
2019-08-27 03:59
阅读与作文(英语初中版) 2019年8期

In our daily life, almost everybody uses wifi. Wifi is really convenient for us to either search on line or play the online games. The following passages tell you something you may not know about wifi.


To Span across the Whole of the World Google Roll Out Free Wifi in New York


No longer will we have to buy an over priced coffee to get a rubbish wireless internet connection. Google is rolling out free wifi in New York as part of a triall the company hopes will eventually span across the whole of the world. The internet giant has even gone as far as to setup a company specifically dedicated to the task, called Sidewalk Labs.

我们再也不用为了获得渣速的无线互联网连接而花钱买难喝的咖啡了。目前,谷歌向纽约全市提供免费公共WiFi,而这只是试水,谷歌意图将该计划覆盖全球。这家互联网巨头为了完成这一计划甚至还成立了专门的公司,名字就叫人行道实验室( Sidewalk Labs)。

How will they do this you ask-through turning 10,000 of the big apples old phone booths into ad-supported“Wi-Fi pylons”. These converted booths are also intended to provide cell-phone charging, free domestic phone calls and a touch screen information hub about the city and transitdirections. According to Bloomberg News, these“pylons”will be rolled out across New York this autumn.


How to Boost Your Wifi Signal


If you often notice a weak signal from your wireless network, you might want to know why. Other than that, you also want to know how to solve it. Heres what you can do.


The key to solving weak reception is higher signal strength and less network noise. Certaindevices such as cordless phones and microwaves are obvious generators of wireless network noise. So if its all possible, keep your router as far away from these other devices and other things that could interfere.


Metallic surfaces also interfere with wireless signal so try to avoid having large metallic surfaces near your wireless LAN. Wireless normally have a poor quality built-in wifi antenna that radiates signal equally well in both directions, usually referred to as omnidirectional. Anomnidirectional antenna is an antenna that produces constant field strength in all directions.


These antennas can be weak over longer distances. This is due to interference of the sourcesignalling power it radiates in all directions. As the signal continues to travel away from its source, the signal strength begins to grow weaker.


Sometimes, it is better to replace the routers poor quality built-in antenna with a stronger omnidirectional antenna such as this one. There are some security concerns around these omnidirectional signals, in that the increased power means that your network will be available tomore people. So, a some what safer choice for increased range is to use a high gain directional antenna that will send a strong signal in a specific direction.


The focused signal will allow better control by aiming the signal towards the desired location. You can buy commercially available antenna or reflectors but were going to show you a morefun and free way to make a parabolic reflector. So, there are many ways to do this, the simplest being a dish covered in tin foil such as this one.


Place the dish behind the wifi antenna pointing towards the location you want the signal to radiate to. Another very well-known way to radiate your wireless signal is to use the humble Pringles packet. Place the hollowed out Pringles in front of the antenna. You can see Ive madea hole in the Pringles packet. The wifi signal will then be strengthened in the direction that the packet is pointing. Not only can the Pringles packet boost the wifi signal but an empty beer can have the same function. The following passage teaches you how to make it.


Boostour Wifi Signal Using Only a Beer Can


I love a good hack, especially one that requires me to throw back a cold one before hand (orduring). This simple wifi boost has actually been shown to increase signal strength by at least 2 to 4 bars. And, well, I will drink to that.


These instructions came to us via WiFi How and we think they are most definitely worth checking out. But here is the most important question: what kind of beer will you use?


For this project you are going to need scissors, a utility knife, some adhesive putty and anempty beer can. More than one empty beer can is acceptable but dont kid yourself, the routeronly needs the one.


The first step is to wash out your empty beer can, unless of course said beer is a can of Pabst Blue Ribbon. If it is PBR, promptly go drink a better beer. You really should be ashamed of yourself.


Once the can has dried, you will want to remove its pull tab.


Only perform this next step if you have not been drinking. Using the utility knife, saw of the bottom of the can. Chances are your can will not have a red dotted line. If you see one, put down the knife…youve had too much beer.


Its the home stretch! You just need to attach your molded beer can to the wifi router. Hopefully no other parts of the can have actually grown back. You now have beer-fi!

