Fantastic Fish千奇百怪的鱼

2019-09-10 07:22李蓓
阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2019年8期


There are more than 20,000 kinds of fish. Which fish swims the fastest? Where are seahorses(海马) from? Can fish live on land? Read on to find out!

It is the sailfish(旗鱼). Its bill(嘴) is long and thin. Its fin(鱼鳍) is like a big sail(帆). These things help it swim fast. It is the fastest fish in the sea. It can swim 100 km an hour. That is as fast as a car on the highway(高速公路).

The whale shark is the world’s biggest fish. It can be 20 meters long. That’s as long as two school buses. Its mouth can be 1.5 meters wide. But it is very gentle(温顺的). Sometimes it plays with swimmers.

A shark in Greenland(格陵兰岛) is 200 years old. It eats polar bears(北极熊).

Yes,a seahorse is a fish! And it is a very different(不同的) kind of fish. Father seahorses give birth to(生产) baby seahorses. He has a pouch(育儿袋). The mother seahorse lays(产卵) eggs in his pouch. The pouch can carry 2,000 babies at a time.

What is that? It is a suckerfish(吸盘鱼). It is lazy. It doesn’t like to swim. But it travels to many places. There is a sucker(吸盘) on its head. It sucks(吸附) onto big fish. How clever!

Look at this flat(扁平的) fish! Its eyes are on one side of its head. It is a flounder(比目鱼). When flounders are newborns(刚出生的鱼),their two eyes are on different sides of their head. After about 20 days,one eye moves to the other side.

Some fish can walk. The mudskipper(跳跳鱼) is one of them. Its fins are very strong. It walks on its fins. It can live in water. It can also live on land. Some mudskippers can even climb(爬) small trees.

The electric eel(电鳗) lives in the Amazon River(亚马逊河). It is a dangerous fish. It can produce(产生) electricity(电). The eel has surprising(令人惊讶的) power(能量). It can kill a horse.

over 500 kinds of fish can produce electricity

* If you keep a goldfish(金鱼) in a dark room,it will lose(失去) its color.

* Most lipsticks(口红) have fish scales(鳞) in them.
