No.1 Central Document 2019:enhancing agricultural cooperationwith countries along the Belt and Road
2018年中国(海南)国际热带农产品冬季交易会“一带一路”国际馆 (视觉中国供图)
On February 19,Several Opinions of the CPCCentral Committee and the State Council onPrioritizing the Development of Agriculture and RuralAreas to Address the Issues Relating to Agriculture,Rural Areas and Rural People (dubbed the “No. 1Central Document” for it is the first policy documentreleased by the two authorities in 2019) was issued.With over 11,000 Clinese characters and eight parts,this document marks the 16th consecutive year thatthe No. 1 Central Document has prioritized the issuesrelating to agriculture, rural areas and rural people and also the fifth consecutive year that the Belt and RoadInitiative has been referred to.
According to document. China will strengthenthe foundation of agricultural development and ensurethe supply of important agricultural products. Thesafeguard strategy for important agricultural productswill be implemented. The country will coordinateand leverage both domestic and intemational marketsand their sources. The document also pointed out thatChina will promote the “going out” of its agriculturesector. enhance intemational agricultural cooperationunder the Belt and Road Initiative, import moreagricultural products in short supply, diversify importchannels and cultivate a number of transnationalagricultural enterprises to promote internationalcooperation on agriculture.
The No.1 Central Document has referred tothe Belt and Road Initiative every year since 2015.In 2015, the document emphasized the ecologicalprotection and restoration of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, Silk Road Economic Belt and YangtzeRiver Economic Zone. Since 2016, the documenthas encouraged the international cooperation onagriculture for 4 consecutive years in its contentrelated to the Belt and Road Initiative to promotethe “going out” of the agriculture sector. But theemphases vary from year to year. In 2016, thedocument focused on “strengthening cooperation onagricultural investment, trade, science and technologyand animal and plant quarantine with countries andregions along the Belt and Road and neighboringcountries and regions”. In 2017,it demandedagricultural enterprises should be supported toconduct international operations and establishinternational manufacturing bases and processing,storage and logistics facilities. In 2018, it required“deepening trade relations on agricultural productswith countries and regions along the Belt and Road”.