Nothing,not even mountains and oceans,canseparate people with shared goals and vision.Latin America and the Caribbean region is a part ofthe global interconnection program pushed by the Beltand Road Initiative. This region has been upgradedfrom a geographical extension to a natural partnerwhich hasa more pivotal role to play.
On January 22,2018, the Second MinisterialMeeting of the Forum of China and the Communityof Latin Amencan and Caribbean States was closedin Santiago, capital of Chile. At the press conferenceheld in the capital city, Heraldo Munoz, then-ForeignMinister of Chile, said that the best time for the Beltand Road for Intemational Cooperation to embraceLatin America has come."The advance of science andtechnology makes the interconnection between LatinAmerica and China possible, not only by land and sea,but also by air and the internet." At the meeting, theSpecial Declaration under the Belt and Road Initiativewas approved and released, marking that LatinAmerica has been upgraded from "a geographicalextension of the 2lst Century Maritime Silk Road" to"a partner in the Belt and Road".
The Second Ministerial Meeting marked thatthe Belt and Road Initiative, proposed by PresidentXi Jinping, has reached to the continents of LatinAmerica and become the most popular and thelargest international cooperation platform across allcontinents and oceans, and the most important publicgoods that China provides to the world. MauricioMacri, President of Argentina, Veronica MichelleBachelet Jeria, former President of Chile, andministers from Peru, Brazil. Mexico, Uruguay, andother Latin American countries attended the Belt andRoad Forum for International Cooperation hostedin May 2017. At the Forum, Dr. Alicia Barcena,Executive Secretary of the Economic Commissionfor Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), saidthat the Belt and Road is an initiative committed tointerconnection and common prosperity, which LatinAmerican and Caribbean states cannot afford to miss.
In his congratulatory letter to the openingceremony of the Second Ministerial Meeting,President Xi Jinping noted that historically China andLatin America had co-built the "Pacific Maritime SilkRoad". Today, we should draw a new blueprint to co-build the Belt and Road and pave a road of cooperationacross the Pacific. That is how we bring the richlyendowed lands of the two closer together and usher ina new era of China-Latin America relations.
All these mean that the cooperation betweenChina and Latin America to construct the Belt andRoad has historical roots, practical rationality, andfuture relevance.
—Historical roots. The extension of the Beltand Road to Latin American and Caribbean statesrepresents the inheritance of historical efforts. Back