The layout of Trial Garden continues the original urban fabric and the layout of the Gujiaying Village. This also implies with the internal path way between the flower rafts and the building group on the east side. The temporary building includes a sun room and a container group. The sun room is arranged in the centre of the flower garden. During the exhibition period, it is a place for visitors to enjoy the sceneries and to take a rest. The north side of the Trial Garden is surrounded by a group of containers, such an arrangement also matches the original urban pattern of the village.
The sun room is made of steel-glass structure.The inner side is equipped with shading fabrics for sun protection, and the outer skin is decorated with bamboo. The sun room offers a different effects with diへerent weather and climate conditions. The continuous double slope roof form echoes with the mountain on the backdrop.
The ground floor of the sun room overhangs freely, whereas the second floor has been divided into an indoor part and an outdoor platform. The containers enclose outdoor space which can make different scales with the same unit, showing the original street pattern.
The sun room is composed of steel structure,light steel structure, glass, bamboo and outdoor anti-corrosion wood. The bottom projection area is 1200 square metres, the second floor indoor space is about 500 square metres, and the outdoor platform area is about 700 square metres. The construction materials include strengthened corrugated steel plates, glass, outdoor wood preservatives, etc.
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 北京世园投资发展有限责任公司/Beijing Shiyuan Investment Development Co., Ltd.
主持建筑师/Principal Architect: 张利/ZHANG Li
设计团队/Design Team: 张铭琦,王雨锋,王冲,袁向阳/ZHANG Mingqi, WANG yufeng, WANG Chong, YUAN Xiangyang
合作/Collaborator: 北京花木公司/Beijing Florascape Co., Ltd.结构和施工工艺咨询/Structural and Construction Consultant: 建林建设/Jianlin
材料/Materials: 钢结构,竹子,玻璃/Steel, bamboo, glass
项目面积/Project Area: 1700m2
设计时间/Design Period: 2015.03-2018.03
施工时间/Construction Period: 2018.07-2019.04
摄影/Photos: 潘子豪/PAN Zihao (fig.1,4,5)
1 阳光房外景/Exterior view of the sun room
2 花田轴测/Axonometric drawing of the garden
3 建筑布局/Layout of the architecture
4 阳光房立面局部/Part of the façade of the sun room
5 集装箱外景/Exterior view of the containers
6-9 试验花田/Trial Garden(6-9图片来源:由北京世界园艺博览会事务协调局提供/Beijing Internutional Horticultural Exhibition Coordinate Bureau)