The article in Time on Sept 1st 2019, This is the Life behind America’s Booming Service Industry mentions that the decade-long economic expansion has been a boon to those at the top of the economic ladder. But it left millions of workers behind, particularly the 4.4 million workers who rely on tips to earn a living. The minimum wage for waitresses hasn’t budged since 1991. Legally, employers are supposed to make up the difference when tips don’t get servers to the minimum wage, but some restaurants don’t track this closely and the law is rarely enforced.
The article with the title saying Democrats Need to Stop Running Scared on Foreign Policy in Washingtonpost on Sep 2nd, 2019, mentioned that One of the weirdest aspects of this year’s Democratic presidential campaign is that foreign policy, potentially President Trump’s Archilles’ heel, has been nearly absent from the debate. Without any significant pushback from Democrats, his tariff-driven“America First” agenda is pushing us toward what could be a decades-long cycle of global retreat.