Innovation and Management of Modern Enterprise System

2019-09-10 01:23:26刘瑜儒
速读·中旬 2019年10期


Abstract:As a new bright spot in the development of non-public economy, private technology enterprises are the product of further deepening the reform of Chinas economic and technological system and an important driving force for technological innovation.Nanjing Lishui Qingfeng Electronics Co., Ltd. explored the scientific road suitable for its own development in the process of serving the countys economic and social development, and created a number of new development models with typical, practical and advanced characteristics.

Keywords:modern enterprise;management model;institutional innovation

1.Analysis of existing problems

At present, the innovation of the internal management system of Nanjing Lishui Qingfeng Electronics Co., Ltd. lags behind the rapid development of enterprises.Since the modern enterprise system has not been fundamentally established, the ownership structure and corporate governance structure are unreasonable.

The lack of independent innovation is one of the important reasons for the lack of innovation in Nanjing Lishui Qingfeng Electronics Co., Ltd. The level of scientific and technological personnel in the enterprise is not compatible with the product, the level is too high, and it is useless;the level is too low to undertake the task.

2.The innovative design of modern enterprise system

It is necessary to hire professional talents with management, technology, human resources, marketing and other professional knowledge to manage the enterprise and realize the transition from the investor management model to the professional manager management model.From family management to professional management.

On the one hand, the main business of Nanjing Lishui Qingfeng Electronics Co., Ltd. needs to adopt a vertically integrated strategy to develop upstream and downstream related products and services in the main business value chain to form a complete industrial chain.On the other hand, enterprises should carry out horizontal industrial expansion on the basis of their main business, use the synergy effect and scope effect of their own resources, manage other industries across industries and regions, realize the strategic goal of diversified development, and effectively reduce operational risks.


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