王颖杰 薛道路 焦岚轶 廖国强 齐东迁
Abstract:Compared with traditional cascade H bridge topology, cascaded U-Cell topology of static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) has few switch devices, low loss and good economic value. However, cascaded U-Cell also exists the problem of unbalanced capacitor voltage, which affects the system reliable operation in severe cases. A mathematical model of cascaded U-Cell is built for this problem, and the principle of capacitor charging and phase-capacitor voltage balance are analyzed in detail. Based on this, a control strategy combining redundant switching states rotation and active voltage vector superimposed by switching state is put forward in the paper, of which is extended to arbitrary odd number level. This strategy can make the device loss more uniform, achieved the balance of the capacitor voltage in the cascade U-Cell, and improve the reliability of the system. Finally, the simulation and experiment platforms of STATCOM based on five-level cascaded U-Cell topology are built to verify the correctness of the theory and control strategy.
Keywords:cascaded U-Cell;STATCOM;redundant switch state;switch state rotation;active voltage vector
0 引 言
1 级联U-Cell拓扑结构及数学模型
1.1 级联U-Cell的拓扑结构
4 结 论
在输出相同电平数的情况下,级联U-Cell STATCOM拓扑结构使用更少的开关器件,降低了器件损耗,提高了补偿效率,具有一定的研究意义。冗余开关状态轮换的调制策略不仅解决了直流侧电容电压不平衡,使得器件损耗更均匀化,开关状态叠加有功电压矢量解决了因器件实际损耗差异等原因造成的不平衡,调制和控制的双重调控,较好提高了系统的可靠性和稳定性。本文进行了仿真和试验验证,结果表明该方法控制效果良好,该方法是有效和可行的。
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