Story of a Jade Freak

2019-10-10 06:31ByLinQingxuan
Special Focus 2019年9期

By Lin Qingxuan

A friend of mine was obsessed with antique Chinese jades. Anytime a premium-quality jade catches his fancy, he would do whatever it took to scoop it up. Unfortunately, not coming from a well-off family, he had to scrimp and save just to make those pricy purchases, causing endure about every miseries under the sun just to add another jade to “the collection,” so impacting his living standard.

One time, he caught sight of a white jade lion in an antique shop, which was reputedly, a fine Han Dynasty jade with intricate carvings and ornate detailing. It goes without saying that he burned with desire like an unquenchable fire and paid a visit to that shop every day just to gaze at it. His eyes blazed red at the sight of the jade lion, as if he was engulfed by a raging inferno. From then on, little attention was devoted to his job.

He was so eager to buy it, but the owner wouldn't let it go for a low price. He did however manage to procure it by selling his house, and he ended up living in a lowrent apartment.

The sight of the mint-condition white jade lion drove him into such a dither that he cuddled with it as he slept at night, fondled it constantly, gazed at it adoringly, carried it with him every time he went out, and brought it out to show off to his friends and acquaintances. Besides the jade lion, he carried several other of his precious jade objects on his person as well. A man with jade figurines popping out magically from his pockets, and jade ornaments adoring his wallet and belt must truly be a spectacular sight to behold.

As the master of jade, he was fully aware of the fact that a premium jade was a rarity indeed, and his infatuation was finely tuned to its preciousness and desirability. Eventually, he gave up his house and his car for the jades. If he weren't a bachelor he would pawn his own wife for jade. Eventually, he lost his house, car and job for his zest for jade. How so? All because he saw his job for nothing but a lowly and unworthy means to an end anyway.

He became as poor as a church mouse, with no company but the jades. Nevertheless, they were neither bread nor butter, so he was forced to sell the low-quality ones just to eke out a living. He told me that his asking price was many times lower than that of his paying price, but the buyers still found it much too expensive.我有一个朋友,爱玉成痴。







Once, when it was time to pay the rent he was running dangerously short on funds. The landlord demanded that the rent should be paid immediately and flat-out, and refused to offer even a single day's extension, so he had no choice but to sacrifice his precious white jade lion. He said to the landlord, “I will give you this precious jade in good faith, but I want it back when I have the money.”

The landlord, knowing nothing about the value of jade, replied angrily, “What good is a lousy hunk of rock anyway? If it got broken accidentally who would care? Bring me the rent tomorrow, or you will sleep in the streets!”

For a jade collector, the white jade lion was priceless, and any valuable possessions would pale in comparison. But for those ignorant of its true value, this jade lion was nothing but a worthless piece of stone. My friend got all choked up, and tears rolled down his face as he related the story.

It reminded me of my visit to the jade exhibition in Taipei's National Palace Museum. There I came across a tour group from the countryside and found that several of them were staring at the renowned Jadeite Cabbage admiringly, discussing its price.

“Oh, it looks exactly like a real cabbage! Look, there's a cricket on top!” One woman shouted excitedly.

“It must worth thousands, it looks so real.” the other added.

“Thousands,” the one who seems to know what's what said scornfully, “Shows what you know, you dilettante, it's worth tens of thousands!”

When I recounted this funny experience to my friend, his tears dried up and burst into hearty laughter. Then I said to him earnestly, “There are millions upon millions of fine jades in the National Palace Museum, and undoubtedly, unbelievable effort has been put upon those small but rare curios by countless jade lovers. But a jade passes through the hands of numerous owners since no matter how much you love it, you can't take it with you to the other side. To a certain extent, when you can fully appreciate its beauty and value, it's like you owned it for a time, and it's not necessary to actually possess it. A line from theDiamond Sutrasays that a wise man treats the gold and the stone equally, which sums up the true philosophy of collecting jades.”













“Collecting jades is an elegant hobby for sure. But when you're totally obsessed with it, then what's the difference between collecting jades, buying stocks, tossing it into a slot machine and overindulging in beer and skittles?”

My friend finally had an epiphany. Though still being a crazy jade freak, he made up his mind to never be trapped in the web of the jade again, even if waves of conflicting emotions welled up in his heart at the very site of them.

Certainly, any mere mortal can get caught up in collecting worldly possessions that bring them endless pleasure, but when the love for them becomes a ball and chain, that is when it borders on overwhelming, since the power of love has a much greater gravity than simple physical objects. “Delusion,” which refers to those who indulge in love and then are bound by it, is one of the three poisons in the mortal world (the other two are “greed” and “hatred”). If a person is trapped in love for a long time, the fatal poison of “delusion” will go straight to the heart. Initially, the individual becomes obsessed by the delusive love, and then he or she will desire to possess that love. But when the pursuit of love is in vain, he or she will die with anger and hatred. The tragedy happens when a person gets ensnared in the web of love, which would ferociously devour any ordinary man.

Granted, everyone has been bound by love at one time or another, but when stubbornly trying to recover lost love, one will ultimately be imprisoned in its web.

It was then that a question occurred to me, what qualities does a wise man have? Being of noble spiritual refinement, a wise man tends to appreciate the beauty of the clouds floating in the sky without trying to possess it. He is fully cognizant of the fact that the mortal world is fleeting, and one can count on nothing when growing old, as everything in this life, including romantic love and worldly objects are as empty as bubbles, they are nothing but a fantasy and an illusion.

A wise man is like fragrant flower, whose fragrance wafts leisurely along the warm spring breeze. When tracing the source, the pleasant aroma originates not from pedals, stems, stamens, roots, or leaves, but from the flower in its entirety. Those who are entangled by worldly possessions are intoxicated only by part of the flower of life. They do not cherish the flower in its entirety. He who fails to discover his true identity and consequently loses himself in the razzle-dazzle of the kaleidoscopic world is unable to see the forest for the trees and cannot claim to be a wise man.

For a wise man, it is meaningless to be concerned about how many worldly possessions or how much romantic love come their way. For them, the key is to gain new insights and wisdom from old things and past love, and to pass freely through the tunnel that connects the past and the future, the old and the new.

So, if caught in the web of love or worldly possessions, you should say to yourself: if I were an insect, the spiderweb would spell certain doom for me, even if it were made of gold thread. Sadly, the luster of the golden web traps up most all of us, and we seldom dare to break the web to discover our new and true self, and fly freely and carelessly under the blue and boundless sky.

(FromPurple Bodhi, China International Culture Press. Translation: Huang Mengyuan)







华夏太白玉 丝绸之路情——陕西省首届丝绸之路“太白玉文化节”暨第二届“太白玉研讨会”盛大举行
A White Heron