
2019-12-14 07:25杨艳ArticleJournalistYangYan
重庆与世界 2019年11期

文/本刊记者 杨艳 Article/ Journalist Yang Yan


月17日,由国家文化和旅游部驻罗马旅游处、重庆市文化和旅游发展委员会联合主办的水之城·美丽之地”重庆文化旅游推介会在意罗马举行。同时,重庆文化旅游罗马推广中心挂牌成立。市人民政府副市长陆克华、意大利迪亚曼Diamante)市市长、意大利参议院议员、意大利院农业委员会成员埃内斯托·马戈诺(Ernesto Magorno),意大利旅游局中国事务主管亚历桑德吉塔(Alessandra Zita)出席活动并致辞。文旅游部驻罗马旅游办事处主任杨博,威尼托文化遗产集群总监塞尔吉奥·卡洛(Sergio lò)等嘉宾,罗马会展局、海航驻罗马办事处,利卡尔达纳旅行社,世界辣椒联盟办公室等文游业界以及媒体代表近100人参加推介会,共进重庆与意大利文化旅游交流合作。

On October 17, jointly hosted by the Rome Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the P.R.C. and the Chongqing Culture and Tourism Development Commission, the promotional event Chongqing: A Land of Natural Beauty, A City with Cultural Appeal” was held in Rome, Italy. On t he same occasion, Chongqing Culture and Tourism Rome Promotion Center was officially established.

Lu Kehua, Deputy Mayor of Chongqing Municipal People's Government, Ernesto Magorno, Mayor of Diamante City, who is also a Senator and member of the Italian Senate Committee on Agriculture, ALESSANDRA ZITA, director of Chinese affairs of the Italian Tourism Administration, attended the event and delivered speeches. The event was also joined by other distinguished guests including Yang Bo, head of the Rome Office of the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Sergio Carlo, Director of the Cultural Heritage Cluster of the Veneto Region, and nearly 100 representatives from the cultural tourism industry and the media, including the Rome Convention and Exhibition Bureau, Hainan Airlines Rome Office, Italian travel agency Caldana, and World Pepper Alliance Office. People gathered at the event to promote the cultural and tourism exchanges and cooperation between Chongqing and Italy.



The event introduced Chongqing's cultural and tourism resources in all aspects through a group signing ceremony for projects agreements, display of intangible cultural heritage products, cultural tourism photo exhibition and video shows. A special presentation was given to the urban tourism products represented by 8D Magic City of Nan’an District and humanistic tourism products represented by the Baiheliang, an archaeological site with a underwater stele forest in Fuling District.


Vice Mayor Lu Kehua said in his speech that both China and Italy have a long history of civilization, and that in recent years, exchanges and cooperation between Chongqing and Italy in economy, culture, trade, tourism and other fields has been on the rise. In 2018, Chongqing received nearly 30,000 Italian tourists and seen 26,000 outbound tourists to Italy. Both sides have become important tourist sources for each other and share broad prospects for cultural tourism cooperation. He hoped to take this promotion event as an opportunity to push Chongqing and Italy to a higher level in cultural and tourism exchanges and cooperation.

Yang Bo, head of the Rome Office of the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism said that the highlevel interaction between the leaders of China and Italy has pushed Sino-Italian relations to a new stage of development and the exchanges in the field of cultural tourism between the two countries have opened a new chapter.

In his speech, Ernesto Magorno, mayor of the Italian city of Diamante, member of the Italian Senate and member of the Italian Senate Committee on Agriculture said that Chongqing has a long history and deep culture. Italy attaches great importance to cultural tourism cooperation with Chongqing and hopes that the two sides can carry out in-depth cooperation and exchanges in direct air links, tourism resources development and tourism product promotion.

On the scene of the event, the signing ceremony for four projects of cultural and tourism cooperation between Chongqing and Italy was held. Among them, representatives of Fuling District Culture and Tourism Committee and Sergio Carlo, Director of Cultural Heritage Cluster of Veneto Region, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation. The two sides reached an intention to cooperate in the application and maintenance of cultural relics in Baiheliang, large-scale cultural exchanges between the two places, training of professional and technical personnel, and other cultural and artistic fields, so as to promote the protection and publicity of underwater cultural relics in Baiheliang and further strengthen Fuling's international cultural exchange and cooperation.

On the spot, the Italian tourist agency Caldana was also awarded the "Chongqing Culture and Tourism Rome Promotion Center" to further promote Chongqing's unique tourism resources, expand Chongqing's inbound tourism market, and enhance the popularity and influence of Chongqing cultural tourism in Italy.




意大利迪亚曼特(Diamante)市市长、意大利参议院议员、意大利参议院农业委员会成员埃内斯托·马戈诺(Ernesto Magorno)在致辞中说道,重庆拥有悠久的历史,厚重的文化气息,意大利非常重视和重庆文化旅游合作,希望双方能在航空直航互通、旅游资源开发、旅游产品推广等方面展开深入合作交流。








