(湖北省公安县第一中学 湖北 公安 434300)
思维品质首次出现在英语课标中被确定为学生通过英语学科教育必须发展和提升的主要核心素养(英语课标2017),并将其为“思维在逻辑性,批评性,创造性等方面所表现的能力和水平。国外学者对批判性有不同的理解:Richard将批判性阅读定为对文本的高层理解。刘儒德认为批判性阅读不仅仅要了解文章的内容,还有分析全文的结构,总结主题思想及注意判断,分析和评价作者的观点,写作目的和语气,以此来明确作者要传达的要点并形成自己对某个问题的看法。而Dewey(1993)指出:反思(批判性思维)是积极地对任何信念或假设的论据以及由其推导出的结论的仔细审视。也就是说,思维的批判性在于质疑,求证的态度和行为,不能茫然接受某种观点,也不能武断地拒绝一种思想。故在授课人教版模块一unit4单元教学中,我着重对如何培养学生的思维品质做了探究,有效的激发了学生的思维。 在阅读教学中培养学生思维的批判性和创造性的方法。
人教版模块一unit4单元 的阅读教学中,从以下几个方面入手:
理清文本,分析文本的故事发展及人们的情感变化。根据阅读课堂教学的三个主要阶段,即读前、读中、读后,但这次阅读活动不同于以往的做法,而是利用主题,文章结构,培养学生的分析思维。在进入reading前,给了学生一个话题:What do you think will happen before an earthquake?S1: WELL ,I think the earth must move a great deal.我紧接着又给了个问题:then, what do you think what else will happen except that the earth move a lot before the earthquake? S2 : I think some animals may run about a lot…..。学生大致了解后,给3分钟时间快速弄清文章结构及人们的情感变化。文本结构的处理有利于发展学生的创造性思维.S3:首段,地震前的预兆;S4:二、三段地震中人们的惊恐与不安及惨状;S5:最后一段,恢复生机。
Read the text again and fill in the blanks with verbs or nouns (划线是要求填空的)
For three days, the water in the village wellsroseandfell,roseandfell. the well walls had deepcracksin them. A smelly gascameout of the cracks .The chickens and even the pigs in the farmyard were toonervousto eat .Miceranout of the fields looking for placesto hide. Fishjumpedout their bowls or ponds .The sound of the planes couldbe heardin the distance even whenno planeswere in the sky. In some buildings the water pipescrackedandburst. (要求两位志愿者回答s6和s7)
学生们通过分析讨论,了解到作者的写作目的是想通过各种动物及其它自然现象来说明地震前的场景。接下来让学生分析下面几个句子:A smelly gas came out of the cracks ,In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat .Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide. Fish jumped out of their bowls and ponds .在这几个句子里what kind of figure of speech is used in each sentence?经过讨论,S8的回答很正确:作者采用了排比句描述了地震来临之前的情景,更进一步突出了地震来临之前的紧张气氛。
但作者在文本中并没有直接描写人物的感受,而是通过文本中的句子和段落来体现的。Who can tell us which sentence in the first paragraph shows people’s unconcern? S9: the one million people of the city , who thought little of these events ,were asleep as usual that night(unconcerned).依此阅读第二、三和第四段学生能推测出人们的情感变化: 学生对第二、三段人们的情感:shocked,hopeless。第四段人们的情感:relieved。
阅读文本既是创新文本内容的源泉也是创新文本形式的源泉。语言阅读学习中学生的创新意识主要源于对文本的感悟,体验与深入思考,即与文本的对话。(中小学外语教学2018,罗永华)。因此,在 人教版模块一Unit4单元教学中,又给了他们一个话题:why are there a lot of statistical data in the passage? 经过讨论,学生们得知这是一篇纪实报道,作者通过旁知视觉 , 借助大量的短句和数据来如实、客观地记录灾难的程度。因此在语言上作者的语言客观、严谨、准确。回到文本,完成下面填空。
(1)one thirdof the nation felt the earthquake.
(2) A huge crack that waseightkilometres long and thirty metres wide cut across houses.
(3) In15terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.
(4)two thirdsof the people died or were injured during the earthquak.
(5)the number of the people who were killed or seriously injurned reached more than400.000
(6) All of the city’s hospitals,75%of its factories and buildings and90%_ of its homes were gone.
A组:Tangshan’s great earthquake;
B组:Tangshan’s great challenge;
C组:How Tangshan’s cities overcame the city’s greatest disasters等等。最后推断出作者用这标题及写作意图。问题如下:
The title “A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep ” means______________________
A:the earth shook like crazy and wouldn’t stop that night ,causing great damage to people
B:the earth was wide awake all night long
C.people on the earth couldn’t fall asleep that night
D.animals on the earth did not sleep that night
S:A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep” is a poetic way of saying that an earthquake happened.