2013年的一天,妻子正在家做饭,琴舟泽快步跑回家,像个孩子般地大喊:“土样合格了,合格了!” 果苗终于下地。
如今,汾口本地人都知道,要买好吃的猕猴桃,应该去找韩国人琴先生。“他是庄稼好把式,因为他用了心。”附近的村民不再叫这个50岁的韩国男人为 “嘿”或者“韩国人”,而改口叫了“琴先生”。
Keum Ju Taeg is a Korean who has been in China for nearly 20 years. Before he left Seoul for China, he was the head of the financial department of a food company in the capital of the Republic of Korea. He spent ten years in Guangzhou before he came to the Qiandao Lake, a scenic reservoir in the west of Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province.
He came to Sixia, a village in Fenkou Township, Chunan County in 2010. The town is about 80 minutes drive from the capital of the county. And the county capital is about 170 kilometers from Hangzhou. He came to the village to take a break away from the busy life. In a regular health check, doctors said he had a heart problem and he needed to take break from his work. He and his Chinese wife came to the Qiandao Lake. They visited villages in close neighborhood and were deeply impressed by the rural beauty and the way rural farmers worked and lived.
Keum stayed in the village and his wife went back to Guangzhou to continue her work there.
As his heart condition improved, Keum wanted to be a farmer there. He did a field study and learned from neighbors that the government had favorite policies for farming. Then he turned to specifics of farming. What exactly would he do if he wanted to be a farmer? After consultation with friends and the local government, he decided upon kiwifruit for his future farming project. He made up his mind.
He rented a piece of land which measures 8 hectares. Residents in the neighborhood doubted Keums project. They thought the Korean knew almost nothing about farming and he didnt even know how to handle a hoe. And they thought the land was no good for kiwifruit farming, as part of the land full of sands and pebbles as it is near the river. The rural residents had never grown anything there. Even if the Korean could harvest kiwifruit there, who would come all the way to buy from him?
Keum spent about a million yuan leveling the land and getting all the drainage and other essential things for the kiwifruit orchard. Then he spent three years making the soil ready for the kiwifruit cultivation. Unable to persuade her husband to give up, his wife resigned from her job in Guangzhou and joined him. During the early years, the couple did nothing but planted grasses and harvested grasses. They converted the grasses into compost and put the fertilizer back to the land. They did it for about three years. In the spring of 2013, soil test results turned positive. The couple began to plant kiwi saplings. The crop suffered the plum rain in the early summer and then the extreme heat of the high summer. Half of the saplings didnt survive. His wife worried about Keums heart and talked about going back to a city life again.
Keums farming project had its turning point in 2016. The couple took in 15-ton kiwifruit that year. The fruits from organic farming sold all out for a very good price. The top-quality fruits were shipped to supermarkets in Hangzhou and Shanghai and even exported to Korea, Japan and Singapore. In 2018, Keums kiwi fruit orchard produced 150 tons and sold for nearly 4 million yuan. The 2019 sale revenue is estimated to be about 3 million, due to the lasting drought in the summer and autumn.
Now villagers respectfully refer to the 50-year-old Keum as Mister Keum. Before his miraculous success, local residents just mentioned him as the Korean in their conversations. In the traditional Chinese culture, mister is a title exclusively for educated and respectable people. It has nothing to do with gender and sometimes nothing to do with age. Villagers call him Mister to show their respect for his kiwi success and for his profound knowledge of kiwifruit farming. They are deeply impressed that the Korean farmer reads all the books available on kiwifruit farming.
He owes his 10-year farming experience to China. The village heads and town government officials did their best to coordinate to make his project come true. Thanks to their support, the land rental was arranged and concluded in four months and the rental he pays for the land is okay.
It was not until he was in Qiandao Lake zone that he learned all about Chinese government farming policies. For example, his electricity bill for his kiwifruit farming is preferential. Manufacturing pays a higher rate for electricity. And he pays no tax for farming. Agricultural tax was called off in January 2006, putting a period to the taxation on agriculture which had been levied in China for thousands of years. The local government has helped a lot to Mr. Keums orchard. He has received government subsidies for his investment. A bridge near his orchard was upgraded in 2016 so that trucks can reach his orchard directly. A causeway road was built especially for his kiwifruit farm so that he could go out during the flood period. The government officials visit Keum two or three times a month to see what they can do for him. He says since 2010 government officials have visited him on troubleshooting business more than 200 times.
Keum and his wife have merged well into the life of the local rural community. He shares kiwifruits with local residents. He helps his neighbors do some farming work in the busy season. In Spring Festival, he gives cash envelops to neighbors children. And he often visits friends at their homes and have dinner there.
Keums farming experience in Sixia Village mirrors a much bigger picture of the nationwide rural development and revitalization. More and more villages have urbanized infrastructures and villages provide a comfortable environment for living. Keum is just one of many farmers in China who are from foreign countries. The ten-year farming at Sixia has enabled him to see changes in rural China. He falls for the differences he has witnessed. “I am now a farmer in China and lead a contented and peaceful life. My life is full of good things,” says the Korean. “I like farming. I love the daily changes in Chinas rural areas.”