1 总体规划:可持续发展策略图Master plan:sustainable strategies diagram
Del Istmo大学的新校园坐落于危地马拉市边迅速发展的圣伊莎贝尔社区。这个49hm2的基地掩映在美丽的山坡与山谷中。大学希望扩招至6 200名学生,计划在20年内分期实现。大学教学宗旨与目标包括对个人以及周边社区的高度关注。新校园的空间形式是大学对社会目标的回应,与推进现代学习关系的体现。考虑到影响基地的生态力与系统,新建筑充分考虑位置与朝向,促进自然通风与光线引入。校园是可持续策略的典范。
Sasaki为Del Istmo大学设计的新校园总体规划已完成第一期实施工程,此阶段旨在把分散在危地马拉市的不同校园设施,重新集中在弗赖哈内斯市郊区圣伊莎贝尔的新校园,为大学的长期发展奠定基础。到2013年为止,新校园共容纳9个学系共1 600名学生,并预计在未来25年有序扩招。凭借灵活的功能配置和分期开发策略,校园能够以有机的方式发展,配合日益递增的学生人数调整建筑和空间资源。新的校园环境不仅促进崭新教学模式,在农地景观恢复和可持续开发模式方面,这个用途多元的建筑综合体在区域中起到了更关键的示范作用。
2 总平面图Illustrative campus master plan
3 校园核心及人行步道效果图View of campus core and pedestrian promenade
4 Del Istmo大学新校区鸟瞰效果图Aerial view of the new campus of Universidad Del Istmo
5 第一期工程鸟瞰效果图Aerial view of first phase of implementation
项目名称:Del Istmo大学总体规划—第一期工程
业主:Del Istmo大学
合作设计团队:Seis Architectos
6 教学楼及楼间绿地剖面图Cross section through the academic green and academic buildings
7 学术核心区规划Academic Core plan
8 从大学医院看校园谷地效果图View of Campus Ravine from university hospital
The new campus of Universidad del Istmo is located in the rapidly growing community of Santa Isabel near Guatemala City,Guatemala.The 49-hectare site is situated on a beautiful hillside and valley.The university aims to enroll approximately 6,200 students in successive stages of implementation over twenty years.The educational objectives and mission of the university include a strong focus on the individual and the community within the learning environment.The form of the new campus is a response to the university's social goals and commitment towards contemporary learning relationships.Taking into account the ecological forces and systems that influence the site,together with a careful positioning and orientation of new buildings to promote natural ventilation and daylighting,the campus is a model of sustainable strategies.
On the ridge overlooking the valley,Sasaki established the heart of campus featuring key civic components.A network of academic clusters is arranged along a linear landscape spine and linked by shaded walkways.The valley is designed to become a connected resource for the surrounding community and plays a critical role in the stormwater management of the entire site.The new campus accommodates the school of communication,the law school,and academic and administrative spaces for a variety of disciplines.Additional facilities include a rectory,a library,a chapel,a 300-person auditorium,a student center hub,an indoor gymnasium,outdoor recreation areas,a 100-bed teaching hospital,and housing for undergraduate students.
The first phase of implementation for Sasaki's design of Universidad del Istmo aims at consolidating the school's operation—presently dispersed throughout Guatemala City—into a new campus setting in the rural area of Santa Isabel in Fraijanes.The campus will accommodate 1,600 students belonging to nine established faculties by 2013,and will set the basis for the long-term development of the institution that anticipates a steady growth in student enrollment over the next 25 years.The design develops a flexible program and phasing strategy that allows the campus to grow in an organic manner,matching building and space resources with progressive enrollment.The design also provides for a campus environment jumpstarts a new pedagogical model for the school.Finally,the design sets forth an integrated building site complex as a model for the restoration and sustainable redevelopment of the agricultural landscape characteristic of this region of Guatemala.
9 场地环境分析图Campus environmental analysis diagram
10 校园一期建筑和景观鸟瞰Aerial view of campus phase 1 buildings and landscape
The university's first phase defines the campus heart and its main civic space—the central plaza,the library,the campus center,and the rectory—around which the rest of the campus will grow over time.Future academic departments,student residences,and support uses will fill in the remaining areas of the site's highest plateau.The landscape spaces between them will render the campus as a pedestrian environment in a garden setting.
11 圆形剧场和学生活动/设计学院建筑View of campus amphitheater and student life/design school building
12 校园露天剧场鸟瞰Aerial view of campus amphitheater
13 校园鸟瞰Aerial view of the campus
In this phase,all academic programs and academic support areas are brought together into three flexible buildings until academic department complexes are built around them and their spaces are reclaimed for academic support uses.The sharing of space among faculties will provide an unprecedented interdisciplinary experience,helping the school transition into a new pedagogic model.As the campus extends into academic neighborhoods,instructional,research,and student life spaces will continue to be shared—promoting the same interdisciplinary collaboration of the campus beginnings.
The first phase is designed as a largely passive development that draws upon the site's resources and unique climatic conditions to function.The project integrates building,infrastructure,and landscape solutions to manage water on site,conserves and reuses the heavy volume of stormwater,and helps revert existing erosion processes.The buildings are naturally ventilated using exposed transient spaces like circulation areas,verandas,and patios as weather protection and air exchange spaces.Electricity,waste treatment,and stormwater collection systems are designed as modules capable of managing and monitoring the performance of individual building and site parcels.
The plan responds to its site context through a variety of conservation and development strategies.These strategies provide the continuation and restoration of existing natural ecosystems including the Mediterranean pine reforestation in the hillside,the extension of the forested prairie in the elevated plateaus,and the conservation of wetlands,open springs,and streams as part of the larger watershed in the valley.