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From Apr.15th to 17th this year, President Xi Jinping emphasized during his inspection and the Two No-Worries and Three Guarantees prominent problems symposium in Chongqing that generally, the Two No-Worries have basically been achieved, but there are still many problems in "Three Guarantees".
"Two No-Worries and Three Guarantees" refer to "No worries of food and of clothes, and guarantees of compulsory education, of basic medical care, and of housing safety, which are the crucial standards to achieve stable poverty alleviation among the impoverished people in rural areas.
Making amendments to the weaknesses based on the standards is of great significance to win the poverty alleviation battle as planned.
Currently, we have stepped into the sprint stage of this battle. To this end, we have gone deep into Nanjing community of Yushan Town in Pengshui County, Matian Village of Pengdong Town in Qianjiang District, and Lvchunba Village of Sanjian Town in Fengdu County, to focus on the compulsory education, basic medical care and housing safety of the impoverished people in these rural areas. We hope to see the big picture of the rural areas through limited places like those above.
During our interview, many people are the beneficiaries of "Two No-Worries and Three Guarantees", including Chen Xiaomin who enjoys the home education, Liao Xiaocheng who has lived in a renovated house, and the family of Zhou who are village doctors for three generations. What we see from them is that Chongqing has made sound progress in Two No-Worries and Three Guarantees.As "Two No-Worries and Three Guarantees" is further implemented, more people like Chen Xiaomin and Liao Xiaocheng will get rid of poverty step by step and be better off.