
2019-07-23 06:37:54王晓娇张仁陟焦亚鹏蔡立群谢军红
农业工程学报 2019年10期

王晓娇,张仁陟,齐 鹏,焦亚鹏,蔡立群,武 均,2,谢军红


王晓娇1,4,张仁陟1,2,3※,齐 鹏1,2,3,焦亚鹏1,蔡立群1,2,3,武 均1,2,谢军红2,5

(1. 甘肃农业大学资源与环境学院,兰州 730070;2. 甘肃农业大学甘肃省干旱生境作物学重点实验室,兰州 730070;3. 甘肃省节水农业工程技术研究中心,兰州 730070;4. 甘肃农业大学管理学院,兰州 730070;5. 甘肃农业大学农学院,兰州 730070)



0 引 言




1 材料与方法

1.1 数据来源

通过Web of Science、Springer、中国知网(CNKI)、万方、维普、Google Scholar 等中英文数据库分别输入“有机肥(manure/organic fertilizer)”或(or)(牛粪:cow manure,猪粪:pig manure,鸡粪:chicken manure,羊粪:sheep manure)和(and)“温室气体(GHG/CO2/soil respiration/carbon dioxide)”和(and)“中国北方(north and china)”等关键词,检索了截止2018年5月1日前公开发表的中国北方有机肥施用与土壤呼吸相关的文献,并对检索到的文献进行筛选。筛选标准如下:1)试验区域为中国北方地区,试验起止年份清楚;2)试验方式为大田试验,试验时间跨度至少为1个生长季节(从种植到收获),且作物全生育期描述清楚;3)试验处理包含有机肥(单施有机肥、有机无机配施、无机有机缓释肥配施)、无机肥(单施氮肥、氮磷肥、氮磷钾配施)、不施肥(CK)等的1个或多个,且同一研究有机肥与不施肥或有机肥与无机肥对照明确;4)研究点的背景条件、研究方法明确。

通过EndNote剔除试验地点、试验年份、作物类型和试验数据结果相同的文献。对符合标准的文献提取区域(region)、试验点位置(experimental location,EL)、年均气温(annual average temperature,AAT)、年降水量(annual precipitation,AP)、土壤类型(soil types,ST)、施肥措施(fertilization measures,FM)、施肥年限(application time,AT)、施肥方式(application ways,AW)、有机肥类型(organic fertilizer types,OT)和标准差(standard deviation,S)等数据。本文收集的数据主要源于以下参考文献(表1)。

表1 Meta分析所用的参考文献

1.2 数据分类


考虑到本研究试验点数量的限制及分布在中国北方,本文根据种植制度[32,36-37]划分为3个区域:东北、华北和西北地区(表2);土壤类型分为黑土、灰漠土、塿土、潮褐土、黑垆土和盐化潮土;施肥年限分为4类(第1类:5 a以下;第2类:>5~10 a;第3类:>10~20 a;第4类:>20 a);施肥措施分为单施有机肥、氮肥+有机肥+缓释肥、氮磷钾+有机肥、氮磷+有机肥配施和无机肥;施肥方式分为基肥+追肥和一次性施肥;有机肥类型分为鸡粪和牛粪、猪粪和商品有机肥。

表2 中国北方农田区域划分及气候特征

1.3 数据分析方法


利用各研究中处理组和对照组的平均值、标准差和重复数计算反应比(response ratio,RR)及研究的总体异质性,计算95%的置信区间(confidence interval,CI)[39]。

采用随机效应模型的限制性最大似然法计算平均效应值(effect size,ES)[40-41]。



为筛选异质性影响因素,参考文献[40],通过建立1个或多个解释变量与结果变量之间的回归模型,用软件R内函数“glmulti”确定修正的小样本赤池信息量(Akaike’s information criterion corrected for small samples,AICc),查看AICc值最低的模型结果,确定最优模型,计算最优模型中各个影响因素的权重,所有最优模型子集中每个因素的权重加权之和被确定为每个因素的相对重要性,寻求最优模型中因素的重要性程度,以因素相对重要性>0.8表示重要[40,42],筛选导致异质性的重要影响因素。


2 结果与分析

2.1 施用有机肥对农田土壤CO2排放量的影响

总体上看,相比不施肥和无机肥,有机肥施用能显著提高农田土壤CO2排放量(<0.05),分别平均提高了50.6%(95% CI为37.7%~66.5%)和36.3%(95% CI为20.9%~53.7%)。有机肥与不施肥、有机肥与无机肥异质性检验结果分别为1 342.9、1 531.7(<0.05),表明异质性强,需要引入解释变量。通过失安全系数法检验发表偏爱性,有机肥与不施肥、有机肥与无机肥的潜在效应值分别为30 218和23 650(临界值为215和480),潜在效应值大于临界值表明无发表偏爱。


图1 不同分类下土壤CO2排放量总体效应值

2.2 有机肥施用下农田土壤CO2排放量影响因素分析

2.2.1 影响因素的重要性分析


Note: AP: annual precipitation; AAT: annual average temperature; FM: fertilization measures; ST: soil types; AW: application ways; AT: application time.

2.2.2 农田土壤CO2排放量影响因素分析





不同土壤类型下有机肥施用对农田土壤CO2排放量的影响(图4)表明,有机肥与不施肥相比(图4a),黑土、灰漠土、塿土、潮褐土、黑垆土和盐化潮土农田土壤CO2排放量均有显著的增加,分别增加了39.0%、301.4%、109.5%、23.4%、58.4%、113.8%(<0.05);灰漠土与其他土壤类型差异显著(<0.05),塿土与潮褐土差异显著(<0.05),其他土壤类型间差异不显著。与施用无机肥相比(图 4b),黑土、灰漠土、塿土、潮褐土、黑垆土和盐化潮土农田土壤CO2排放量均有显著增加,分别增加了16.1%、259.7%、20.9%、27.1%、32.3%、85.9%(<0.05),灰漠土与其他土壤类型差异显著(<0.05),其他土壤类型间差异不显著。


Note: Dotted lines are upper and lower limits of 95% confidence interval and solid lines are regression lines. The same below.

图3 影响因素与土壤CO2排放量的效应值的关系

Fig.3 Relationship between effect size and influencing factors on soil CO2emission


有机肥和无机肥配施对农田土壤CO2排放量的影响(图4)表明,与不施肥相比(图4c),单施有机肥、氮肥+有机肥、氮磷钾+有机肥、氮磷+有机肥配施下,农田土壤CO2排放量均有显著的增加,分别增加了78.6%、15.0%、56.8%、55.3%(<0.05),氮肥+有机肥+缓释肥、减量施氮+有机肥+缓释肥模式下农田土壤CO2排放量未显著增加,进一步两两比较,有机肥与氮肥+有机肥、氮肥+有机肥+缓释肥、减量施氮+有机肥+缓释肥间差异显著;与无机肥施用相比(图4d),有机肥、氮肥+有机肥、氮磷钾+有机肥、氮磷+有机肥配施下,农田土壤CO2排放量均有显著的增加,分别增加了66.5%、28.4%、29.6%、28.4%(<0.05),氮肥+有机肥+缓释肥措施下农田土壤CO2排放量未显著增加(>0.05),进一步两两比较,有机肥与氮肥+有机肥、氮磷钾+有机肥、氮磷 +有机肥差异显著。


Note: O: organic fertilizer; N+O: nitrogen fertilizer + organic fertilizer; N+O+SR: nitrogen fertilizer + organic fertilizer + slow-release fertilizer; NPK+O: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium + organic fertilizer; NP+O: nitrogen and phosphorus + organic fertilizer; RN+O+SR: reduced nitrogen + organic fertilizer + slow-release fertilizer.

图4 土壤CO2排放量的影响因素分析

Fig.4 Analysis of influencing factors on soil CO2emission

3 讨 论


3.1 有机肥施用下农田土壤CO2排放量的影响因素分析

3.1.1 气候类型


3.1.2 土壤类型和施肥措施



4 结 论





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Meta-analysis on farmland soil CO2emission in Northern China affected by organic fertilizer

Wang Xiaojiao1,4, Zhang Renzhi1,2,3※, Qi Peng1,2,3, Jiao Yapeng1, Cai Liqun1,2,3, Wu Jun1,2, Xie Junhong2,5

(1.,,730070,; 2.,,730070,; 3.,730070,; 4.,,730070,; 5.,,730070,)

This paper was aimed to investigate the effects of organic fertilizer application (single application of organic fertilizer and organic-inorganic fertilizer combination) on the CO2emission in farmland soil during crop growth period, under different climate types, fertilization measures, organic fertilizer types and experiment years in Northern China. Non-fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer application were used as control treatments. Based on the published data of relevant experiment and the Meta-analysis method, the quantitative effects on application of organic fertilizer and organic-inorganic fertilizer combination on CO2emission in farmland soil were studied. A total of 534 measurements were obtained including 89 pairs of data from 21 literatures. The experiments lasted from 1980 to 2017. The effects were determined by effect size by Meta-analysis method. The important factors affecting CO2emission were selected by finding out those with important values higher than 0.8. The results showed that the organic fertilizer application significantly generally increased the CO2emission in farmland soil than the non-fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer application, with an increment of 50.6% and 36.3%, respectively. No publication bias was found because the fail-safe number was far higher than the critical values by the fail-safe method. There was not significantly different among regions (>0.05). Under the application of organic fertilizer, the CO2emission of farmland soil decreased successively in the following order: single application of organic fertilizer, organic-inorganic fertilizer combination, and combined application of inorganic fertilizer, organic fertilizer and slow-release fertilizer. Soil CO2emission did not significantly increase under the combined application of organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer and slow-release fertilizer. Compared with non-fertilizer, cow manure, pig manure and commercial organic manure, chicken manure had the greatest positive effects on soil CO2emission. Under the application of organic fertilizer, the CO2emission of farmland soil in gray desert was relatively high. The CO2emission of farmland soil was positively correlated with the annual average temperature and negatively correlated with the annual average precipitation. The annual average temperature and annual average precipitation could explain about 11%-16% and 10%-12% change in effect size of CO2emission, respectively. From the perspective of environment, it was suggested to apply the combined application of inorganic fertilizer, organic fertilizer and slow-release fertilizer in Northern China. Meanwhile, the chicken manure should not be applied in large quantities and organic fertilizer should not be used in grey desert farmland. The results of this study can provide valuable information for the popularization and application of organic fertilizer replacing partial chemical fertilizer in Northern China.

respiration; soils; fertilizers; North; Meta










王晓娇,张仁陟,齐 鹏,焦亚鹏,蔡立群,武 均,谢军红.Meta分析有机肥施用对中国北方农田土壤CO2排放的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(10):99-107. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.10.013

Wang Xiaojiao, Zhang Renzhi, Qi Peng, Jiao Yapeng, Cai Liqun, Wu Jun, Xie Junhong. Meta-analysis on farmland soil CO2emission in Northern China affected by organic fertilizer[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(10): 99-107. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.10.013

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