Edited by Hu zhoumeng
Across the 70 years since the foundingof the People's Republic of China in1949, especially since the beginningof the country's reform and open-ing up in the late l970s, the income of urbanand rural residents has increased significantly,their consumption level has grown dramat-ically, and their quality of life has improvedenormously. From living without adequatefood and clothing to building a moderatelyprosperous society in all respects, people's liveshave changed greatly. Since the l8th NationalCongress of the Comnlunist Party of China(CPC), China has issued and implemented aseries of policies and measures for the benefitof the people, especially the targeted povertyalleviation strategy, which has driven contin-uous and rapid growth of residents' incomes,further enhanced their consumption level andquality of life, and laid a solid foundation forcompleting the building of a moderately pros-perous society in all respects.