● 七 里
洞头一中的学生跟着华裔少年一起学习编程、机器人课程。Students of the Dongtou No. 1 Middle School work together with their American counterparts at the summer camp to build and program robots.
垃圾经柴油机烟气干燥后可以全部焚烧,参照城市生活垃圾焚烧成本,因工艺不同处理费用为 60~250 元 /t[20]不等,取平均值为 155 元 /t,垃圾干燥器运营成本(主要为工人工资)取32.5万元(5人计,工资5万元/人,社保30%计),折旧费取14.3万元,每年焚烧成本为:
华裔少年在上海城隍庙买南翔小笼包。The young Chinese Americans pose with a small steamer of mini-Baozi made in the Nanxiang Style at the Temple of City God in Shanghai.
在洞头渔家和当地学生用土灶生火做渔家咸饭。Some Chinese and American summer campers make and enjoy a rice meal at a fisherman's home in Dongtou.
年轻人间的交流,比之成年人更为纯粹与顺畅。因此夏令营每到一地,都会与当地的中学生交流切磋。在杭州,同学们与杭州高级中学、杭州源清中学、杭州江南实验学校的同学们一起组队,在50分钟内完成了Space Cube(太空盒子)挑战赛。
每一项课程在经历5天的系统学习后,最终都会被要求以完整的结果来展示。比如机器人编程课会将中方学生分成两队,各自设计一套编程,完成要求的项目,进行双方对抗;AP课程则是通过物理原理,设计出可以让装水气球从高空扔下而不破的保护伞;运动课则上演了一场足球赛;音乐剧课为最后的告别晚会排练了一场歌舞剧——《This is me》(这就是我)。
交流团合影。Chinese and American summer campers, teachers and officials pose for a group photo at the stadium of Dongtou No. 1 Middle School.
不过结果都很美妙,水气球背着保护伞成功地从6楼掉下并缓缓降落在地面;机器人对抗赛在两队中方学生间展开,大家仅用了5天时间便初步掌握了编程要义;英语课则为最后的告别晚会排练了一场歌舞剧。短短5天的支教结束,美方孩子的钢琴伴唱《Remember Me》回荡在学校体育馆里时,台下倾听的许多孩子悄悄地抹开了泪。
Chinese American Youngsters Feel at Home at Summer Camp in Zhejiang
By Qi Li
July 21st, 2019 saw the opening of a 6-day summer camp on Dongtou Island, Wenzhou in southeastern Zhejiang Province. The summer camp aimed to bring Chinese and American youngsters together to learn more about the local culture and lifestyle of the island. All of the American youngsters were from Michigan, USA and nineteen of them were Chinese American, whose parents were migrants who grew up in China and settled down on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. Some students from a local middle school on the island took part in the summer camp as American counterparts.They mixed well.
The summer camp was held on the campus of Dongtou First Middle School. The 6-day event was considered part of a largescale cultural exchange programs. On the first day, the campers visited a village cultural center on the island and visited a museum of shell carving, a regional folk art on Zhejiang's list of intangible cultural heritage since 2007.
一起做实验。Chinese and American summer campers do an experiment together.
洞头一中的学生每天用海报来记录一天的夏令营生活。This picture diary in English chronicles what the young Chinese and American campers do in Dongtou.
The exchange program touched on ten subjects such as robotics and advanced mathematics. The 19 Chinese Americans were both students learning something from their counterparts and teachers while sharing what they knew with their Chinese counterparts same time. After all, they had been selected from a large crowd of applicants and only one of every three was picked.
The camp on the island wasn't the whole of the summer tour. The American youngsters also visited Hangzhou and Shanghai on their summer tour in China. In Hangzhou they visited the headquarters of Alibaba, the world's number one Internet e-business, and in Shanghai they visited a Volkswagen factory and the City God Temple, one of the best tourist attractions in the city's downtown. The 19 Chinese American youngsters found the summer event fascinating and opening a new world to them, even though some of them had come back to visit their families in China many times and most of them speak Chinese with their parents at home. This trip across the ocean and across Zhejiang and Shanghai gave them an unprecedented perspective to see their ancestral roots and embrace the home where their parents came from.
Chinese food appealed very much to the Chinese American youngsters. On Dongtou Island, the middle school at first provided them with American-styled food such as stake. But after looking at the seafood their Chinese counterparts had, the Chinese Americans wanted to switch to seafood. They said they could enjoy stake back at home and they wanted to enjoy seafood in Dongtou. So seafood was served. They had traditional Chinese breakfast usually composed of soy milk, porridge, pancake and Youtiao (deep-fried dough stick). During the summer camp days, the traditional Chinese food they had included the sharpbelly (Hemiculter leucisculus) with a lot of vexing fish bones, chicken and duck, and noodle topped with juicy vegetable and meat. They happily shared with their parents what food they had in China on a daily basis on their social media.
Some of these Chinese Americans are so good at Chinese that they are able to read Chinese web novels in Chinese. And they enjoy these novels. Their parents are pleased to see their children's passion for Chinese readings. The parents know these web novels are by no means top-class literature stuffs, but they are written in Chinese and the language is the crucial part of the mother-tongue of these second-generation Chinese Americans.
And these young Chinese Americans could easily mix with locals where they went in searching for best delicacies wherever they traveled. They could switch seamlessly from English to Chinese and restaurant operators would have the slightest idea that they were chatting with Americans. During their sightseeing at the City God Temple, a local attraction in downtown Shanghai, they were seen being photographed, each holding a small steamer of mini-Baozi made in the Nanxiang Style and smiling happily from ear to ear.
The only thing that made these young Michiganders a little bit uncomfortable was the sweltering temperatures in the summer days in Zhejiang and Shanghai, as most of these Chinese Americans are accustomed to mild weather conditions in Michigan, a state in the north of USA in the temperate zone. But the hot days couldn't smother their curiosity about China. Their energy was great and their interactions with Chinese counterparts were highly animating. In Hangzhou they competed with Chinese students in brainy games.