梁文娟 谭国东 陈浩 胡雪峰
摘 要:针对光伏电池输出电压低的缺点,提出了一种零纹波耦合电感高增益DC-DC变换器。该变换器基于传统boost引入耦合电感技术,改善电压增益;耦合电感的原边采用二极管电容无源钳位,既有吸收漏感能量的功能,又能延展变换器的工作占空比;耦合电感的副边引入的开关电容倍压单元在进一步扩展了电压增益的同时,将功率器件的电压应力钳位于较低水平,从而可以选用通态电阻小、电压等级低的高性能MOSFET,有助于改善系统效率。此外,较低的输入电流纹波,降低了变换器的损耗和对输入电源的电磁干扰。详细分析了该变换器的工作原理及稳态特性,并搭建了一台实验样机,验证了理论分析的正确性。
中图分类号: TM46
文献标志码: A
文章编号: 1007-2683(2019)04-0014-08
Abstract:In this paper, a high voltage gain DC-DC converter with coupled inductor and ripple free is proposed for low voltage renewable energy generation system,such as photovoltaic, fuel cell and so on.The coupling inductor technology is introduced on the basis of the traditional boost converter to improve the voltage gain. Diode capacitor passive clamp was introduced to primary side of the coupled-inductor which has the function of recovering the leakage energy and helps to extend the converter duty cycle. The switching capacitor voltage doubling unit was introduced to the secondary of the coupling inductor, the voltage gain is improved and the voltage stress of the power devices is clamped at a relatively low level which can use low resistance, low voltage level MOSFETs to improve the efficiency of the converter. In addition, the low input current ripple improving the efficiency, which reduces the loss of the converter and the electromagnetic interference to the input power supply. The operating principle and steady-state property are discussed in detail. Finally, a prototype is built to verify the theoretical analysis.
Keywords:zero-ripple; passive clamping; coupled-inductor; switched capacitor; high voltage gain
0 引言
1 所研究變换器拓扑及其工作原理
1.1 所研究变换器的拓扑结构
2 稳态工作性能分析
2.1 CCM模式下稳态性能
2.1.1 电压增益性能
5 结 论
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