
2019-12-10 09:19:09
铀矿冶 2019年4期


碳硅泥岩型铀矿床钻孔水力开采相似律及相似材料研究 王 伟,张德全,刘学宁,张煜晖,李桂峰,寇子顺,闻 磊,许凤廷(1)

内蒙古某铀矿CO2+O2地浸采铀浸出试验研究 董惠琦,李喜龙,张 渤(8)

地浸采铀钻孔内置过滤器反向填砾方法研究 秦 昊,胡柏石,李召坤,李 坡,杨立志(14)

某铀矿山磨矿分级系统改造及应用研究 刘会武,黄 永,周玉强,刘忠臣,师留印,贾秀敏,杨剑飞,向秋林(19)

亲水吸湿性功能材料用于有机相除水的研究 张海燕,舒祖骏,任 燕,王 皓(23)

磁性N235萃淋树脂的制备及其对铼的吸附性能研究 宿延涛,任 宇,王凤菊,陈树森(29)

电容去离子技术在水处理中的研究现状 陈 乡,原 渊,李宏星(34)

电调阀在铀浓缩工艺中的应用及工艺控制优化 杨小松,张进荣,刘太珍(42)

铀矿冶云计算双活数据中心设计 陈 刚(48)

HpGe无限厚度法测量铀富集度的方法研究 李多宏,杨丽芳,武朝辉,周志波,谭西早,何丽霞(56)

地质样品中210Po的测定方法 杜宝华,宋 平,王日中,陈学民,毛俊杰(64)

中国地浸采铀安全环保现状与展望 胡鹏华,李先杰,陈 刚,任建军(70)

内蒙古某地浸铀矿山氡的控制措施 何 旭,李喜龙(75)

某典型火山岩型铀矿井通风降氡及降温综合措施分析 陈 刚,胡鹏华,李先杰,康剑翘(80)

稀土尾渣中元素质量占比对空气γ吸收剂量率的影响 赵辉庭,王 攀,李向阳,杨明理,唐林军(85)


自动化压气洗井工艺的研究与应用 胡鹏飞,李 猛,李光辉,梁大业,李世俊,黄 纪,韩军宁(89)

地浸采铀自动盘管装置的研制与应用 季扬威,张 渤,孙希龙,孙 祥,甘 泉(94)

铀矿石中性浸出液吸附饱和树脂的酸性淋洗工艺研究 赖 磊,师振峰,熊 威,路乾乾,汤义伟(98)

某包裹型铀钼矿氧化焙烧—酸浸工艺试验研究 师留印,杨剑飞,刘会武,贾秀敏,黄 永,张引亮,郭晓栋(103)

某网站IPv6升级改造技术应用研究 陈 刚(108)

铀矿水冶厂浸出矿浆剩余酸度测量——电磁式浓度计发送器探头改进与应用 陈福平,周丽华,李绍海(113)

铀尾矿废水中锰离子浓度在线监测仪的研制 周丽华,陈 强,王 欣,苑海涛,张慧妍(118)

基于溴代比色法的高矿化度浸出液中铀分析方法的优化 张春艳,李喜龙,阮志龙(122)

地浸矿山风能增效蒸发装置的研究与应用 李喜龙,王海珍,蔚龙凤,陈 乡,甘 泉,季扬威,阮志龙(128)

树脂对某铀铁共生矿井下废水中铀的吸附性能 桑国辉,王 辉,解洪亮,孔凡峰,王志远(133)

碱性含铀废水处理试验研究 刘忠臣,向秋林,刘会武,秦德恩,邓舜勤,张宝恩(137)

TVU耦合作用对砂岩型铀矿岩氡析出影响的试验研究 李向阳,朱 海,袁劲帆,洪昌寿,蔡梓麒(140)

作业岗位安全风险评估方法研究——十部法 黄 杰(146)

用于酸法地浸采铀地下水修复的混合SRB驯化试验研究 杨 洁,周 磊,高 洁(153)

书楼丘铀矿床地质特征、矿床成因及找矿潜力分析 张善果(157)


鹿井铀矿床成矿规律 任 洁(165)

某包裹型铀钼矿沸腾焙烧工艺试验研究 师留印,杨剑飞,赵 磊,刘会武,刘忠臣,黄 永,陈天宝(171)

某低品位铀矿石生物浸出试验研究 张静敏,刘 辉,程 浩,郑 英,孟运生(177)

某铀水冶厂碱分解法沉淀铀加碱量计算 高东星,刘永涛,程瑞泉,袁 征,任志刚,金凤博,李 平(181)

新疆某铀矿重铀酸钠产品析水原因分析及控制措施 师振峰,赖 磊,汤义伟,熊 威,易志刚,张浩越,葛 亮(185)

火焰原子吸收光谱法测定U3O8产品中钾钠含量的不确定度评定 龚明明,曹淑琴,孙雪云,郭国龙,杨丹丹(190)

ICP-MS测定粉煤灰中微量铀的不确定度评定 杨丹丹,郭国龙,王春叶,丁红芳(195)

NPTool模拟NaI(Tl)和LaBr3(Ce)闪烁体探测器试验研究 安少康(198)

地浸铀矿山蒸发池渗漏光纤监测系统研究与应用 侯 录,关 键,侯 江,闫 晔,伍宪玉(204)

基于滴定法原理研制的氰离子浓度在线分析仪 陈 强,杨丹丹,柳 杰,周丽华(210)

铀水冶厂浸出矿浆氧化还原电位在线检测仪表改进与应用 陈福平,周丽华,苑海涛,王 欣(214)

某铀尾矿库地震动力稳定性分析 郭大平,胡良才,李玉雷,李哲辉(219)

基于BP神经网络的铀尾矿砂氡射气系数预测 李 实,叶勇军,黄春华,冯胜洋,吴文浩(226)

某厂废酸提钪过程核素迁移分析和辐射剂量评价 郭庆礼,王 岩,李先杰,徐乐昌,杨明理(232)


粤北某铀矿周边水体表层沉积物中铀与重金属元素赋存形态研究 唐振平,门 倩,陈 亮,马如莉,周霞飞(237)

某铀钼露天矿预裂爆破合理参数试验研究 刘海洋,闫志国,户方远,郭晓栋,李文星,尹义仁(244)

砂岩薄层铀矿床刨采技术的探索性研究 王泽江,赵 红,邵磊昌,宋丽霞,郭 元(248)

某多层砂岩型铀矿床地浸开采工艺研究 闫纪帆,任锦荣,原 渊,刘佳斌,赵生祥(254)

水力喷砂割缝工艺在地浸钻孔施工中的应用 张 渤,闫纪帆,季扬威,李喜龙,孙希龙(259)

CO2+O2地浸矿山固定床树脂清洗解毒一体化工艺研究 阮志龙,成 弘,原 渊,杨少武,滕 飞,曹俊鹏(263)

CO2预疏通含碳酸盐超埋深砂岩铀矿层探讨 程 威,何 柯,胡柏石,李建华,刘国宏,周 越(267)

淋萃流程在内蒙某地浸矿山的应用研究 李世俊,朱国明,桂增杰,丁 武,段和军(273)

高矿化度浸出液中CO2浓度对弱碱性树脂吸附铀性能的影响 师振峰,汤义伟,赖 磊,熊 威,路乾乾,易志刚(279)

碱性铀矿浆助滤技术研究 李大炳,康绍辉,樊 兴,宋 艳,李建华(284)

酸法地浸采铀配液池配酸与管道配酸的利弊分析 闻振乾,姚益轩,胥国龙,张 翀,郑剑平,李宏星,高明哲(288)

伴生放射性矿辐射环境影响评价中钍系关键核素的确定 柏学凯,孙 娟,连国玺,刘晓超,路晓卫(292)

某化学锆企业外排废水放射性超标原因及整改措施 郭庆礼,王 岩(298)

某铀矿废渣固化体的浸出特性研究 刘 辰,蒋宇红,周 磊,徐乐昌(303)

土壤标准物质中238U、232Th、40K分析方法比对研究 孙雪云,冯 硕,周丽彬,丁红芳,王春叶(307)



Vol.38 No.4

Nov. 2019



Research on Similar Law and Similar Materials for Drilling Hydraulic Mining in Carbonaceous-siliceous-argillaceous Rock

Uranium Deposit WANG Wei,

ZHANG De-quan, LIU Xue-ning, ZHANG Yu-hui, LI Gui-feng, KOU Zi-shun, WEN Lei, XU Feng-ting(1)

Experimental Study on CO2+O2In-situ Leaching of Uranium in a Uranium Mine in Inner Mongolia DONG Hui-qi, LI Xi-long, ZHANG Bo(8)

Method of Built-in Filter With Reverse Gravel Filling at In-situ Leaching Uranium Mining QIN Hao, HU Bai-shi, LI Zhao-kun, LI Po, YANG Li-zhi(14)

Modification and Application of Crushing and Grinding Classification System in a Uranium Mine LIU Hui-wu,

HUANG Yong, ZHOU Yu-qiang, LIU Zhong-chen, SHI Liu-yin, JIA Xiu-min, YANG Jian-fei, XIANG Qiu-lin(19)

Study on Dewatering From Organic Phase by Hydrophilic Function Materials ZHANG Hai-yan, SHU Zu-jun, REN Yan, WANG Hao(23)

Synthesis of Magnetic N235 Levextrel Resin and Study on Adsorption Behavior for Rhenium SU Yan-tao, REN Yu, WANG Feng-ju, CHEN Shu-sen(29)

Research Status of Capacitive Deionization Technology in Water Treatment CHEN Xiang, YUAN Yuan, LI Hong-xing(34)

Application and Control Optimization of Electric Control Valve in Uranium Enrichment Process YANG Xiao-song, ZHANG Jin-rong, LIU Tai-zhen(42)

Design of Double Live Data Center of Cloud Computing for Uranium Mining and Metallurgy CHEN Gang(48)

Measurement of Uranium Enrichment by HpGe Infinite Thickness Method LI Duo-hong, YANG Li-fang, WU Zhao-hui, ZHOU Zhi-bo, TAN Xi-zao, HE Li-xia(56)

Determination Method of210Po in Geological Samples DU Bao-hua, SONG Ping, WANG Ri-zhong, CHEN Xue-min, MAO Jun-jie(64)

Present Situation and Development of ISL Radiation Protection and Regulation in China HU Peng-hua, LI Xian-jie, CHEN Gang, REN Jian-jun(70)

Control Measures of Radon in an In-situ Leaching Uranium Mine in Inner Mongolia HE Xu, LI XI-long(75)

Analysis of Comprehensive Measures for Ventilation to Reduce Radon and Cooling in Volcanic Uranium Mine CHEN Gang, HU Peng-hua, LI Xian-jie, KANG Jian-qiao(80)

Effect of the Element Mass Ratio in Rare Earth Tailings on Air γ Absorbed Dose Rate ZHAO Hui-ting, WANG Pan, LI Xiang-yang, YANG Ming-li, TANG Lin-jun(85)


Research and Application of Automatic Well Washing Technology by Compressed Gas HU Peng-fei, LI Meng, LI Guang-hui, LIANG Da-ye, LI Shi-jun, HUANG Ji, HAN Jun-ning(89)

Development and Application of Automatic Coiling Unit for In-situ Leaching Uranium JI Yang-wei, ZHANG Bo, SUN Xi-long, SUN Xiang, GAN Quan(94)

Study on the Technology for Acid Eluting of Saturated Resin From Adsorbed Neutral Leached Solution of Uranium Ore LAI Lei, SHI Zhen-feng, XIONG Wei, LU Qian-qian, TANG Yi-wei(98)

Experimental Study on Oxidizing Roasting—Acid Leaching of a Uranium Molybdenum Ore SHI Liu-yin, YANG Jian-fei, LIU Hui-wu, JIA Xiu-min, HUANG Yong, ZHANG Yin-liang, GUO Xiao-dong(103)

Application Research on Upgrading and Reconstruction Technique of IPv6 for a Website CHEN Gang(108)

Measurement of Residual Acidity in Leached Slurry at Uranium Mill——Improvement and Application of Electromagnetic

Concentrator Transmitting Probe CHEN Fu-ping, ZHOU Li-hua, LI Shao-hai(113)

Development of On-line Monitoring Instrument for Manganese Ion Concentration in Uranium Tailings Wastewater ZHOU Li-hua, CHEN Qiang, WANG Xin, YUAN Hai-tao, ZHANG Hui-yan(118)

Optimization of Trace Uranium Analysis in High Salinity Leachate Based on Bromine Colorimetry ZHANG Chun-yan, LI Xi-long, RUAN Zhi-long(122)

Research and Application of Wind Energy for Synergistic Evaporator at In-situ Leaching Mine LI Xi-long, WANG Hai-zhen, WEI Long-feng, CHEN Xiang,GAN Quan, JI Yang-wei, RUAN Zhi-long(128)

Adsorption Properties of Resins for Uranium of Pit Effluent in Uranium Iron Paragenic Ore SANG Guo-hui, WANG Hui, XIE Hong-liang, KONG Fan-feng, WANG Zhi-Yuan(133)

Experimental Study on Treatment of Alkaline Uranium Wastewater LIU Zhong-chen, XIANG Qiu-lin, LIU Hui-wu, QIN De-en, DENG Shun-qin, ZHANG Bao-en(137)

The Experimental Research on Influence of Radon Exhalation From Sandstone Uranium Rocks Under TVU Coupling

Effect LI Xiang-yang, ZHU Hai, YUAN Jing-fan, HONG Chang-shou, CAI Zi-qi(140)

Study on the Method for Job Safety Analysis——Ten Factors Method HUANG Jie(146)

Research on Mixed SRB Domestication for Groundwater Rehabilitation at In-situ Leaching Acid Uranium Mine YANG Jie, ZHOU Lei, GAO Jie(153)

Geological Characteristics, Deposit Genesis and Prospecting Potential of Shulouqiu Uranium Deposit ZHANG Shan-guo(157)


Metallogenic Regularity of Lujing Uranium Deposit Ren Jie(165)

Experimental Study on Fluidized Bed Roasting of an Enclosed Type of Molybdenum Uranium Ore SHI Liu-yin, YANG Jian-fei, ZHAO Lei, LIU Hui-wu, LIU Zhong-chen, HUANG Yong, CHEN Tian-bao(171)

Experimental Study on Bioleaching of a Low Grade Uranium Ore ZHANG Jing-min, LIU hui, CHENG Hao, ZHENG Ying, MENG Yun-sheng(177)

Calculation for Amount of Alkali Addition to Precipitate Uranium by Alkali Decomposition at a Uranium Mill GAO Dong-xing, LIU Yong-tao, CHENG Rui-quan, YUAN Zheng, REN Zhi-gang, JIN Feng-bo, LI Ping(181)

Reason Analysis and Control Measures of Sodium Diuranate Water Bleeding in a Uranium Mine in Xinjiang SHI Zhen-feng, LAI Lei, TANG Yi-wei, XIONG Wei, YI Zhi-gang, ZHANG Hao-yue, GE Liang(185)

Uncertainty Evaluation for the Determination of Potassium and Sodium in U3O8Products by Flame Atomic Absorption

Spectrometry GONG Ming-ming, CAO Shu-qin, SUN Xue-yun, GUO Guo-long, YANG Dan-dan(190)

Evaluation of Uncertainty for Determination of Trace Uranium in Coal Fly Ashes by ICP-MS YANG Dan-dan, GUO Guo-long, WANG Chun-ye, DING Hong-fang(195)

Experimental Study on NPTool Simulation of NaI(Tl) and LaBr3(Ce) Scintillator Detectors

AN Shao-kang(198)

Study and Application of Optical Fiber Monitoring System for Leakage of Evaporation Pool at In-situ Leaching Uranium Mine HOU Lu, GUAN Jian, HOU Jiang, YAN Ye, WU Xian Yu(204)

On-line Cyanide Ion Concentration Analyzer Based on Titration Principle CHEN Qiang, YANG Dan-dan, LIU Jie, ZHOU Li-hua(210)

Improvement and Application of On-line Measuring Instrument for ORP in Leached Ore Slurry at a Uranium Mill CHEN Fu-ping, ZHOU Li-hua, YUAN Hai-tao, WANG Xin(214)

Seismic Dynamic Stability Analysis of One Uranium Tailings Pond GUO Da-ping, HU Liang-cai, LI Yu-lei, LI Zhe-hui(219)

Forecast for Radon Emanation Coefficient of Uranium Tailings Based on BP Neural Network LI Shi, YE Yong-jun, HUANG Chun-hua, FENG Sheng-yang, WU Wen-hao(226)

Analysis of Nuclides Migration and Evaluation of Radiation Dose in Scandium Extraction Process From Waste Acid in a

Factory GUO Qing-li, WANG Yan, LI Xian-jie, XU Le-chang, YANG Ming-li(232)


Distribution and Contamination Status on Uranium and Heavy Metal Elements at the Surface Sediments Around a

Uranium Mine in Northern Guangdong Province TANG Zhen-ping, Men Qian, CHEN Liang, MA Ru-li, ZHOU Xia-fei(237)

Study on the Experiment for Reasonable Parameters of Pre-splitting Blasting in a Uranium Molybdenum Open-pit Mine LIU Hai-yang, YAN Zhi-guo, HU Fang-yuan, GUO Xiao-dong, LI Wen-xing, YIN Yi-ren(244)

Exploratory Research on Planing Technology for Thin Layer of Sandstone Uranium Deposit WANG Ze-jiang, ZHAO Hong, SHAO Lei-chang, SONG Li-xia, GUO Yuan(248)

Research on the Technology of In-situ Leaching of a Sandstone Uranium Ore Body With Multilayer Deposits YAN Ji-fan, REN Jin-rong, YUAN Yuan, LIU Jia-bin, ZHAO Sheng-xiang(254)

Application of Hydraulic Sand Blasting Joint Cutting Technology for Drilling Construction at In-situ Leaching ZHANG Bo, YAN Ji-fan, JI Yang-wei, LI Xi-long, SUN Xi-long(259)

Cleaning and Detoxification Integrated Technology for Fixed Bed Resin at In-situ Leaching Uranium Mine by CO2+O2RUAN Zhi-long, CHENG Hong, YUAN Yuan, YANG Shao-wu, TENG Fei, CAO Jun-peng(263)

Study on Pre-dredging Carbonate Contained Deep Buried Sandstone Uranium Deposit by CO2CHENG Wei, HE Ke, HU Bai-shi, LI Jian-hua, LIU Guo-hong, ZHOU Yue(267)

Research on the Application of Eluex Process in a Uranium Mine in Inner Mongolia LI Shi-jun, ZHU Guo-ming, GUI Zeng-jie, DING Wu, DUAN He-jun(273)

The Influence of CO2Concentration in High TDS Leached Solution on Weakly Basic Resin Adsorption Uranium Property SHI Zhen-feng, TANG Yi-wei, LAI Lei, XIONG Wei, LU Qian-qian, YI Zhi-gang(279)

Study on Filtration-aiding Technology of Alkaline Uranium Ore Pulp LI Da-bing, KANG Shao-hui, FAN Xing, SONG Yan, LI Jian-hua(284)

Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages Between Acid-mixing in Pool and in Pipeline at In-situ Leaching Uranium WEN Zhen-qian,

YAO Yi-xuan, XU Guo-long, ZHANG Chong, ZHENG Jian-ping, LI Hong-xing, GAO Ming-zhe(288)

Identification of the Key Nuclides of the Thorium Series in Radiation Environmental Impact Assessment of Associated

Radioactive Mines BAI Xue-kai, SUN Juan, LIAN Guo-xi, LIU Xiao-chao, LU Xiao-wei(292)

Rectification Measures and Reasons of Discharged Effluent Over Radiation Criteria From a Chemical Zirconium Factory GUO Qing-li, WANG Yan(298)

Leaching Characteristics of Solidified Body of Uranium Waste LIU Chen, JIANG Yu-hong, ZHOU Lei, XU Le-chang(303)

Comparison of238U,232Th,40K Analysis Methods in Soil Standard Materials SUN Xue-yun, FENG Shuo, ZHOU Li-bin, DING Hong-fang, WANG Chun-ye(307)

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