王秋菊,刘 峰,迟凤琴,焦 峰,张春峰,姜 辉,李鹏绯,朱宝国
王秋菊1,2,刘 峰1,迟凤琴1,焦 峰3,张春峰4,姜 辉5,李鹏绯6,朱宝国4
(1. 黑龙江省农业科学院土壤肥料与资源环境研究所,哈尔滨 150086; 2. 黑龙江省土壤环境与植物营养重点实验室,哈尔滨 150086;3. 黑龙江八一农垦大学,大庆 163319;4. 黑龙江省农业科学院佳木斯分院,佳木斯 154007;5. 黑龙江农业科学院科研处,哈尔滨 150086;6. 前进农场现代农业发展中心,富锦 156331)
试验地点位于三江平原腹地的建三江管理局的前进农场和青龙山农场,农场位于三江平原腹地富锦市和同江市之间,平均海拔66 m。
供试土壤为草甸白浆土,典型的土壤剖面由4个发生层次构成:第一层是黑土层,平均厚度为20~30 cm,有机质丰富,适合于作物的生长发育;第二层是白浆层,平均厚度18~22 cm,土壤紧实、片状结构,是作物根系生长的障碍层次;第三层是淀积层,平均厚度45~55 cm,小核状结构,土质黏重;第四层是母质层,为黄色黏土,厚度5~11 m[16]。
3个试验点直线距离在5 km以内,气候条件相同。供试土壤的基本性质如表1。从土壤有机质、全氮、全磷水平综合肥力指标看,前进园区试验点>三区试验点>青龙山试验点;黑土层厚度也呈相同趋势。由此划分出3种肥力水平。
表1 供试土壤肥力水平
Note: Fertility index: Organic matter×Average thickness of black soil÷100.
图1 供试地块土壤剖面
1.3.1 白浆土秸秆还田减氮试验
试验参照当地常规施肥量按照纯氮123.6 kg/hm2、P2O569 kg/hm2、K2O 90 kg/hm2,肥料品种为:大庆产尿素(含N46%)、美国产磷酸二铵(含N18%,含P2O546%)和加拿大产钾肥(含K2O60%)。施肥方法:氮肥按照基肥:蘖肥:穗肥=4:3:3比例施入,磷肥作为基肥一次性施入,钾肥按照基肥:追肥=6:4;基肥施用时间为春季入水后。秸秆处理方法:秋季采用联合收割机收获水稻,将试验区所有秸秆搬出区外,人工粉碎成小于10 cm,秸秆按照8 250 kg/hm2还田,均匀抛撒后进行机械旋耕作业。减氮10%区、减氮20%区和减氮30%区氮素用量分别在常规施纯氮123.6 kg/hm2的标准下减少氮素总量的10%、20%、30%,田间施用方法与正常施肥的时期和比例一致。试验设3次重复,小区面积100 m2。
1.3.2 不同肥力白浆土秸秆还田增氮试验
试验设计如下:试验设(1)常规施肥区(CK)、(2)秸秆还田+常规施肥区(S)和(3)秸秆还田+调氮区(S+N)3个处理。随机区组法,3次重复,小区面积100 m2。
试验用肥料用量、品种、施肥方法、秸秆还田方法、还田量以及耕作方法同上。CK、S区均按照常规施肥量施肥,S+N区于旋耕之前增施氮素34.5 kg/hm2,秸秆处理方法同上。
土壤化学样品采样方法:2018年,每个小区按S型取样方法取5点,采取0~20 cm土层土壤,5点混合后按四分法留500 g左右土样带回实验室备用。
采用Excel2003及 DPS 6.85处理数据及试验数据的相关性分析。
表2 减施氮肥对水稻产量影响
从图2调查结果看出,秸秆还田条件下连续3 a减施氮肥会导致土壤全氮和碱解氮降低。从土壤全氮看,减氮10%处理土壤全氮比对照增加2.13%,差异不显著;减氮20%处理土壤全氮比对照降低4.66%,减氮30%处理土壤全氮比对照降低8.64%,差异极显著(<0.01)。从土壤碱解氮变化看,减氮10%处理土壤碱解氮比对照降低1.33%,差异不显著;减氮20%处理土壤碱解氮比对照降低7.14%,减氮30%处理土壤碱解氮比对照降低6.63%,差异极显著(<0.01)。
表3 不同肥力土壤秸秆还田水稻产量
Note: Differentiation analysis is a comparison of different treatments under the same fertility conditions; CK means normal fertilization, S means straw returning and normal fertilization, S+N means straw returning and nitrogen regulation in table.
表4 2018年不同处理水稻分蘖、穗数
图3 连续两年秸秆还田对土壤有机质及碱解氮影响
代文才等认为水田秸秆氮素当年释放率为40.32%~60.05%[25];闫超认为黑龙江省水田秸秆当年氮素释率59.52%[26];按照秸秆还田量8.25 t/hm2计算,秸秆含氮量6.75 g/kg,秸秆第1年氮素释放率55.9%计算,秸秆还田当年可释放出纯氮27.72 kg/hm2,占本研究氮素施用总量的26.82%;第2年累积释放31.88 kg/hm2,逐年增加。
2)在高肥力白浆土上常规氮肥用量124 kg/hm2条件下,秸秆还田适合以3 a为一个周期降低氮肥用量,连续3 a减氮10%,既控制土壤氮素积累,又有利于高产、稳产;减氮超过20%对水稻产量和土壤肥力都有降低趋势。
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Effect of straw returning and nitrogen fertilizer regulation on nitrogen and rice yield in albic soil with different fertilities
Wang Qiuju1,2, Liu Feng1, Chi Fengqin1, Jiao Feng3, Zhang Chunfeng4, Jiang Hui5,Li Pengfei6, Zhu Baoguo4
(1.,,150086,; 2.,150086,; 3.,, 163319,; 4.,154007,; 5.,150086,; 6.,156331,)
Crop straw is a kind of carbon-rich energy material, which is important for maintaining and improving soil fertility and sustainable development of agriculture. According to the survey, the proportion of straw application in developed countries is above 70%, which is relatively lower in developing countries. The Sanjiang Plain is an important commodity grain base in China. While the main soil type of paddy field is albic soil. It is of great significance to carry out straw application experiment on albic soil. Early studies have shown that the average yields of albic soil paddy fields increased by 8.9% after the straw application for five consecutive years, but the study is limited to a specific plot. The effect of increasing the yield by the straw application on albic soils with different fertilities has not been reported. In this paper, albic soils with different fertilities were taken as tested soils, field comparison test method was adopted to perform straw mulching on high fertility albic soils, the straw was returned to field for three consecutive years from 2015 to 2017, the nitrogen fertilizer treatments was reduced by 10%, 20%, 30% according to the conventional application level of nitrogen fertilizer, and the experiment of returning straw to field and adding nitrogen fertilizer was carried on different fertility albic soils. This research compared the effect of continuous straw application to albic soils with different fertilities on rice yield though continuous investigation. The results showed that the continuous reduction of nitrogen by 10% in the high-fertility soil for three consecutive years increased the yield when compared with the control, increased by 0.1%-6.94%, the yield decreased when the application of nitrogen fertilizer decreased by more than 20% in the high fertility soil. In the first year of the implementation of straw application on the soils with high-fertilities, the yield increase by 4.47% compared with the control. In the second year, the yield of straw application and straw application + nitrogen treatment reduced by 4.02% and 31.86% respectively when compared with the control. The decreased range of application + nitrogen treatment was high; high-fertility soil was not suitable for the continuous straw application. In the second year, the yield of the straw application + nitrogen treatment on medium- and low-fertility soils increased by 1.48%, 4.52% compared with the control. When straw was returned to the field, the soil organic matter and nitrogen content were increased, and the amount of tillering in the early stage of rice was increased due to the high nitrogen content in high-fertility soil, the effective spike number of rice was reduced, the yield was reduced, the soil nitrogen was reduced after nitrogen reduction, the yield of rice was increased. The purpose of this study is to propose soil management techniques suitable for local conditions, so as to provide supporting field management techniques for the promotion of straw application in the paddy fields.
soils; nitrogen; rice; straw returning; yield; nitrogen fertilizer regulation; albic soil; different fertilities
王秋菊,刘 峰,迟凤琴,焦 峰,张春峰,姜 辉,李鹏绯,朱宝国. 秸秆还田及氮肥调控对不同肥力白浆土氮素及水稻产量影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(14):105-111. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.14.013 http://www.tcsae.org
Wang Qiuju, Liu Feng, Chi Fengqin, Jiao Feng, Zhang Chunfeng, Jiang Hui, Li Pengfei, Zhu Baoguo. Effect of straw returning and nitrogen fertilizer regulation on nitrogen and rice yield in albic soil with different fertilities[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(14): 105-111. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.14.013 http://www.tcsae.org