We take the car to Yulong Snow Mountain(玉龙雪山). The guide says that the altitude(海拔) is over 3,000 meters! 寒气扑来,车里的人都冻得缩了起来。
Wow! It’s a long queue in the front, 就像一条巨龙。 我们在烟雾朦胧中等待着上缆车。
I finally take on the cable car. 缆车慢慢上升,有种腾云驾雾的感觉。
放眼四望,The snow mountain is high and wide. 四季不化的积雪覆盖在山顶,真像一条条正在冬眠的白蛇。
On the way down the mountain, we meet the Blue Moon Valley. 这里的湖水就像一轮蓝色的月亮镶嵌在玉龙雪山脚下,所以叫蓝月谷。
我们还去看了《印象丽江》表演。The theater is full of people. When the music starts, 穿着民族服装的汉子和姑娘们载歌载舞,场面真是壮观啊!
对酒和祈福仪式非常精彩。只听汉子们高呼:“朋友,喝酒!”The voice is so loud. 随后,他们双手合十,放在额头,送上祝福. It shows optimism(热情)of the Naxi people(纳西人民)to the guests.
Then we get off the cable car. The altitude here is already more than 4,000 meters. The temperature(气温) is 4 degrees. 阴雨朦胧,我们仿佛来到了天宫仙境。
We will leave here. 今天收获真大啊!I enjoyed beautiful natural scenery!同時,还领略了那奔放的民族风情。
I am even so proud that we climb to the highest peak in my life today—— 4,506 meters!我相信自己在未来一定会攀登上人生新的高峰!