第一次来中国的巴西TVT电视台媒体人马斯洛·戈多伊跃跃欲试,他拿起毛笔临摹了一个“仁”字;葡萄牙新闻日报执行总编卡特琳娜·卡瓦略(Catarina Carvalho)则请村民为她写了“如意”二字,说回去以后要装裱起来挂在客厅。
From October 11 to 14, the first Zhejiang Media Cooperation and Communication Forum with International Friendship Cities took place. About 120 media workers and representatives of think tanks from 67 countries of Asia, Europe, Africa and Americas attended the forum. On the afternoon of October 11, the opening ceremony was held in Hangzhou. On the following three days, the participants visited different places to experience. Among the places they visited were Wuzhen, an ancient canal town which now hosts the World Internet Conference annually, Ningbo-Zhoushan Port, and Liangzhu Museum.
Wuzhen in northern Zhejiang was the favorite of the media workers and representatives of international think tanks. The ancient town typical of the river towns in the south of Jiangsu and the north of Zhejiang appealed to them very much. Alain Arnaud Laster, an author from France and editor-in-chief of an academic magazine of Victor Hugo studies, stepped into a boat for a river tour and commented it was like Venice. Tuuli Aaltio from Finland dreamed of having her wedding ceremony in Wuzhen, every inch of which looked and felt like a fairytale to her.
Elena Romanenkova, a public relations manager from the Russian Center in Beijing, spent more than 2 hours meandering alone in Wuzhen in the evening. She felt spellbound by the charms of the ancient town. She took a lot of photographs. At the sunning ground of a dyeing workshop in Wuzhen, Sergi Vicente Martinez, CEO of a television studio in Barcelona, Spain, felt as if he had arrived in ancient China through a time machine. He speaks Chinese fluently and has been in China for 12 years. His television studio works in close partnership with Chinese television studios to promote friendship between China and Spain and Chinese culture in Spain. He hopes more people from his home country will visit China to take a look.
Gert Grobler, a senior diplomat from South Africa, commented that Wuzhen presents a perfect picture of traditional Chinese culture and fast growth in modern times, which attracts the attention of international visitors. “Chinas modernization adds colors to its traditional charm,” says the retired ambassador.
What also caught the eye of the forum participants in Wuzhen were the ongoing preparations for the upcoming World Internet Conference and Wuzhen International Theater Festival, which were to be held in Wuzhen from October 15 on.
The visit to Zhejiang in October 2019 brought new impressions to the forum participants. Sergi Vicente Martinez says that he was under the impression in the past that Wuzhen was just a tourist attraction. The visit to Wuzhen opened his eyes to the ancient wisdom of Wuzhen people. “I want to explore how the ancient people here managed the network of rivers and how they got to understand the importance of water to humanity. We cant really keep our tradition, but we can look into our past and understand where we came from.”
Yoro Diallo, a former cultural attaché at the embassy of the Republic of Mali in Beijing and now senior research fellow with African Studies Institute at Zhejiang Normal University, was deeply impressed with the history of Liangzhu in a western suburb of Hangzhou. The forum participants visited Liangzhu Museum before they went to Wuzhen. While he was examining the timeline of Liangzhu Culture presented on a huge wall at the museum, he saw groups of students visiting the museum. The visit to the museum made him understand better how Zhejiang emphasizes the role education plays in carrying on the ancient civilization and traditional culture.
The participants visited Fujialu, a village in Cixi, a county-level city in Ningbo in eastern Zhejiang. The village is a model of rural development with a lot of honors from local and provincial governments. The village shows how it keeps rural economic prosperity while urbanization surges across the country and how traditional culture is well maintained and carried on in this small rural community. The international visitors met villagers who practiced calligraphy, played traditional musical instruments. Some visitors tried their hands at calligraphy.
Matthew Hird, a sales manager of a movie company based in Dartmouth, a port city in southwest England, commented that the visit to Zhejiang updated his previous impression. He had thought China was a fast-developing country. What he witnessed at the Ningbo-Zhou Port was more than he had imagined. “All the commodities made in China are rapidly and efficiently shipped out to the whole world. These commodities connect China with other countries. This shows China is an economic powerhouse in the world. This is the China story and Zhejiang story I see here,” comments Matthew Hird. He wants to do a documentary at the port.
Catarina Carvalho, a newspaper editor in chief from Portugal, was excited to see cargo ships at the port. The port had appeared in her newspaper many times, but being so close to the colossal vessels that would transport goods to her country was a thrilling experience. At that moment, she understood China better than ever before. “The Ningbo-Zhoushan Port is not just one of the worlds biggest ports. It connects China to the world. I see Chinas booming growth.”
Christian Jungwirth, CEO of OKTO television studio of Austria, had visited China many times. “In Zhejiang I see peoples real life and fast development of infrastructure, and fast social and economic growth. This is an extraordinary side of Zhejiang. The visit is eye-opening,” says the CEO.
It was the fifth visit Sakai Mikio, a senior managing director at Fukui Television, Japan, paid to Zhejiang. “In the past, when people talked about Hangzhou, they usually said Hangzhou was a city next door to Shanghai. Nowadays, people say Shanghai is a city next door to Hangzhou. This speaks a lot about Hangzhou. The people in Zhejiang are increasingly confident,” says Sakai Mikio.