“归化”或“入籍”,指“某个人在出生国籍以外自愿、主动取得其他国家国籍的行为”。英语名词译为naturaliza⁃tion,动词译为to be naturalized,形容词译为naturalized。
1.这位体育评论员说:“归化已成为国际篮坛的普遍现象。”The sports commenta⁃tor said, “Naturalization has become a universal phenomenon in the internation⁃al basketball circles.”
2.归化球员,一般是居住在国外,已成为所居国归化公民的人,本质上是技术移民。A naturalized player is general⁃ly one who lives abroad and has be⁃come a naturalized citizen of the coun⁃try where he lives, being a skilled im⁃migrant in nature.
3.在国际比赛中,归化球员日益成为公众关注的焦点。In international compe⁃titions, naturalized players have increas⁃ingly become the focus of public atten⁃tion.
4.这位出生于英格兰的足球球员已经归化,成为中国国家足球队的队员。The football player who was born in Eng⁃land has been naturalized, becoming a member of the Chinese National Football Team.▲