广场的南界有一个大门框装置限定,既是对史传在20 世纪初期前存在于此的戏台的致敬,也是对北侧天田山和永宁阁的框景。
Sitting in the centre of the Gujiaying horticulture village, the building features a piazza made of traditional tiles bending upwards, revealing the subterranean art space below.
A frame at the southern end of the piazza pays tribute to a legendary stage that had existed here around the turn of the 20th century, while windowing the Yongning Pavilion and the Tiantian Hill to the north.
A suspended footbridge winds its way down beneath the raised north-west corner of the piazza, leading to the semi-open sunken courtyard,before entering the indoor exhibition space. The subterranean space features an array of special columns that have cooperated lighting in the upper part, and decorated with stainless steel on the lower part, each column is tapered towards both ends.
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 北京世园投资发展有限责任公司/Beijing Shiyuan Investment Development Co., Ltd.
主持建筑师/Principal Architect: 张利/ZHANG Li
设计团队/Design Team: 白雪,王灏,张铭琦,王雨锋,唐超,杨慧明,黄明月/BAI Xue, WANG Hao, ZHANG Mingqi, WANG Yufeng, TANG Chao, YANG Huiming,
HUANG Mingyue
首席景观设计/Chief Landscape Design: 秦森园林/Qinsen照明设计/Lighting Design: 张昕工作室/X Studio, School of Architecture Tsinghua University
结构设计/Structural Design: 杨霄,朱朵娥,苗磊/YANG Xiao, ZHU Duoe, MIAO Lei
材料/Materials: 钢筋混凝土,小青瓦,干挂防腐木,
喷砂不锈钢/Steel concrete structure, clay tile, kiln dried timber, stainless steel
项目面积/Project Area: 1280m2
设计时间/Design Period: 2015.03-2018.03
施工时间/Construction Period: 2018.07-2019.04
竣工时间/Completion Time: 2019.04
摄影/Photos: 布雷/Brian
1 夜景/Night view
2 外景/Exterior view
3 内景/Interior view
4 概念/Concept
5 剖面/Section
6 分解轴测/Exploded axonometric drawing