting rate began to decrease thereafter. There was a significant negative correlation between the number of flowers per plant and the seed setting rate of artificial pollination. That is, as the number of flowers per plant increases, the seed setting rate of artificial pollination decreases. In addition, the number of flowers per plant was negatively correlated with the seed setting rate of natural pollination. Combined with factors such as yield and cost, it is concluded that the optimal number of flowers left by artificial pollination per plant is 8~10.

根据试验结果,总结出杜鹃兰人工授粉的方法,选取茎秆健壮、花序发达、无病虫害的植株,每株留花8~10朵,于开花第三天,用镊子取掉父本花药团,掀掉药帽,置于母本药腔内,母本药腔内有黏液,可黏住花药团,授粉完毕可摘除母本唇瓣,并挂牌套袋标注,防止二次受粉。本试验选择的温、湿度及遮光度参考了陈德媛等[9]、张丽霞[11]的研究结果,分别设置为温度25~28 ℃,湿度60%~80%,遮光度90%~95%。结果表明,这一设计下杜鹃兰果荚能够正常生长并成熟,更优的环境条件有待开展进一步试验进行验证。


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