The Big Fire一场大火

2019-09-10 07:22:44季静
阅读(快乐英语中年级) 2019年11期


In a beautiful and peaceful jungle, there are many tall trees and cool rivers. The grass is green and the sky is blue. Lots of animals live here. They are happy together. But one day, a big fire breaks the peace of the jungle. What will the animals do?下面快來欣赏江阴市周庄实验小学的同学们带来的精彩演出吧!


曹家铭 沈予唯 卞琳悦 黄 一 许雯婕

陆昱宸 周子涵 卞 珂 严子畯 朱君宝

Site: 江苏省江阴市周庄实验小学东区

One day, two little birds meet with each other near the river.

Blue bird: Look at the sky. What’s that?

Red Bird: Wow! The sky is orange.

Blue bird: Oh no! It’s a fire! Let’s get water.

Red Bird: Oh, I can’t. I’m scared!

The Blue Bird gets the water with his beak (鸟嘴). But the fire is very big and the Blue Bird is very small. He can’t deliver enough water in his beak.

Blue bird: Help me! Come!

Red Bird: I’m sorry. I am so scared of the fire!

Now the flamingo(火烈鸟) is here.

Blue bird: Flamingo, can you help us, please?

Flamingo: I’m sorry, I can’t! The fire is too big! And I am alone.

Now the fire is very big. It burns the trees and the grass. It is everywhere.

Blue bird: Look! What’s that?

Red Bird: Oh! All the flamingos are here!

Blue Bird: Hurray(欢呼声)!

Flamingos: The fire is too big. And we are very tired. We have to leave.

Blue Bird: No! Please don’t fly away.

Flamingos: We are so sorry. But we are too tired to help you stop the fire.

But soon the flamingos are here again. And there are lots of elephants too.

Flamingos: Don’t be sad. We are coming back. Look, our friends are coming too.

Elephants: Don’t worry. We can help you stop the big fire.

Blue Bird: That’s great! Thanks for your help.

Elephants: That’s all right. We can use our trunks(象鼻) to carry a lot of water.

Flamingos: We can get water with our beaks.

Blue Bird: Wonderful! Let’s work together. We are not afraid of the big fire.

The fire is big. But there are lots of elephants and flamingos. They help the birds stop the fire together.

This is the jungle. There are tall trees and cool rivers. The grass is green and the sky is blue. There are lots of animals. They are happy in the jungle.

(The End)

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